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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Pence ran only to attack Trump at the debates. Trump wisely didn't go to the debates. Thus no more need for Pence.
  2. "I observed thousands of mail-in absentee ballots in pristine condition being counted at the back of the room. These ballots caught my attention because the paper looked perfect with no folds nor creases ... I noticed that the print on the ovals looked perfect as well. The ballots had the appearance of being copied off a printer. I thought that was unusual, but up to that point, I did not realize it was a potential issue. It was a couple of weeks later at a Senate hearing that I heard another lady testify that she saw the same type of pristine ballots being counted in Fulton County (Georgia)."
  3. Love it. Remember the meltdown after the useful idiots accused me of being DR and I obliged their delusions with a name change to DRsGhost? Rent friggin free. Edit: and why is that useful idiots aren't aware / refuse to utilize basic board functionality? A case of useful idiots not being useful to anyone, just idiots.
  4. Every time they indict Trump his poll numbers go up. There are many reasons why Trump hasn't a prayer of being in the White House again. The police state indicting and/or convicting him isn't one of them.
  5. I'd never dream of drinking macro pis.s lager well prior to the woke bud light stunt.
  6. Happy intersex awareness day. Be sure to acknowledge the numerous intersex persons who surely exist among your family, personal and professional networks.
  7. I encourage pink haired woke useful idiots to flock to Gaza and link arms with their Hamas brothers.
  8. The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears... The party (regime): "The border isn't open." The evidence they demand that you reject as a useful idiot.
  9. Either that or he used improper pronouns in a conversation with someone last week.
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