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Everything posted by klos63

  1. Watch Tebow try to throw the ball, I mean , honestly. He can't. He does not have anything even resembling an NFL arm, even a bad NFL arm. Time to get serious here children.
  2. Are you really saying that Lewis and Tuel were good last year? The focus should be on the offensive line. They are not good. We had to sign a free agent guard that isn't very good and draft 3 lineman this past year. This should show the weakness of our line. That is the main problem for this team.
  3. I think almost every coach in the NFL would deny that. There are few quality backups in this league and not one coach wants Tebow. That should tell you something.By the logic of Tebow supporters, Lewis has shown he can win too. Won 2 games as a backup last year on a team that only won 6 all year. Tebow had success with a playoff team.
  4. the obvious answer is capitalism. It's a legal business transaction. And is he any more egocentric than any other potential owner? He's rich, has more wealthy backers - don't see this being about ego - he wants to own an NFL team, so do I. I think his original plan was to move the team, but I don't doubt that if he had to keep the team here in order to own them he would.
  5. I'm not trying to start a big argument about this, but just want to add that the only reason it would be personal is if you choose to make it so. I'm fairly comfortable thinking that JBJ motives were strictly business and had no thought of victimizing you , me or your dad. I started going to games in the late 60's so I'm pretty solid with the team like your dad, I just choose not to take it personally because I know it's not meant that way.Of course, I'm not arguing that you don't have the right to feel that way. Just my opinion.
  6. I agree, I should have clarified - another city, but in the US - San Antonio, LA....
  7. I understand the resentment of JBJ over this, but honestly, when this is over just let it go. I can't blame him for wanting to own an NFL team, it makes perfect financial sense to want to move them from Buffalo. I'm sure if he had a chance to own the team and he had to keep them in Buffalo he would. It's business, not personal. Also, he sat next to my friend at the Super Bowl in Pasadena, friend said he was the nicest guy and was rooting for the Bills. I think sometimes Buffalo looks silly doing things like defending it's crappy weather and now boycotting music. Pegula will own the team, the team will be in Buffalo the rest of our lives. Let's move on.
  8. The Browns GM may not be telling the truth when saying absolutely not, and Whaley shouldn't say it, because if during the season it looks like Spiller won't resign, they may trade him.
  9. Our WR aren't even close to the Bears. Maybe in time they'll get better but the Bears have 2 stars , we have potential.
  10. i guess that explains why they are so obnoxious.
  11. I wouldn't consider him a steal just yet. We all heard that he had first round talent , so the fact the he is playing well shouldn't be a surprise. The surprise right now is that he hasn't failed a drug test yet. The reason he lasted until the 7th round had nothing to do with talent, it's that every team in the league expected him to self destruct at some point. I think it would be a couple years of good play and no drugs before we consider him a steal.
  12. Right, and even if he was good enough to start, what's the point in trading him. We are finally building a roster with much needed depth, and some want to trade it away, especially a find in the 7th round. Crazy. We should want to keep our good players.
  13. I think the simple answer is you want as much talent on the team as you can get. You will always hear about how important depth is, now we have a team that has that critical aspect to the team. Wait until late in the season and look at how we use the players. Injuries happen, matchups make for different lineups.... lots of things change over the course of a season. As for the philosophy, I think it's still run first, pass second. We have a offensive line that still isn't settled yet and Manuel is still in the learning stage. We will run the ball more than last year, but if the line improves and EJ does as well, we become a very difficult offense to face because of the WR talent we have. This isn't anything to worry about, it's a very good thing.
  14. I liked Pettine, but let's not make him out to be something he's not. His defense ranked near the bottom in many key statistical catagories. He fell in love with the sack, but we never did anything to improve on the run defense. He had an MLB play out of position and we suffered for it. I think Pettine was hoping the big sack numbers would help him land a HC job - which it did , but I think Schwartz as DC will focus on the run defense as well as attacking the QB - I think our defense will be much better this year.
  15. Why would he sign now for less than he could make later?Never understood why fans would think a player on the verge of a monster contract would sign for less for no good reason.
  16. I think a point that many people miss is that even the best owners make mistakes , or even if they aren't making big mistakes, you don't always win. I think the Sabres are on the right track now, but even that is no guarantee of a cup. I think the Bills are way ahead of the Sabres in terms of playoff quality, but still no guarantee of anything. Sometimes, you need some luck on your side.
  17. I guess I just don't see the point of keeping 7. When will we possibly need a 7th WR?
  18. Whoever it is, let's hope we never need to be using our 6th WR in a game.
  19. they are paying him for future performance , based on past performance. Long term contracts are a poor business model but that's how the game is played. No way out of that one. You want the top players you need to shell out the cash. MIght as well give it to a player with a proven record of success. whatever his size is, it hasn't caused him any problems, he is a terrific tackler and yes, a ball hawk. Makes him very worthy of pro bowls and large contracts. We will miss him this year.
  20. I think we would be a much better team with Byrd than without him. I'm sure the Saints were aware of his back situation and were comfortable with it. It sounds like he will be ready to practice soon. He is a top player in this league, people may not like him because he held out but make no mistake, he's a superstar.
  21. I'm sure they can address the punter situation along with any other roster issues. We have quality starters from last year, we brought in more this year via draft and free agency. I believe they are attempting to address their weaknesses very aggressively this year.
  22. No, but that doesn't diminish the importance of a good punter or the negative effects of a bad one.
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