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Storm Front

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Everything posted by Storm Front

  1. Ok, ok, sorry guys. I just thought you would like to know that the Pats* play with deflated balls.
  2. Man, Bad Billy Belicheat won't stop for nothing: http://www.si.com/nfl/2015/01/19/nfl-investigate-patriots-deflating-footballs-afc-championship-game?xid=aol_home&icid=maing-grid7|main5|dl13|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D601084
  3. Hmm. Weird hire, and not very inspiring. After what happened in Chicago, I never thought this guy would coach in the NFL again.
  4. Even worse for MN was that years later, when he was in his mid-30s, Herschel helped the Cowboys beat the Vikes in the '96 playoffs.
  5. He has fallen so low that Marrone will now be lucky if a team gives him as job as assistant Gatorade boy.
  6. Wow, Hadl threw 6 TD's and 21 INT's in his one full season as QB of the Pack. At least they ended up with Lynn Dickey, who was pretty good.
  7. I like the red helmets when paired with the classic late '80s and '90s uniforms, but the white helmets are pretty great, too. Other than the previous lost decade, the Bills have always had great uniforms.
  8. The Bills trading Lamonica was pretty bad. Other than the Hughes trade, the Bills usually wind up getting the short end of the stick.
  9. I vote for Utica. I don't live there, but that seems to be the outlier of Bills country east of Buffalo.
  10. Wow, how many DC's have the Bills had over the last 5 years?
  11. When I was a kid I wrote a letter to Jim Kelly. He sent me a 5x7 black and white picture with a robo copy of his signature. Joe Ferguson sent me a nice 8x10 glossy with a real signature and and wrote my name and best wishes on it. I still have those somewhere. I also wrote Arnold Palmer. He sent me a nice 8x10 photo with a real signature. I wrote Sam Snead a couple times, but he never srote back. For some reason, I wrote the Dukes of Hazzard for their autographs, too. John Schneider (Bo) sent me back a nice photo with a real signature, but he addressed his best wishes to my dad (whose name was on the return address sticker). He must not have read my whole letter, lol. Tom Wopat (Luke) never wrote back. I also used to write to the Bills every year when I was a kid. It was such a thrill to get a large white envelope in the mail with the Bills logo on the return address. I felt pretty important. The Bills would send a bunch of pictures, stats about their previous draft picks, franchise history, etc. They also sent info about Rich Stadium.
  12. It didn't hurt that Rodgers got to watch and learn from arguably the best QB in the league at the time on a daily basis: Brett Favre. Let's hope EJ didn't "learn" too much from ole Uncle Rico.
  13. I watched this game until midway through the third quarter. The Cowgirls were getting their butts handed to them. I was shocked when I saw the final score, but I suppose a lot more people will tune into a Cowboys game than a Lions game. These games are all so massaged/rigged it's not even funny.
  14. If people start bashing the Pegulas it will confirm my belief that Bills fans are the most worthless losers.
  15. For some reason, I just can't picture Tom prancing around downtown Buffalo in his Uggs.
  16. This team truly stinks. I don't blame Marrone. Freakin awful media in this town and sour sap fans.
  17. Orton sucks a$$. I hope the little panty wearing Commie doesn't run for federal office someday.
  18. Just heard that both Bill Parcells and Tom Landry are interested in the Buffalo job.
  19. Pegula's going to hire Joe Gibbs, John Madden, or Don Shula. All three are eager to make a comeback with the Bills. Get real people!!
  20. If JH gets one more sack this year it could lead to his earning extra millions. Double digit sack totals look better on the stat sheet than single digits.
  21. I can give you three: Woods, Hogan and Dixon. Yeah, why not? If we had a decent QB we could have gotten two or three more wins.
  22. I'd like to see the Bills keep Marrone for another season. We've gotten to our best record since 2004. He should come back for year 3.
  23. Good post. I'd rather miss the playoffs by losing to the Raiders than the Cheats.*
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