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Everything posted by ProbablyWrong

  1. Talib would be the.most valuable with mckelvin in the nickel/returning kicks. Vollmer.would also be an upgrade. I see no reason to go for Mallett over any other QB backup/FA, and the WRs really won't give us a great upgrade with welker aging and no deep threat.
  2. I like this but is switch lb to rd 1 and get a QB like Nassib round 2. I would like an rb or second lb, but with 6 draft picks its tough to get it all.
  3. I hope he gets some game time. As much as I hate the patriots, I would.be estatic to see naaman have a great career.
  4. Rex, with the JETS offense, has consistently worked over all the weak points in our defense. That sort of knowledge would be key in fixing it. I would be 100% for hiring him as DC.
  5. Like this a lot but I think an rb is a good idea in a later round. Fred isn't getting any younger and I would really like to see a better 3rd rb than choice. Say no to drafting a WR! They take too long to develop (see blackmon). A trade or FA pickup is the way to go here.
  6. Te'o's intangibles alone make him worth considering. Any QB at all in the draft is a crapshoot this year. Is rather get a couple QBs late first or second round then again 4th.
  7. I'd be happy to trade a 2nd or 3rd rounder for him. I would still want to draft a QB high to get a real competition going though.
  8. Would love a rd 1 wr, ut at this point its really only 3rd most in need position. Id rather get an established leader like Greg Jennings and spend a 4th on a developmental WR.. most rookie WRs usually aren't great year 1 anyways.
  9. Other than Vick, I could not think of a better offseason that would be within the realm of possibility. Glennon, Nassib, Jennings, and Te'o, plus our current players re-signed and a capable OC, and the sky is the limit. Here I go getting excited for 2013-2014 before this season even ends.
  10. I like him more than any of the "big name" guys you listed. In an ideal world we can get him in the 2nd and someone like Nassib in the 4th. More likely to be 1st & 3rd rds though if we want these guys.
  11. The question is what round to take him in... Could easily be gone by the third, maybe even before our pick in the second.
  12. I would be estatic to get him in the third. I expect him to go mid-second based on his performance this year.
  13. To the people complaining he lost to a third round rookie: Have you watched Wilson play at all? By all accounts it was a very closely fought battle. If Flynn is even close to as talented as Wilson, it'd be a huge upgrade over Fitz, in both talent and upside. Though i would feel bad drafting a QB in the third and watching Flynn lose another competition...
  14. I really like Nassib. Not sure if he is THE guy, but if we did a two-QB draft, I'd really hope he is one of them based on potential and upside.
  15. Saying that he wants to stay would be nice to hear, but could hurt his position in negotiation. Of course he will say that 'there are a lot of things to consider'.It makes the Bills more willing to work to keep him here.
  16. No TE from free agency this year. I would love Jennings as a great counterpoint to Stevie. Getting Nelson back should be good enough for the slot that we don't really need to look at Amendola/Welker.
  17. I am pretty resigned to the fact that Nix and Chan will be back next year regardless of the fans' sentiments. The defense has look good enough in the 2nd half of the season that I don't mind Wanny getting another go at it.QB... We'll see. What I don't hear any chatter about is the possibility of getting an OC to help gameplan/call plays. I'm sure Gailey wouldn't like it, but it could be all we need to get the offense on track. Hopefully Nix doesn't give Chan a choice in the matter and brings over a talented NFL assistant or college guy.
  18. http://www.profootballweekly.com/2012/11/30/wins-dont-reflect-it-but-bills-defense-improving Includes a good bit of interview with Nick Barnett talking about the defense starting to Gel. Also has some interesting statistics that I think are relevant: I truly loathed Wannstedt at the beginning of the year, but this article gives me a little hope that he is not utterly clueless and next year's defense can look how we wanted it to this season. Or we could be let down again.
  19. We look clueless out there. Play calling seems random, players seem out of sync, Special teams are napping. Defense actually seemed like they had their act together, though,
  20. Please. On topic, I really enjoyed watching Merriman on Thursday. That said, I think what we are doing with him is best - change of pace a bit at DE. He can't physically handle starting and being on the field too often.
  21. Which I suppose leads to the question: Would we prefer Alex Smith to Fitz if we could get him?
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