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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. And you have Poroshenko on a taped phone call with Biden telling Biden that despite Shokin doing absolutely nothing wrong, he still asked him to resign as Biden requested.
  2. To show how the left has lost their collective minds, you need to only show how they mercilessly attack Dershowitz ( friggin liberal icon Alan Dershowitz!), for simply pointing out how dangerous and flimsy these indictments are.
  3. Why @BillStime @John from Riverside etc. know next to nothing about ......anything.
  4. I expect they will raid Kash Patel's house any day now for lying under oath then. Trump authorized it. The local officals never made the request. You are a lost cause. https://archive.org/details/january-6th-committee-witness-testimony-20211209-kashyap-pramod-patel/page/42/mode/1up?q=Guard
  5. I love how a single journalist, one who made her name exposing all the lies of J6, gets all their junk in a twist. Only confirms to me that we need to hear more from Julie Kelly. So here's more Julie for the useful idiots.
  6. Fanone isn't a crisis actor How dare Julie Kelly make such an outrageous accusation! Note how even the CNN talking head thinks this is totally ridiculous. @Kemp
  7. ^^^^^ I guarantee he watches more Fox than the majority of the conservatives here.
  8. When I see @redtail hawk go on his daily Trump or Fox rants I'm reminded of this famous scene.
  9. Indeed. The next phase is the songs. Recording songs in homage to Smith. The did it for Mueller and Fauci.
  10. You are an unequivocal moron. There was no order from Trump because... THE POTUS HAS NO AUTHORITY TO UNILATERALLY MOBILIZE THE NATIONAL GUARD ON HIS OWN. But since you want to take the word of former secretary of defense Miller, laundered and cherry picked by the J6 committee, here he is in his own unedited words. https://www.newsweek.com/chris-miller-donald-trump-deploy-jan-6-troops-capitol-riot-contradiction-testimony-1728207 A clip of Miller on Sean Hannity's show has also gone viral showing him say that he testified under oath that Trump authorized 20,000 troops. It is not clear on what date Miller was on Hannity's show, however. While on the show, former Defense Department official Kash Patel said: "Mr. Trump unequivocally authorized up to 20,000 National Guardsmen and women for us to utilize. Hannity asked: "Let me be very clear. Both of you said this under oath, under the threat of perjury, to the committee? Miller replied: "Absolutely Sean and to be clear, Kash brought it up best. The meeting was one of the most serious kinds of heavy meetings I have been in. "It was about a foreign threat that was directed towards the United States. Obviously, we can't talk to you about that for fear of ending up in jail. He continued: "The president, as we are leaving, says one more thing and we all sat back down and we discussed what was going on on January 6. "The president was doing exactly what I expect the Commander in Chief to do, he was looking at the broad threats against the United States and he brought this up on his own, we did not bring it up."
  11. Imagine being an expert attorney like The King for a moment. All that training, experience and expertise so that he can go through convoluted hand waving twisting gyrations to support a novel legal theory to punish his sworn political enemy. All while ignoring the existence of the 1st ammendment. But that's why he's the King!
  12. The documents prove it you friggin moron. This is how the NG process works for anything e.g. natural disasters. Local authorities must first request the NG. The POTUS/DOD then authorizes it and troops are deployed This IS THE LAW. The Trump DOD informally reached out to the DC local authorities and said hey are you going to request troops for J6? It sounds like things might get dicey. These attempts by DOD were rejected. It's in WRITING. If the DC local authorities made the request and Trump didn't authorize it then you'd have a point. But you dont have a point because that's not what happened. This is why there's no discussion to be had with you morons. You live under a green sky completely out of touch with reality.
  13. I go with reality as it exists in the world under a blue sky. I know that you do not. And before you once again attack the messenger news site, the link to the pdf of the J6 timeline memo produced by the Capitol police is in the article. It confirms the Trump DOD was prepared authorize the NG request once it was formally requested, as is required by law. The sergeants at arms and mayor Bowser all rejected DOD efforts to receive a formal request. It's all there in writing from the very organizations that rejected the NG. Are we having fun yet? https://justthenews.com/government/congress/trump-pentagon-first-offered-national-guard-capitol-four-days-jan-6-riots-memo
  14. YOUR rules established by leftist covidiots. I'm a molecular biologist with several vaccine formulation and rapid diagnostic patents. Yet I had morons like you, who can't define what a woman is, telling me what the real deal is with vaccines, immunity and test positives. And confirmation bias ? The projection from you morons should be astounding, but it's not. Tell me, how is that you still believe, in August of 2023, that Trump didn't request the NG on J6, and his approval for the NG wasn't denied multiple times?
  15. I love how @ChiGoose is lamenting how others would read and listen to a reporter with no formal legal training.. Sorry dude...you lost the 'expert' angle during covid where anyone and their brother could be an expert on infectious disease, molecular/immuno diagnostics, epidemiology, vaccines, etc. You diluted the meaning to the point it no longer has any meaning. Anyone can be an expert now. Just like everything can be racist. Well as long as you have the right political opinion you can be an expert minus whatever academic credentials you wish. This is the bed you and the rest of your band of useful idiots made. Lie in it and enjoy yourself some Julie Kelly.
  16. How did I know this would be what you'd say. This has been gone over many times. The POTUS doesn't have unilateral authority to call up the national guard. He can request the National Guard, but in DC it must be approved by either the house or senate sergeant at arms or the mayor of DC to deploy them. Trump did indeed request the NG for J6, and was denied by both the mayor and the sergeants at arms. Thanks for playing, but your masters don't program you with these types of inconvenient details.
  17. Next thing they'll tell you is that the chief of the Capitol Police isn't an expert on policing the Capitol because The National Pulse is the source of the interview and Tucker Carlson did the interviewing. Delusional useful idiots living under a green sky. In the hour-long interview, Sund laments the behaviors of then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as well as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, who he says had intelligence to suggest problems on Capitol Hill, which they failed to communicate with Sund and his cops on the ground. “If I was allowed to do my job as the chief we wouldn’t be here, this didn’t have to happen,” Sund begins, around 19 minutes into the conversation, during which he describes himself as “pissed off” about being “lambasted in public” over the events. “Everything appears to be a cover up,” says the decorated police chief, explaining that most things to do with his department were political, specifically because he reported to politicians including then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. “Like I said, I’m not a conspiracy theorist,” Sund explains, “…but when you look at the information and intelligence they had, the military had, it’s all watered down. I’m not getting intelligence, I’m denied any support from National Guard in advance. I’m denied National Guard while we’re under attack, for 71 minutes…” “It sounds like they were hiding the intelligence,” Carlson quizzed, to which Sund stunningly responds: “Could there possibly be actually… they kind of wanted something to happen? It’s not a far stretch to begin to think that. It’s sad when you start putting everything together and thinking about the way this played out… what was their end goal?”
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