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Everything posted by klos63

  1. No, but that doesn't diminish the importance of a good punter or the negative effects of a bad one.
  2. Just curious, who are the better options out there(and why are they better). Why do you think the Bills have this punter from Harvard in camp?
  3. I think he had a good year, with some great moments, but some very bad moments too. I like him, don't get me wrong, but I think many fans realized he couldn't help the team long term in the middle. I'm expecting good things from him, but would have to say from many fans perspective, still overrated. Still good though.When fans ignore the negatives and only focus on the positives - that equals over rating someone. That's my perspective on this.
  4. Kiko- most fans have him in the hall of fame already. Not big/strong enough to play in the middle. Let's see what he does outside.
  5. Not strange at all. Fred is old and FA after this year, CJ is FA after this year. It is a wise move to bring in others. Brown has potential starters ability.Staff has made a commitment to EJ, and even if they wanted competition, there isn't much out there. We have a starter and competent backups at QB, that's acceptable. Not many QB's unsigned with #1 long term QB potential.
  6. The line is certainly intriguing, I'm just concerned about 3 possible new starters - especially if the RG and RT are rookies. Still expecting improvement , but wondering how long it will take.
  7. Does anyone know what a 'retrofit' would entail? Can't judge how long it would take if we don't know what needs to be done. Does it need a total makeover??? I have no idea what a retrofit would change - more suites , different location for the suites.....
  8. I'm not a big Esmonde fan, however this article makes a lot of sense.
  9. How a player like Hughes is used is usually dictated by the situation - passing situations , it's a lot easier to get him involved - running situations, you might see someone else in there. I think the 4-3 v 3-4 discussion gets overdone a bit. Players line up all over and the coaches react to that particular game, situation , down...., and many players are capable of handling multiple responsibilities. I don't think we should worry about Hughes too much. Defense should be solid barring injuries. Schwartz is a good coach, he'll know best how to play this.
  10. Because as most people here have noted, yet don't feel it's an issue. His play declined considerably last season, our run defense up the middle suffered greatly and management felt we needed to make a change at inside LB. I'm not against Kiko, but I think the hype has covered up much of the performance issues we saw last year. It's become sort of a sin to do anything but praise him. The facts are, most of his impressive stats with sacks and take aways happened in the first few games of the season, in the second half he wasn't very effective. I'm sorry that I will upset a lot of people but I think that's the case. If he doesn't improve on his second half performance from last year, it will be a problem. I like Kiko, I expect him to improve and play well, I'm just admitting to what everyone saw but are afraid to say. Nobody blocks outside linebackers? He just gets to run free all day - nice.
  11. I hope you are right, because if he isn't more effective playing WLB, we may have a problem.
  12. I'm not sure if people are ignoring the tax implication or just don't really see it as an issue we need to be concerned with. Do you think Pegula is going ' oh crap I forgot about taxes, now I can't bid on the team.' I'm gonna take a wild stab at this and assume they now how much money they need and how to get it.
  13. That's a guess based on nothing more than your opinion that Crossman is no good. You have nothing regarding actual performances to base that prediction on. I think we will have a good idea after this season if he can coach this team well or not.
  14. When we hired Marv as coach , based on his past with the Chiefs I thought it was a lousy choice, obviously I was wrong. Since then I've stopped assuming that a coach will duplicate his teams performance wherever he coaches, it's based on talent, the situation and sometimes a crapshoot. It's easy to **** on the coaches when the team doesn't perform well, but easy doesn't mean right. Carpenter had a fantastic year after not being able to find a job elsewhere, if he had a bad year, Crossman would get criticized for it. I guess I'm tired of listening to people who when it really comes down to it(myself included) have no clue as to how to properly coach a team and therefore aren't qualified to critique. I know it's what fans do, but sometimes we sound really stupid. I think this is one case. He is not here because he is Marrones friend, being comfortable with a coach and his style are good reasons to have him on your staff, you need to work well with someone. Give him the talent and let's see what he can do. When a team lacks depth like we did last year, generally special teams suffer. Our depth is better and we can focus some acquisitions for ST. I think we will see a big improvement this coming season.
  15. I think it's the players, no DC would have a scheme that ignores stopping the run. Pettine worked with what he had and that was weak inside LB's
  16. 104 and sunny today - heading to the pool shortly. Wasn't 'hiding' indoors- i was working. I'll never move back to Buffalo - I like buffalo a lot, but lived there 35 years, I know the weather sucks.
  17. Spikes - biggest problem on defense was stopping the run, that held us back. If he does what he is capable of and hopefully Kiko is more effective outside than inside, it could have an enormous impact on our defense.
  18. Kelly running the first few plays of the last drive cost a lot of time and gained few yards. That was the problem on the last drive.
  19. The Bills stadium situation is not a huge issue outside of the WNY or with non Bills fans. I'm hoping she has more important things to work on. She is very busy and has done good things in her position. She is undeserving of criticism in this instance.
  20. I guess I would take the opposite view. To assume lottery picks 8 years down the line would have been a big gamble. The assumption would be Vanek would help the Oilers and they would likely build around him. It's a gamble, at the time I wanted to keep Vanek. Given a do over, sure, take the picks, but we don't have that luxury.
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