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DC Greg

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Everything posted by DC Greg

  1. Not going to put too much into the HOF game. Hopefully just shaking off some rust and getting a feel for the pace of the game again. Man was that last throw bad though. Right into the linebacker's hands. He was right in the lane. That was a poor, poor read and easily could have gone the other way for 6. Hope to not see more of that.
  2. And in other news, Dan Carpenter is so clutch. Do we really need two kickers?
  3. A strong receiver can fight through that contact and take that ball out of the air. A weak receiver like graham lets his hands be controlled and let's the ball bounce right off his chest and straight up in the air.
  4. Ok. I've seen enough of TJ graham. That spot is Easley's and/or hogan's
  5. hmmm Nassib showing some pocket presence and zip on those passes
  6. Yeah. EJ's got some work to do. Hoping to see a lightbulb moment for him at some point this season, preferably sooner rather than later.
  7. I don't know how I've never seen this before, but it is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Yeah, he shouldn't have put his head down like that. That's a broken neck waiting to happen. But all's well that ends well... well, for Tasker and the Bills anyways I love his reaction after this hit too. Just gets up with the double fist pump, hard as ****
  8. Best line of the article was the last, "For those counting at home, that's two doomed Bills-in-Toronto ventures to die an overdue death this year." THANK GOD!! Best comment on the article was this one "I know for a fact that, "Jaws: The Revenge" was entirely believable. 'Specially when that shark followed their plane across the Atlantic Ocean. Stellar, top-notch film."
  9. Every time I see Lee Smith on the field I cringe. Perhaps he is actually as good as blocking as I often hear. Maybe I don't pay close enough attention. I seem to notice all those holding flags that get thrown on him that bring back big plays though, as another poster mentioned. He's about as useful in the pass game as Garrison Sanborn.
  10. I'll take the Kiko jersey, thanks!
  11. Well I guess I changed the point then, didn't I? Yeah, except if you try to be leisurely in football you die.
  12. Great talk about what makes sports more exhausting! I've played a lot of sports, and I found boxing (both training and competing) to be by far the most physically grueling. After that is was probably wrestling, football, hockey, soccer, bball, then like, beer pong, then baseball. You can say you run this much in this one, that much in that one... something about getting constantly hit while you do it makes it a hell of a lot more tiring. Also, equipment is heavy and ice skating is tiring in it of itself let alone trying to play hockey while doing it. Then again, I probably always took it easier in soccer than the other sports I played because I didn't care as much. Always just seemed more leisurely.
  13. When you really look back on this list, it's incredible that we fired Wade Phillips. Playoffs two years in a row then one .500 season and he's out. Back before a decade of incompetence our franchise really did demand excellence. If a coach gets us to the playoffs two years in a row again he'll get bare minimum 3 years of missing the playoffs after that before he's canned. Projections for this year? I mean it's safe to stick with all the "experts" and say this has the makings of another 7-9 Bills team. Slightly improved, but still trying to figure out how to win the close ones (of which there are so many). I'll err on the side of hopeless optimism and say 9-7 or 10-6 and we're back in the playoffs. Go Bills.
  14. That is my concern, as well. One question I haven't seen much on is if an out of town bidder put in a higher bid, would the trust give other bidders the chance to beat that bid? I'm not really sure if there's a back and forth element or if you just submit one bid. Like people Have said, maybe Pegula bids 1.2 and Rogers 1.5... could he go 1.55 or something and beat them out? Maybe that's an unknown.
  15. My mistake. 7 catches for 20+ yards and 12 catches for 10-20 yards. My estimate of yardage was overstated, his impact in the screen game was not. It was fantastic. It was rare to watch an NFL team screen that well. Helped having Levitre out in front on a lot of those. Not saying that screens should be our bread and butter for passing the ball (this isn't high school), but I believe our coaches could take at least one or two things that Gailey actually did do well and incorporate them. CJ doesn't do as well in a box. Get him in a 2 yd x 2yd box of space anywhere on the field and he's a threat to score. With a player like that, draw up a few things that give him space. And actually practice them enough so they can be run crisply in a game. Just my opinion.
  16. Put me in the pro CJ Spiller camp. Is he the most complete back in the NFL? No. A few are better. Is he one of the top 10 most dynamic playmakers in the league? Yes. Coaches gotta find better ways to use that talent. You can count the number of screens they threw to him on on one hand. How many of those did he bust for 40+ yards the year before? I understand that marrone and hackett have a very distinct system and philosophy but you have to taylor more special touches for a player like that.
  17. No, that was a low hit at the knee. That's unfortunate, and no one (well, I hope) wants to see anybody get seriously injured like that on the football field. I'm talking about just seeing him try to stand in there, not see Mario beat the tackle on an inside move, and drive his shoulder through Brady's scrawny chest and into the ground like a battering ram. I don't want to see the guy injured... just hit so hard they are thrown off their game. (Example: Ryan Fitzpatrick hit by London Fletcher so hard in Toronto he changed the way he stepped into the pocket. I know, he may have broken ribs in that hit. IMO he also changed the way he stepped up after that. Never say him step forward and deliver the way he did v KC, Oakland, and NE after that hit. He always did a little side step to throw when a defender was coming, causing the ball to float even more) C.Biscuit, totally agree it's a skill that good QBs have to avoid those hits. It makes us, as fans, call them soft when they hit the deck when they see that hit coming, but it's smart. That's why it makes me want to see Brady get crushed once in awhile even more
  18. Tom Brady is a great player, and for some reason it just seems like he always avoids the big hit. I want to see a massive crunch laid on him this season like the one Mario laid on Tannehill last year in the game in Miami. Not the sack he caused the fumble on... the one before that drive. Do y'all remember that? Just a huge, clean, perfect form tackle through the numbers. I want to see Tom walloped like that. Nothing dirty. Just something huge. This is my wish.
  19. Well I put $20 on the 100-1 odds to win it all so... they're gunna do great!
  20. I'll give you four reasons he can't. Their names are Mario, Marcel, Kyle, and Jerry.
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