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Everything posted by KGUNBILLS

  1. This would be awesome. It could very well happen if we play a tight game with no dumb penalties. Also some of those points come from our defense.
  2. Can you find a picture of Marsha's facial expression at the same time that pass was thrown?
  3. I would expect N.O. to use Sproles a lot against our defense. Brees may have an easy day. Pettine better bring his A++++ game if we are going to win. Hopefully we have an insane amount of luck on our side. Secondary be ready!
  4. A balanced mixture of runs and throws on first down should be dictated by what the opposing defense give for looks. Knowing which one to use, and which players can execute them with a high success rate can be the Achilles heel. Good coaches get lucky, Great coaches know.
  5. How many of those offensive point's were scored by the defense? Sh#t on paper can be misleading, for sure!
  6. We have beaten them with far worse teams than we have now. I think we still beat them, just a much closer game than in the past.
  7. It's true, great players make great plays in clutch situations.
  8. He has made a few mistakes, however when thinking about what he has to work with, (injuries etc.) we are doing alright. I like the next man up mentality that he has incorporated into the team. Previous Bills teams would have packed up and left before the games were even played. I keep my fingers crossed that this will be the week that the Bills go on a six or seven game win streak. Realistically, a winning record would be great to finish out the season.
  9. We have to be competitive in our division, start beating the pats, and jets consistently. Let's face it, a win here and a win there every 2-3 years is hardly competitive within the division. That would be a start. Four to six divisional wins, put's us in the playoffs!
  10. We are saving all the dominating plays for the Saints!
  11. Ain't that the truth. Well hopefully we can win games with EJ putting up huge numbers like 14-24 for 122 yards.
  12. With our secondary looking a lot better, hopefully the line can put a ton of pressure on R.T. Forcing some bad passes would be nice also.
  13. Imo, EJ is a bust, he shows flashes of being decent at times, but will never be consistent. The FO drafted him to try a last ditch effort to keep fans interested, but as we all see it's same old crap just a different year. Mario was a good move for us. Pettine was an awesome move, but I don't believe he will be in Buffalo for very long. I wish Andy Reid was our head coach. Finally, if Manziel enters the draft, I say we take him! We are going to have another top 10 pick after this season ends.
  14. It's nice to read something more on the positive side. In the last decade plus, there really hasn't been a lot to celebrate around here. My passion for Bills football is equally shared by my three year old son. I only get to watch them on Tv when they play the Patsies. He will stand in front of the TV and shout Let's go Buffalo, while wearing his Bills jersey. ( We have to pry it off of him to wash it.) Makes me proud. I tell my kids how good the Bills use to be, And hopefully some day, they will witness Bills greatness for their own memories. LET'S GO BUFFALO!
  15. I remember thinking when Spiller was drafted, that it was such a dumb pick, because at the time, we didn't have an O line that could open holes to establish a running game. It was very much an arrogant pick. Buddy tried to down play it by saying that they chose him because he was the best player available at the time of the pick. ( Forget about positional need. We'll worry about that later.)
  16. This is realistically hopeful. IMO no better than 8-8.
  17. It would make sense to get EJ as comfortable with the offense as possible. They don't want him to be unsure about his ability. I would think they are taking baby steps with him to allow him to develop. Also, it makes the FO look good if he does well.
  18. I think the FO does stuff like this because they have a flare for the drama, hell at one point they had me billieving in it.
  19. Maybe Edelman had to take a leak, and didn't have time for Marsha.
  20. Bring in a bunch of QB's, one of them has to stick. Maybe we can put an add on craigslist. Wanted: one healthy decent quarterback, now accepting applications at one bills drive.
  21. I wonder if they are going to next year unless the injury bug gets exterminated
  22. I can't stop laughing at you comment. We have all been dazed for far to long.
  23. The defense would be the only reason we would be competitive, let alone win. I question starting a practice squad Q.B. Maybe he'll be fine, but I have my doubts.
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