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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. ⬆️ Court jester and Finding Qanon... I think I heard some wood knocks behind my house....sasquatch? Hardly.... Qanon!!!
  2. Bills fu.k.c own goal again... He takes a snippet from one of his woke masters and tries to dunk with it.... Problem is, and its always a problem with useful idiots like Billstool, is what Oliver Anthony actually says in the clip... After he says diversity is our strength...and this is where ***** stains like Billsjizz stop listening... He continues.... "We need to harness and appreciate it and NOT USE IT AS A POLITICAL TOOL to keep everyone separate from each other.." Bills*****: PPP Court Jester All time own goal scoring champ.
  3. The most prudent way to approach all of this... If the media, government, social media are all telling you the same thing in unison while ALSO suppressing voices that merely question or point to valid data to the contrary, then it's very safe to assume that you're being lied to.....again.
  4. I strongly encourage you to engage in anything remotely close to this behavior and find out what happens.
  5. Ignoring the fact that he/she is a useful idiot for a moment... Why the ***** do we have a 49er Fan on a politics sub forum of a Bills board?
  6. Everything a good useful idiot will regurgitate. Good job!
  7. This new video by @0rf shows how disagreeing with early (and as it turned out, incorrect) WHO estimates about mortality rates was quickly labeled “misinformation,” affecting not just Donald Trump but scientists like @DrJBhattacharya. This represented an evolution of the “misinformation” idea, under which disagreeing with policy prescriptions informed by global or national statistical estimates could be understood as rejections of hard numbers. It was a sneaky way of expanding the definition of factual error, and it looks even more egregious in hindsight because in many cases - like this one - the official analyses were wrong.
  8. The covid lie that started it all... And I'd watch the video while you still can, as I suspect YouTube will take it down soon. This about what is unquestionably one of the biggest events/stories of the last century. So the question is why would anyone continue to trust these liars about any story at all? Including when they tell you the 2020 election was the most secure in US history.. Answer: useful idiots. If you're not one, then it's well past time to wake the ***** up.
  9. And why are they telling the sAvInG oUr dEmOcRacY crowd that elections are bad for democracy?
  10. I don't believe he can, or more accurately put, he can't be allowed to win. The sham indictments are only the beginning. They will stop at nothing to prevent him from winning. The out in the open rigging every non useful idiot observed in 2020 will look like child's play compared to what's coming.
  11. Changed the headline. What, the useful idiots weren't even buying it?
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