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Storm Front

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Everything posted by Storm Front

  1. If the Bills sign Martin, the media wouldn't know which way to react.
  2. MW is done. It was pretty obvious last year that he'd lost a step or two or three. He'd be lucky to find a roster spot in the CFL.
  3. I am so sick of people disrespecting the man's name. Most of you all are mouth breathing losers. Meh to all the classless pajama boys and office slackers.
  4. The Jets. Hwahhahhahha. Next thing you know they'll bring in Stevie and Spiller. Gailey the mastermind.
  5. My concern is that they are going to be getting a guy that is a marginal (at best) upgrade and will still need to address the position in the hopes of finding an elite TE.
  6. I'm not excited by this potential signing. I don't think Clay is an upgrade over Chandler. They have similar stats, and Chandler is a slightly better blocker.
  7. Man, Gailey is a stubborn old coot who puts his eggs in one basket.
  8. He stinks. Plus he wears Dolphins gear during the off-season.
  9. It would stink if they release him. It would be like how they treated Bruce, Andre and Thurman. The Bills should just see if they can get Freddy to take a pay cut.
  10. I really like Hughes, and hope he stays. Damn, losing Kiko and Hughes will be tough, but I have faith Rex knows what he is doing on Defense.
  11. This stinks. He might be better off taking a mil or two less per season to play for the Bills rather than getting cut after one season when he doesn't produce more than four sacks with the Cowboys or some other team.
  12. We really need to build up the Oline otherwise Cassel is gonna take a ton of sacks.
  13. They got a compensatory pick when they traded Spikes to the Eagles because the player who got traded to the Bills never showed up (can't remember his name right now). I think it was a 6th rounder.
  14. What kind of compensatory pick will the Bills get if he doesn't suit up for them? Will it be something like a 5th rounder?
  15. EJ stinks. He's not even as good as Jeff Tuel. I can't imagine why they wouldn't cut him.
  16. They should have the players suit up in full gear when doing the combine activities. Otherwise, what's the point?
  17. Smart move by the BN. Does anyone read an AP article to find out anything more than the news around a subject?
  18. Ruomor has it that Mike Williams was ready to sign a contract with Indy today, but he dropped his pen so the Colts had second thoughts. Nyuk nyuk nyuk.
  19. I think the reason folks think RI is penalized often is because the game announcers often make the same lame comment about how "He wasn't incognito on that play was he Joe. Nyuk nyuk huh."
  20. If the Bills can get RI to visit some schools to talk about bullying, the media and fans will begin to change their tune about the guy. He has a chance, perhaps his last, to redeem his reputation and his career.
  21. I thought he was an above avg guard who was a pro bowler just a couple seasons ago. Didn't Freddie have success running behind him? How come some folks consider him to be scrap?
  22. That was the worst playcall i have ever seen, esp. In a Super Bowl. Seemed like something Hackett or Chan would have cooked for the Bills to run.
  23. I'm going to see what Seahags fans are posting on their forums... Might resemble posts here since 2000 after Bills games. Lol
  24. No one will remember the miracle catch now.. The Seahags deserved to lose after the Billsian play call.
  25. Guys, this ball stuff is probably just the tip of the iceberg. They have probably been cheating in so many ways during Belicheck's reign. Next man up, Patriot way. Whatever. The man is both a cheater and a liar.
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