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Everything posted by buckeyemike

  1. I don't know what happened to the other four, but I'm pretty sure I know where BF is. He prefers to dine upon colored, mass-produced wax. Hell, it's better than retatta.
  2. What a waste of time. Somebody from WBC actually had to listen to Telephone and create their own lyrics. That probably took hours. OTOH, it's hours where the Westboro loonies weren't spreading their hate at soldiers' funerals. So I guess it's a good thing...relatively speaking. The other thing, ironically, is that I can't stand Lady Gaga. I find her too weird and don't like the style of music.
  3. I've been here since November 2002. How the hell did I miss this???
  4. Thanks all! If you remember, three years ago, our cat Doggie died on my birthday. Today, we have a lively orange and white tabby named Bernie. All 17 1/2 pounds of him. Thankfully, Bernie lived through the day today. Third year in a row that the cat didn't die on my birthday.
  5. I was at the Lake County Captains game tonight in the Cleveland suburbs. A group of us had gathered at the outfield bar at the ballpark, where the Tribe-Tigers game was on TV. I saw the play live on the broadcast, initially thought he was out, but I noticed that the pitcher snow-coned the ball on the replay, which is why I thought the umpire called Jason Donald safe. But Donald was out. Even the ump has owned up to this. This would have been the third perfect game in 4 weeks. Now, this is going to be remembered for another reason. And it may be remembered moreso than the other two perfect games, for what happened at the end, how the umpire handled it, and how Gallaraga (sp?) handled it as well.
  6. My brother went to Miami University and married one of these girls. She is tall and blonde. She's also much more down to earth than you would expect. Ironically enough, both my brother and I married girls from the same high school. The same high school Patricia Heaton graduated from, if that tells you anything.
  7. Transgender men asked to put their tops back on at Rehoboth Beach.
  8. She's upstairs. I had no pressure from her when I wrote this.
  9. That game's in DC. I've seen that Strasburg's second start could well be in Cleveland against the Tribe on June 13, so we will see. The fastball is impressive, but a lot of pitchers have a great fastball. It's the curveball that's the secret to success. Once Sandy Koufax learned how to throw a curveball, he was unstoppable. Strasburg has a curveball. I'm not saying Strasburg is the next Koufax or Nolan Ryan, but he has the tools to be a superstar. It's the intangibles that will decide his status and success.
  10. Disagree 100%. I'm 41, and as Chef said, there are so many 30-40 year olds that are hotter. Why do you think the term "cougar" has entered the English lexicon? That one I do agree with. Most girls that age aren't ready to settle down. ...and we're back to disagreeing 100%. I would say most do care about money, and that's why they date older guys. Ever hear the term "golddigger"? If you live in Milledgeville, Georgia this is incorrect. Or any other college town, for that matter. Not untrue, but I seemed to date a lot of women that had, for lack of a better term, "daddy issues". And BTW, my wife is 41, and still hot. In some ways, she's more beautiful than ever to me.
  11. When I was 24, I dated an 18 year old briefly in the summer before she went to college. Not much of an age difference there, but there's a lot of maturity that occurs between 18 and 24. Today, she's 35, divorced, a single parent with two boys, and just finished nursing school. I'd say she grew up.
  12. I always thought Celine was underrated in her beauty (when she was younger, she was really pretty), but what happened? There's been some work done there. Celine's been trying to add to her family for years, and she's 42. Hope the DNA test works out for ya. (((rim shot))) Nevada needs the jobs this will create more than just about anyone. Vegas got hit really hard in the economic downturn, as we all know. Celine lives at Lake Las Vegas, and the Ritz-Carlton resort there closed about a month ago because they were losing tons of money. That can only be a good thing, getting rid of Reid, Canadians notwithstanding.
  13. True, but I think they were laying the foundation before that happened. Dollar Bill's been dead less than three years. Then the son takes over, and reaps the benefits. The 'Hawks are the toast of Chicago now.
  14. Calvin Murphy was on a Houston radio station this morning saying the whole Delonte/LeBron's mom thing is true. Link to Deadspin.com article. As a Clevelander, I've heard this rumor exactly once, about three days after the series with the Celtics ended. It's not true. I have to believe that Delonte has better taste in women than Gloria, who I understand is a real piece...of work.
  15. I hated that movie. We're supposed to believe that Damon Wayans is a badass quarterback? And the stadium at the beginning is supposed to be Cleveland when it is the LA Coliseum (look closely). My pick? No surprise, it's Major League. I've seen that movie so many times over the years I've lost count. I think it's close to 100.
  16. You're preaching to the choir, man. I love golf as well. As far as the driver is concerned, see which driver matches your swing. Levi's right on that call. Here's to another summer of golf!
  17. I predict WVU over Butler in the championship game. Keep in mind my brackets got destroyed.
  18. No traveling, just over to my parents for brunch and Kim's for dinner. At least we don't have to cook. Happy Easter everyone.
  19. RIP, Mr. Olsen. Likely the most famous person ever to attend Utah State University.
  20. Dear Lord, how Chevy Chase and Dan Aykroyd have aged.
  21. Update: Mo'Nique won. And a pretty good speech to boot. I'll say this, if someone told me a year ago that Mo'Nique would win an Oscar, I would have laughed. Well, it happened.
  22. The timer on the bomb will always stop at one second when the green wire is cut. Or is it the red wire?
  23. Mo'Nique's about as much a mortal lock for an Oscar as anyone's ever been. Gee, never thought I'd see that after watching her work on the old UPN show The Parkers...
  24. He was never nominated for an Oscar. Yet, if you're my age (40), you grew up with his movies. The Breakfast Club. Weird Science. Ferris Bueller. Sixteen Candles. Some Kind of Wonderful (which is underrated). Pretty in Pink. Vacation. Uncle Buck. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. And, Home Alone. Tonight, John Hughes was saluted at the Oscars, with actors who were in his films. They even pointed out his family in the audience. Two comments about those who appeared to salute Hughes: 1) Judd Nelson looks like a homeless guy. Maybe he is, for all I know. 2) Tell Anthony Michael Hall to lay off the HGH. RIP, Mr. Hughes.
  25. And my pics: Terry O'Quinn (although with Lost's success, maybe he's too famous now) Bruce McGill, who was D-Day in Animal House. He's gained quite a bit of weight over the last three decades and looks nothing like that now, but he is a very good character actor. ...and the guy in the recent Old Spice commercial.
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