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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Hey Quack...why not pop on over to the Biden corruption thread and give everyone your take on why Biden wasn't actually carrying out US policy in Ukraine regarding the Burisma prosecutor? Thread seems devoid of leftists this morning for some reason... I wonder why? JFR, Qanon Frank, King... Bueller???
  2. And we have officials doing their best Baghdad Bob impression... Disgusting. So Twitter apparently playing the not allowing tweets to embed game again...let's see if this video of Sleepy Joe sleeping, from an account with less reach, is allowed to remain.
  3. Sleepy Joe.... By ALL ACCOUNTS in better shape than he was decades ago! An all time Quack MD classic.
  4. Sleepy Joe..... Again imagine the DEFCON freak out if this was the orange dude...
  5. It says absolutely nothing about me and everything about you. Let's revisit your unhinged rant to a "satire rag" post Jesus, are you ***** stupid It is both the extreme droughts and the extreme weather that is not normally seeing that I actually lays the foundation for climate change
  6. Good morning everyone. Looking forward to leftists telling us how they never said that Biden was just carrying out US policy in Ukraine when he held back loan guarantees in order to get Shokin fired. I wonder if a certain President might have had access to and read these documents himself before he made a phone call he ended up getting impeached over?
  7. Your idiocy shines through in every post. Remarkable consistency. But again repetitive, consistent idiocy is not going to get you court jester. I'm sorry, billstool still has miles on you.
  8. The same case the King calls the strongest he's ever seen...
  9. How very independent and hypocritical of you! ***** stain.
  10. No, there isn't. There's media narrative loads that you've swallowed deep. So is this where you put on your independent hat and denounce every single person in this clip who said he was illegitimate, stole the election with help from Russia etc.? Furthermore how much did this rhetoric undermine our democracy by questioning, for four years, a legitimately elected President? Should they be indicted for questioning an election they knew that they lost?
  11. You mean involved like they have in every US election since the beginning of the cold war? You're a moron.
  12. Wait, I thought it was US policy and international consensus that the corrupt prosecutor needed to go? I know, I know you guys will never get tired of being lied to and ending up with egg on your face... “Ukraine has made sufficient progress on its reform agenda to justify a third guarantee,” reads an Oct. 1, 2015, memo summarizing the recommendation of the Interagency Policy Committee (IPC) – a task force created to advise the Obama White House on whether Ukraine was cleaning up its endemic corruption and deserved more Western foreign aid.
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