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Arkady Renko

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Everything posted by Arkady Renko

  1. Enh, I think we are being partly blinded by our understandable hatred of the Cowboys. By comparison, there are lot more people on those SB teams I would call classless before him.
  2. No, there are tons of people who like punting from the 30 yard line.
  3. Bledsoe can lead us to 9-7 and perhaps 10-6 or best-case scenario 11-5. I am dubious he can reach that far but I think we know how much he can carry this team. Losman, who knows? But I rather risk another 6-10 if it means the possibility of a 13-3.
  4. I assume it's a coincidence that your user name has the name Kurt in it?
  5. The Jets have some the highest ticket prices already and there is a waiting list for season tickets. How exactly are they low on revenue?
  6. If someone could find this article, I would be very grateful. There's someone I really need to show it to...
  7. 90% w/ 13 miles average error 172 seconds
  8. Is there any more information on this? Like an article or something?
  9. I am ignorant of this issue, but is it really the convention centers that is the problem or that it is more expensive to have things in general in NYC?
  10. I never really got why most players who fall out of the NFL don't try to go to the CFL or AFL instead of selling cars or whatever which most end up doing.
  11. Let's also not forget about what the new stadium mean for the Jets fans and the Bills fans. More revenue for the Jets will allow them to have richer signing bonuses and strengthen their ability to attract FAs over us. Also for the Jets fans this means significantly higher ticket prices, no real parking, no tailgaiting, crappier season tickets, etc. I am not sure who really benefits here besides the owner and Jets fans living on Manhattan. For Jets fans in most areas, it will be more difficult to go to a game. The state had much more important things to spend its money on and it has things they could get a much better return on investment from. If they are going to build them a stadium, at least find a more cost-effective way to do so.
  12. Upstate New York would be better off without NYC. Yes, NYC can generate a lot of tax revenue, but its existence masks the true economic woes of this area. Wouldn't we be the poorest state in the country if we seperated off of NYC? Having that distinction would bring some national attention to the problems people face here, instead they are ignored. Besides, any revenue advantage is decreasing: the school aid changes will have disastorous effects on upstate either in decreased spending or increased taxes. The Assembly is run by city politicians and the Senate is run by Long Island. Upstate and downstate are too different to effectively coexist.
  13. Except that we have had kickers here in the past who can hit the kicks outside of 40 yards in the same element. We shouldn't accept mediocrity because things could conceivably be worse. Nevertheless, I am glad that even Lindell has his defenders on this board. The universe is now in balance.
  14. Bledsoe wasn't the starting QB when the Patriots went to the Super Bowl after the 96 season?
  15. I don't think you judge the intelligence of someone just by how well they speak in public. That said, the intelligence of a running back is far less important than the intelligence of a quarterback. The wonderlic tests are garbage, but I don't think it's a coincidence that the QBs score the highest and the RBs score the lowest in the NFL.
  16. Taping a game is illegal now? Bring back the XFL!
  17. Being an Orioles fan, I care and can't say I am too excited. Hopefully the Orioles won't give up many prospects and the Cubs will be paying the majority of the salary. Angelos has ruined this team... Orioles fans are a dying breed.
  18. Dude, I am disappointed in avatar. I want more Donahoe action. Also, if you are interested in typing more things up could you please talk about the relative merits of Hugh Millen and Scott Zolak?
  19. Really? It looks like he's dying or taking a crap.
  20. Who is the guy in the picture with Donahoe?
  21. The Cowboys rushed for 1769 yards and the Bills rushed for 1874, so I guess, doesn't seem too convincing to me.
  22. For an objective measure, why not try to calculate market side as compared to attendance? You would have to adjust things for size of stadium, if there are waiting lists, etc. but I would bet Buffalo would be towards the top anyway you sliced it.
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