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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. To recap: Joe Biden was on vacation when the Hawaii wildfires happened, his first words on hundreds of dead Americans were "no comment," he then went on a second vacation to a liberal billionaire's mansion while calling for more aid to Ukraine, he then finally traveled to Maui two weeks after the fires, joked about how hot the ground was, mispronounced the names of every Hawaii elected official, told a complete lie about how his house once almost burned down, joked about how he knows what they are feeling because he almost lost his corvette, fell asleep while meeting with Maui residents and is now going back on vacation. Remember that the media decided some of the biggest political scandals of the last three decades were George W. Bush flying over New Orleans while coming home from his ranch in Texas after Katrina hit and Donald Trump tossing paper towels to people after the Puerto Rico hurricane.
  2. Still devoid of leftists in this thread 24 hours later... I wonder why? Have your masters forgotten to give you your talking points? What gives King?
  3. This is another independent reporter in Maui who has been stalked and harassed.
  4. I know Trump can't win you moronic ***** stick. I've said it repeatedly. All these commie indictments are accomplishing is accelerating the demise of the republic. Which is reflected in the polls. And what useful idiots like you cheer in the name of SaViNg oUr dEmOcRAcY. I'd say get it through your thick skull. But you can't. Because you're a useful idiot.
  5. Elections Are Bad for Democracy.... Commies say what?
  6. In case you haven't noticed, and it's likely you haven't because you’re daft, but I'm not the only one here to point out that you're out of your mind. So yes. We.
  7. Nah. I used to be in the AHA and go to homebrewcon every year, but stopped a few years ago.
  8. I do a long weekend beer trip with a bunch of my brewing friends periodically. About five years ago we did Asheville, because it does actually have a nice beer scene. We stayed in Hendersonville and took ubers everywhere, obviously. Every uber driver we had was trashing Asheville and had themselves moved out to the outskirts.
  9. And who would you contend is more qualified to make such a claim? Your masters in the media? Joy Behar? Quack MD? You? I know it's impossible, but maybe try to not be an idiot in just one post. We know it won't work, but we can recognize the effort.
  10. You're right. Precision matters to those of us with integrity. Here's what he said... Pull up ANY clip of Joe Biden prior to 2017 and compare it to today. You're a useful idiot hack if you contend his speech has improved in any way, shape or form. I don't believe he has any cognitive impairment. His speech has been abnormal his entire life. by all accounts, it has actually improved.
  11. Asheville is a mess... Last time I was downtown we were eating outdoors at Wicked Weed. It's right on Biltmore street downtown, so a decent amount of traffic. This was right after the mask mandate was lifted, so the patio was full of sane people not wearing masks outside. Then we had an SUV drive by slowly occupied by a throng of pink haired women who screamed that we were killing people. They came around the block five times doing the same thing. Was a single one of them wearing a mask themselves? Of course not.
  12. One of the scientists quoted in this CNN fear stoking article is Jesse Bloom. And notice what he says in recent tweet. Anyone else is completely within reason to ignore this variant right now
  13. No, there won't be agreement. Joe Biden could literally spit on their graves and these useful idiots would still defend it.
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