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Everything posted by snafu

  1. You’re saying that any and all outbreaks in the locker room will be Beasley’s fault because he’s outspoken. You can believe what you want and focus on the one loudmouth, but what you’re saying strains reason. There are no protocols in place this season? Nobody was vaccinated last season and Beasley and his teammates got through the year.
  2. How will this come about? Honest question.
  3. (1) The House is Democrat-controlled. (2) This is basically the same idea that was tried on Trump Twice. (3) Reminds me of Sam Wyche: "You don't live in Cleveland".
  4. did the White House plan for this contingency?
  5. You’ve spent this entire thread apologizing and making logic pretzels, deflecting, whatabouting, and completely changing the subject. none of it will age well.
  6. I'm sure they didn't communicate often. She isn't his type. Who wants a buzzkill at the conference table?
  7. If Biden didn't vomit on himself regarding Afghanistan, then Biden's budget would have been passed today. Instead, some shaky D's on the Hill saw his blunder as an opportunity to flex their voices. They called out Pelosi on her choice to push off the infrastructure vote to October, probably knowing that she was going to ***** with the bill between now and then. That opportunity they wouldn't have happened if Biden's credibility and stature wasn't publicly shot to hell. This is from a week ago: https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-business-05c4738d9460b8c36a9385bbb42b9c5b The House plans to vote Monday evening on a procedural measure setting up future debate for the budget resolution, the infrastructure legislation and another Democratic priority restoring federal authority over states’ voting procedures that were curbed by the Supreme Court. “All three are critical elements of the president’s agenda, and we hope that every Democratic member supports this effort,” said White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates. Hoyer said he also wants the House to approve the voting rights measure on Tuesday and wrap up business. That proposed schedule could pressure moderates to support the budget, since sticking to their planned opposition could extend the House’s stay in Washington until the standoff is resolved. Some moderates hope the chaotic U.S. flight from Afghanistan might prompt Biden to seek a quick accomplishment by reversing course and asking the House to quickly send him the infrastructure legislation. The Senate approved the infrastructure measure last week in a bipartisan vote. “I think more than ever, if the White House would play this smart, they would get a domestic win right now. And that is, bring up the bipartisan infrastructure bill,” Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, one of the nine unhappy moderates, said in an interview. Rep. Katie Porter, D-Calif., a leader of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, said a majority of its nearly 100 members have said in two surveys that they’d oppose the infrastructure measure if it came before the $3.5 trillion measure has progressed. What does that article have to do with a budget vote? Do you have a link to this postponed vote date?
  8. She had a vote scheduled. Then she had to postpone it. If Biden had any clout left, he'd be able to wrangle the Centrists in Congress to vote to pass HIS budget. Your initial wrongheaded, apologist point was that Biden can shake off this Afghan debacle and pivot to passing other important legislation.
  9. Don't forget Biden’s $3.5 billion spending bill. Oh, wait…maybe not. https://apple.news/A4Bhgd-Z0Qf-kvROx_TJzXQ See, it’s more likely that Biden is going to be less successful after mishandling Afghanistan and blatantly lying about conditions there. He shot most of his credibility. Good luck getting it back.
  10. Boy, that Biden is pretty slick. Perfectly timing his historic screw up for minimum political impact. Thank God my memory doesn’t go back more than Five Days.
  11. Living on LI and I've come to realize that Bills and Jets fans are Bizarro-World brothers. We've had a lot of the same problems over the years. The best thing was the color rush game when colorblind people couldn't tell the teams apart.
  12. There are probably a lot of fans from the last bandwagon years who are still around. All are welcome as far as I’m concerned. I tell all my Jet fan friends that we accept converts.
  13. Fields will definitely start at some point this season, but I doubt he finishes because of the awful line in front of him.
  14. Because TrumpTrumpTrumpittyTrump (...andPompeo). DUHHHHH!!! Evacuating her bowels is more elegant than what's going on in Kabul.
  15. That wasn't what we were discussing. Thanks for chiming in, surly.
  16. I absolutely don't know. Especially because two of the bluest governors (Newsom and Cuomo) each publicly said that Trump gave them everything they asked for.
  17. You shouldn't bother. He doesn't apparently think before he posts anything. And if he does think before posting, then LOL.
  18. Im not trying to agree with the whack-job with the bomb. But, they do vote in Cuba, Venezuela, in China, Bolivia, etc., etc., Voting and Dictatorial Socialism have little to do with each other.
  19. Laughable. Biden's whole campaign hinged on having better "optics" than Trump. If Trump lowered the bar so much, why doesn't Biden lift it up? "Bad optics" is now always acceptable because of Trump? What a joke.
  20. All of your posts in this thread have been logic pretzels in order to apologize for this administration's screw up. Just call it like it is and take off your partisan glasses.
  21. We were going to leave them and they were going to get slaughtered until the outrage became too loud. Then plans changed. Why did we leave our airbase outside Kabul? Why did we have to send troops BACK IN to protect people? Why are our allies pissed off at us?
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