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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Funny that the "loan repayment" only became possible after receiving CCP money funneled through shell companies...
  2. "Peace of tail" JFR with misogyny and reinforcing his idiocy in three short words. Don't get yourself canceled by your comrades, useful idiot! 😂
  3. Actually it was the woman hitting her with a stick. Or wait does she identify as a man? It could be gender fluid, too.. I mean these are the truly important considerations so one does not commit the grave sin of misgendering a Capitol Hill police officer who is on video beating an unconscious woman lying prone on the ground.
  4. One of the people who died at the Capitol on J6. None of the people who died at the Capitol on J6 were law enforcement despite what useful idiots still parrot to this day.
  5. They're not going to make 2020 election rigging seem like child's play... No not at all!
  6. Nonsense! Just ask the useful idiots here, the King in particular. They can hand wave their way around dozens of legitimate reasons why a sitting vice president is using pseudonyms to discuss his sons business that he never discussed with his son.
  7. ⬆️ And everything the court jester says, is worthy of a court jester.
  8. Democrats: When we say there's fraud, without evidence, it's fraud. Also Democrats: When non-Democrats cite fraud, with evidence, it's the big lie.
  9. ⬆️ To set the record straight about whatever tripe the court jester keeps rambling about above... What a lot of people don't remember - or pretend not to know - is that @GenFlynn's original lawyers in his case grossly misrepresented things to him and hid things from him while working behind his back with the Mueller Special Counsel prosecutors. One of the biggest reasons Mike plead guilt originally was due to ineffective and compromised counsel convincing him he had to do that to keep his son, Michael Flynn, Jr., from being prosecuted also. When Flynn discovered how his own defense team was hiding things from him, he did two things: 1. He withdrew his guilty plea and fired those lawyers 2. He hired @SidneyPowell1 to be the new lead counsel on his new defense team. That was followed by US Attorney and special investigator Jeffrey Jensen going into both the Mueller Special Counsel and FBI HQ files and **finding all the exculpatory evidence that they had been hiding**. Jensen then took that exculpatory evidence that the FBI and the Mueller Special Counsel had held back and took it to court and gave it under seal to Sidney Powell. When those exculpatory documents were unsealed, and the full realization of what those documents showed hit home, the DOJ **immediately moved to drop its case against General Flynn**. However, a DC judge decided to launch his own personal crusade to 'get' Flynn, and REFUSED to dismiss the case. Incredibly, this judge, Emmet Sullivan, tried to bring in and appoint his own 'special prosecutor' to keep the case against Flynn going. This travesty dragged on for about 10 months if I remember right, until Donald Trump finally ended it by giving Flynn a pardon. So get it right, you idiots out there. He withdrew the guilty plea that was entered due to ineffective counsel. He was never convicted of a crime in court by either a judge or a jury. In fact, once the evidence that the feds where HIDING became public thanks to Jeffrey Jensen, that they knew all along Flynn hadn't lied and their case had no foundations, the DOJ leaped to dismiss the case to try to avoid further embarrassment. A pardon isn't just used to release someone from prison who has pleaded guilty. It can also be used to end a MALICIOUS PROSECUTION, which is exactly what Trump did when he gave Flynn that pardon 3 years ago. He ended a malicious prosecution of an innocent man. So when people babble Flynn is a 'guilty felon' who got a pardon after being convicted of a crime, they don't understand the first damn thing they're babbling about.
  10. The guy who by all accounts speaks and processes the world around him better than he did decades ago, was caught with the same type of note card previously. Quack MDs Biden take becomes more comical by the day.
  11. ⬆️ The court jester. For useful idiots.
  12. All leftist intersectionality useful idiot nonsense eventually ends in chaos. Thus why marxists ALWAYS end up eating their own.
  13. The King with the gallows reference.. Who could have possibly predicted that? Funny how we still don't know a single thing about the DNC pipe bomber or the person(s) who constructed the mini gallows in front of the Capitol, in broad daylight, in the most surveilled city on earth. Yet trespassing grandmas are being thrown in jail to this day. Useful. Idiots. Cheer.
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