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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Russia stole the election for Trump... Maybe 2nd to wearing a mask outdoors/while driving in marking a useful idiot.
  2. No Qanon Frank, he envies those 5'3" 300 pounders on food stamps...
  3. Christopher Anthony Lunsford aka Oliver Anthony tells us exactly who he is. I know you'll be shocked to read that the characterization from the left is just a wee bit off....again.
  4. Nice video. My current work is with particles in the < 1 um range....typically in the 0.1 um or 100 nm range....like coronavirus.
  5. Yup....and upon getting the $8 million offer, his question to the label exec was... In exchange for what? And of course 'ol Qnaon Frank is completely out of touch.... The welfare component from his song wasn't about envy you friggin tool. He says it right in the song...it's about using tax revenue, from a dollar that aint ***** anymore, and throwing it right down the toilet. Just when you think this moron cant get anymore moronic...he outdoes himself. So congrats Billstool...your stupidity is limitless.
  6. Joe Biden told us that you need fighter jets to take on the government... Yet we're supposed to buy that a small group of UNARMED middle aged nitwits,who were allowed inside, were going to seize control of the Capitol and force alternate electors to be counted? It's so beyond ludicrous that even normal useful idiots raise an eyebrow at it. You need to be a super charged useful idiot like Quack MD or The King to buy it.
  7. Trump is most definitely an elite. He is most definitely NOT a Washington elite north of Richmond. He isn't in their club. See multiple idictments criminalizing political apeech.
  8. Oh yes. The King has put forward this theory numerous times. The FBI infiltrated a dangerous militia in the months before J6, knew their insurrection plans, and allowed it to play out instead of thwarting it. True useful idiots.
  9. The marxists, of course, ignore this key part of the song. The song isn’t simply a class-war complaint — the trouble with the rich men north of Richmond isn’t that they’re rich, it’s that “they all just wanna have total control / Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do.”
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