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Arkady Renko

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Everything posted by Arkady Renko

  1. I don't think that having four team proves that a city is not a small market, but you are right that the 13th to 14th ranked media market is not small market. I just assumed it was based on the contraction discussion. I stand corrected. Let me rephrase it as I don't like the idea of throwing another teams fans under the bus large or small.
  2. Maybe not really in his Bills coaching career where he had Kelly the whole time, but he did repeatedly pull QBs in other stints during his coaching career most notably in KC with Steve Fuller & Bill Kenney (thank you, Labbatt).
  3. You just illustrated why a lot of Bills fans resent Flutie. He made a lot of people fans of him rather than fans of the actual team.
  4. I rather they stay in Minneapolis. I don't want to throw another small market's fans under the bus. Besides, even with the Vikings in LA, there will be relocation options for the Bills. San Antonio, (Minneapolis if the team moves), Memphis, Portland, Toronto, Sacramento and who knows where else. The key for the Bills longevity is the continued support and solid ownership. Having a team in LA beforehand will only marginally help their chances to remain in upstate NY.
  5. Yeah I would love for us to upgrade at the 3 spot, but we only have so much salary cap space and I'd rather it spent to resign, Big Pat, Jonas and a TE upgrade. Often, a new starter at QB can cause a previously struggling WR to flourish. I believe this is how Moulds started...
  6. Shane Matthews is dragging the team down, bring back Jim Ballard.
  7. I am too. I am actually amazed with how many of the details he did remember correctly. This was the only part of the book that stood out to me in the error regard. Was a great book and he even got me calling April's unit the "kicking teams."
  8. I would rather we this time stay away from a player that the Patriots feel they can do without.
  9. Yeah, I know Reich started the comeback game, but they also played Houston the week before in Houston during the final game of the regular season. He said that Kelly was injured before THAT final regular season game and I was certain that the Kelly was hurt during that loss when they were trying to clinch the AFC East + Home Field. I have this image of Kelly in the Astrodome getting hit brutally mangling his knee in that one.
  10. I'll be honest, when I was 10 watching that game I turned it off when it was 35-3 and turned it back on when the Bills were down only a 3 or 10 points. I wish I did watch the whole game, but I don't feel shame in giving up on them. It's easy to say you watched the whole game after the fact.
  11. I thought it was a real interesting read and enjoyed the fact that he wrote it himself rather than having a ghostwriter do it. Most of what he said matched up with my memory, but the story of the comeback didn't exactly. I know he says out front there would be errors so I don't mean to harp on it, but I want to know if I remember things right. Basically, he seems to say that Kelly was injured prior to the last regular season game in Houston in 92, but I thought for sure that Kelly got injured during that game and then Reich couldn't do much. Is that wrong? Was he injured earlier. Also, he mentions the idea of going for two points in the comeback, but didn't the two point conversion not get added until the 1994 or 1995 season?
  12. Have fun!!! ... but what job gets you that kind of time off?
  13. And maybe if a certain QB hadn't fumbled on the doorstep of a winning TD against Miami.... If Flutie is what made Brees good, then how do you reconcile that with Brees poor play in the previous years he was under Flutie's impressive tutelage?
  14. I had major doubts about Bledsoe from the second half of 2002. My desire to have someone new has gone away from time to time especially during that winning streak, but again, I am ready for someone new. We have seen where he take us, we haven't see where someone else can take this talent.
  15. I didn't say he was the deciding factor in most of these games just that he played an important role. That doesn't mean that other QBs couldn't have done the same, but he was playing a real role. We did have some semblance of a passing game in many of these games. Again, I want the Bills to go with Losman or someone else opening day next year but my main point is that people totally changed their outlook on that one loss at the end of the season. In general, I just think you Bledsoe-bashers are right about our need for a change but the excessive exaggeration of the situation probably does more harm than good in your effort to convince the remaining holdouts. If your goal is just to radicalize each faction, I apologize for the criticism.
  16. Yeah in retrospect it was, but the opinion on this board was completely different in regards to Bledsoe when we were winning those games. People who were saying we would be better off with Losman at this point were being attacked for being unrealistic. The Bills were winning these games against these losing teams by huge margins, but that's what good teams do against poor competition. You don't see margins much bigger than that during the season. Do you really expect the Bills to win 70-7 in those games? Would that have made them not tricks of smoke and mirrors? Bledsoe was a substantial part of victories against three playoff teams. If things had gone differently against Pittsburgh, depending on Bledsoe's performance in the playoffs, the opinion on this board including mine would have been very different, you can't deny that. Just look at the archives...
  17. Underperform at 650K a year? He's playing in the best league where only the most elite talent-wise even get to sniff at being on a team's roster. The only reason he looks bad at times is because of the highest level of competitors besting him. He may not at this point worthy to be a starting quarterback, but he most certainly has enough talent to be a back-up. This idea that he is done as an NFL QB is ludicrous.
  18. It's not too far-fetched to talk about a strong finish with Drew. If we had one that one game I bet you the opinion on this board would be far different. Of course that loss is enough to make me jump off of the SS. Bledslow instead of continuing the course on it.
  19. Usually you can listen to shows again after they are over on ESPNRadio.com. Just go to the page for the particular show and click on the listen to it link.
  20. Speaking of which, what was the name of that WR we had that drafted in the 7th round a few years ago who kept on getting in trouble with the law? I remember BB.com used to interview players and ask questions like who's always late to meetings and his name was always given.
  21. It's just amazing how when you watch other teams how much more second tier receivers are more involved in the offense than they are with the Bills. The Steelers and the Patriots are obvious examples that come to mind. Unfortunately it's hard to tell whether the problem is that Bledsoe locks in on certain receivers more or if we actually suck in this area.
  22. I still haven't gotten over Billy Joe Hobert and Todd Collins...
  23. Maybe that's how the windshield got busted. It certainly is limited to that side of the car.
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