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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. In fairness to Joe and Quack, MD that's something he might have said in 1992, just not with slurred speech and blacked out eyes.
  2. To useful idiots and outright commies, nothing is ever evidence. Shun them, ignore them and mock them. They are forever lost.
  3. The most secure election in Bridgeport history!
  4. You'll be shocked to learn that she hasn't yet been fired, but placed on administrative leave. Mayorkas is a despicable waste of skin.
  5. Here's the sequence of events: She was in the crowd and was gassed, fell down and was trampled. These events unquestionably caused her to lose consciousness and could have caused her death. The beating of her unconscious body by Lila Morris certainly didn't help, as can be clearly seen in this video beginning at 2 minute mark. It's unquestionably Rosanne Boyland receiving blows to the torso as she lies on the ground unconscious. Protestors then pull her away from the tunnel to perform CPR, then officers drag her lifeless body into the tunnel. It's clear in the video that the person getting beat, the person the protesters try to drag to safety and the person who gets dragged into the tunnel by law enforcement is the same person. Roseanne Boyland. https://rumble.com/v2u4rzu-watch-lila-morris-beat-roseanne-boylands-unconcious-body.html
  6. There's not much you can trust from NYT reporting these days, but what you can instantly dismiss fully and completely from these activist hacks is any reporting on Trump or anything remotely in his orbit.
  7. Does anyone, even a conspiracy theory fueled protester, deserve to be beaten when lying unconscious and prone on the pavement? Because that's exactly what happened and what L Ron fuk.c stain's masters won't tell it about.
  8. Use your imagination, or use AI, to put MAGA hats on all these anti-semites harassing this jewish student. Then predict with 100% accuracy what would come next from social media mobs, the corrupt regime and media. You can't possibly hate woke useful idiot activists everywhere enough.
  9. I'll put this here for those unable to discern clear satire...
  10. Sara Biden should have those documents and/or should be readily able to show the loan that came from Joe into her bank account that required this payment back to Joe.
  11. No they're not. The memo line on the canceled check didn't say: "bribe payment" or "10% for the big guy".... Therefore not evidence.
  12. I'm sure that in Finding Qanon's useful idiot brainwashed opinion, DR himself deserves the same fate..... but DR's too busy and content living it up inside that empty brain case of his. Finding Qanon never disappoints with the NY Times citations! πŸ˜‚
  13. Funny that the "loan repayment" only became possible after receiving CCP money funneled through shell companies...
  14. "Peace of tail" JFR with misogyny and reinforcing his idiocy in three short words. Don't get yourself canceled by your comrades, useful idiot! πŸ˜‚
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