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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. The last time I checked the sane among us here acknowledge there are those who acted criminally on J6 and therefore deserve jail time. Grandmas and others who wandered in, acted like tourists and promptly left not being among the ones who deserve persecution. The vast majority of J6 protesters fall under the umbrella of trespassers at best.
  2. Court Jester wannabe. Every time I've mentioned it in relation to you I've said that you can aspire to be court jester, but you'll never reach your goal. Billsfuk.c is court jester. Speaking of not being able to read.... Sure King... Tell us more about how Biden has just lost his fastball... Or that there's no evidence there to indicate Joe was involved with Hunter and the foreign influence Biden family business.. Or how the J6 committee transcripts would be released by September 2022 (acting in such good faith when you lost a bet based on your promise) and the importance of testimony under oath in that case, but how its not important in 2023 with whistleblowers or witnesses who say that Joe Biden is indeed involved in foreign influence peddling for pay.... Or how the impeachment inquiry will backfire with the majority of the public, when the majority of the public already thinks that Joe and Hunter are in business together according to your masters polling... And most of all, keep insisting that you're a former republican. The King baby!
  3. ⬆️ And the court jester? He lives under the same green sky, only with his head in the sand at the same time.
  4. Sometimes I think the King might just be a long winded troll. You live under a green sky every single day dude...
  5. Here's a fun fact: You're on record saying that the current POTUS and presumptive dem nominee...has merely lost his fastball. That alone outs you as the complete King of hack frauds that you are.
  6. STATEMENT ON WH MEDIA INTIMIDATION🚨 The White House refuses to answer questions about President Biden’s involvement in his family’s influence-peddling schemes and what the Bidens sold to make millions. That’s because witness testimony reveals Joe Biden was ‘The Brand,’ and he was used to send signals of access, influence, and power that enriched the Biden family. When faced with defending the indefensible, the White House is now threatening the media to stop reporting on it. What are they trying to hide? Our Committee will continue to follow the evidence and deliver the transparency that the American people demand and deserve about President Biden’s abuse of public office.
  7. Why wasn't the Capitol secured on J6? Romney seems pretty concerned here on J2... Mitt Romney sent this text to Mitch McConnell on Jan. 2, 2021: "In case you have not heard this, I just got a call from Angus King, who said that he had spoken with a senior official at the Pentagon who reports that they are seeing very disturbing social media traffic regarding the protests planned on the 6th. There are calls to burn down your home, Mitch; to smuggle guns into DC, and to storm the Capitol. I hope that sufficient security plans are in place, but I am concerned that the instigator—the President—is the one who commands the reinforcements the DC and Capitol police might require." McConnell never responded.
  8. For there being no evidence, why does the narrative have to always get walked back and altered as if no one, outside of useful idiots, will notice?
  9. You know just this morning I was on a business call with some customers and my Dad popped in on the call, you know to discuss the weather and to let me know how much he loves me. 😂
  10. In other words you can make more than one mistake on a single play. See the botched snap, recovery, then fumble.
  11. Ignore all of what's coming in terms of mandates. I already did it in December last year at a large DC conference. The convention center had a mask mandate in place, so I wore a mask to get past the security guards and took it off once inside. I never put it on the remainder of the day and nobody ever said a word to me over the three day conference. I'd estimate I was among the 20% not wearing a mask even though it was "mandatory." Keep in mind this was in commie DC in 2022. Outside of the true useful idiots like The King and Quack, MD no one is buying this crap anymore.
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