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Arkady Renko

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Everything posted by Arkady Renko

  1. This all reminds me of when Drew Bledsoe came to the team and when Wade Philips got fired.
  2. I have a feeling that if Bledsoe had said, yeah, I can't do it anymore everyone would be jumping on him saying that he was a quitter and a loser and that is why he failed here. Give me a break...
  3. Yeah, I thought Bledsoe didn't fumble enough.
  4. Wow, someone actually overestimated his own ability? That's a big surprise, especially in an athlete.... In other news, Paul Krugman just wrote a column attacking Bush and the sun rose today.
  5. What do you expect to them to do against the 49ers and Cardinals? Win 70-0? They completely dominated those games just like a good team should. The Jets and the Patriots played the exact same teams yet we don't discount those wins from their record. They were what their record said they were, a 9-7 team against a fairly difficult schedule.
  6. Scratch that, I misread your question. The first reply seems correct to me.
  7. I don't have an iPod Mini, just a 3G iPod, but on mine you go to Browse from the main menu and then chose songs you have them ordered by song name. I do not think you can change this, but maybe the mini is different.
  8. I will be happy as long as we can get a quarterback in here who will wear #11 and start another QB controversy.
  9. Dude, I don't hate you at all. I just don't get why you'd support higher taxes there. I apologize if it seemed like it got personal at all.
  10. I don't hate you for leaving. I also am not from Buffalo, but central NY. Likely, I will have to leave central NY soon. Not because of a desire to do so but because of limited opportunities here. I don't fault people for leaving because of opportunities I fault people who leave for better opportunities and than hope for the status quo in their old home towns. As far as voting goes, I do vote for folks who will cut back on government, but I am only one vote...
  11. Hoping for these folks to be our third WR seems a little greedy to me, but it would be nice...
  12. I hate to be an ass and link to something that I wrote myself, but I tried to outline all of the many reasons why I think NYC's drags down upstate New York cities here: http://jfaux.blogspot.com/2005/02/51st-state.html Just my humble opinion on the subject. Listening to people living in Buffalo, though, it appears that the local government does much damage on its own too...
  13. Except that many other rust belt cities are handling the industrial transition much better than Buffalo. What makes Buffalo different? Worst fiscal policy on the local and state side. Raising taxes and more spending has been tried plenty before. How about something new for a change? You yourself are saying that you left Buffalo b/c of the problems there yet you don't want them to try anything different in order to solve them?
  14. Yeah, I think most people would be in agreement that the govt employees that should be laid off are the middle managing beauracrats that take up too much of the budget. Raising taxes however, would be a destructive move. The area has lost enough jobs and people already. More taxes will just further the downward spiral.
  15. I don't mind the latter proposal, but I don't think Garrard is worth a damn and who the heck is Ragone?
  16. I think that too much of the problem with Buffalo comes from the folks over in Albany. If it didn't, why is every other upstate city sucking?
  17. 3-0? Wasn't it like 2-1 or something? Either way... .I remember him putting up like 13 points or something during those games.
  18. Also, wasn't ESPN saying that Garcia had problems adjusting to Cleveland after being a NoCal boy most of his life? Why would Buffalo be any different?
  19. Word is that Feeley will start and I think Fiedler will then depart. I wouldn't mind if he was the guy that we signed. He has had a history of putting up good records while QBing teams with a good running game and good defense. There would be others I would take ahead of him, but I think the pickings won't be that great for QBs willing to play back-up.
  20. Weren't you here a little while ago threatening to cut players from TBD and telling people to do laps?
  21. Yeah, exactly. The marginaL cost of keeping Drew as a back-up is 1.9 million a year. Any backup that we get has to have a value and cost mix that equals Drew at 1.9 million a year to make this an even move. I am not sure if we can get that, but I guess the Bills don't have a choice in this matter...
  22. That's why you are seeing all those bring back RJ posts on this board.
  23. The problem is not that he appealed to fans, but that fans would get to the point where they were rooting for Flutie against their own team. That's when it goes too far. I don't think that RJ was better than Flutie, I just don't like the way Flutie fans act. The problem with Flutie was that you knew how far he could get you, which was the first round of the playoffs. He was a gimmicky QB that good defenses had figured out by the end of 99. He could put up amazing plays against bad to mediocre defenses but coaches like Belichick had figured out how to stop him, i.e. don't rush stay near the line of scrimmage and block his passing lanes.
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