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The Voice of Truth

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Everything posted by The Voice of Truth

  1. It was a good move. They did it because if the Seahawks cut him they were going to have to fight other teams to sign him. Anyone who did not watch Vince Young in the preseason, stop saying ¨we should have kept Young!¨ No we should not have. He freaking sucks and you would easily be able to tell that if you watched. This was a good move if it is our intention to use him as a backup. My biggest fear is that once Fitz fails, they are going to try to sell Jackson to the fanbase as the next starter. If they do this, I will stop watching. We need an elite prospect!
  2. Obviously, my spirits would lift some, but the defensice incompetence on display in both the Jets and Patriots games does not get erased from my memory. The source of that total ineptness (Wanstedtt) will still be running the defense and that will have me quite worried still.
  3. I'm worried about Bills Fans with some of the suggested coaches on here.
  4. Great freaking post! Couldn't agree more. I want Chan to go into the press conference one of these times and have a ballsy reporter say some of the stuff we say on this forum to Chan. "No Chan, we didn't twist the stats, the Pats just ran through your d-line and linebackers like it was a freaking Peewee team playing division I. WE SAW IT WITH OUR OWN FREAKING EYES CHAN! NOW JUST OWN IT AND SAY THAT YOU AND WANNY FREAKING SUCK AT COACHING DEFENSE!.....OOOOOOWWWWWWNNNNNNN IIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTT!!!!!!" (This is the reporter saying this) LMAO!!!! Wade is a defensive genius. I saw a stat once of when he takes over a defense. It is absolutely incredible. They consistently jump at least 15 spots or more in ranking in his 1st year. BRING WADE BACK AS HC AND KEEP CHAN AS OC!!!!!! Please Buddy!!!
  5. I wish we could bring in a bright defensive coach and keep Chan as OC. I wonder if he would go for that? The only condition would be that we tell Chan, "hey buddy, Fitz isn't as good as you think he is. You have a huge ftreaking blind spot here. We're cutting his a** and bringing in a real prospect. Now go run the "O"! haha. I think I saw some people saying, "bring in a defensive guy" which I just did but I put a qualifier in there. If we don't retain the offense then it will likely tank under the new defensive head coach. The pendulum will just swing back to the freaking Jauron era. I want Wade back! He would come I bet despite tensions with Ralph!
  6. It will be Chan Gailey. Ralph is too old to restart with a new regime. Plus, the team will finish about 8-8 (improved from last year) and finish the season better than we started since our schedule is weak on the back end. Like it or not, Chan will be here.
  7. Lots. Buddy is in his 3rd year and he has made no serious move to acquire a QB. There are too many possible moves to even list.
  8. I'm going out on a limb. Bills win this one.
  9. Yeah but the problem is Chan is loyal to a fault. You better believe he is in the team meetings telling Buddy he can win with Fitz and he likes him. It's partly Chan's fault that Fitz is the QB. If Chan told Buddy that Fitz isn;t good enough, they would have made a move by now. I do think he does a decen job with the offense, but his blind spot with Fitz is killing him! Good point. Thanks. Yeah, You have to have the threat of the run. Otherwise, pass rushers are teeing off and linebackers know to drop back and cover immediately. It's ridiculous!
  10. For our offensive mind (Chan), we have a guy who was not even a standout college head coach. He was just decent at Georgia tech. Our defense is being run by a guy who was all but fired at Pitt (Wanstedtt). So basically we have two guys running our schemes who didn't even stand out in college. I think our rosters on both sides of the ball are pretty good. On offense, our biggest weakness is Fitz though (which is a big issue though), who is below average but servicable IMO. Our running backs are beasts. Our O-line is stout and I'm starting to think our receiving core is fairly good. Stevie is good, Chandler is good and I think Graham is a real threat who could end up being a Mike Wallace type (teams are really going to have to start respecting his speed; if only Fitz could ever hit him!). I also think David Nelson is good but unfortunately he is out for the year. With him there are 4 good receiving targets. On defense, our d-line is really good, despite their lack of production today. It may be coaching that is disallowing them to flourish. Look at how Maybin has turned into a pretty good situational pass rusher for the jets. Look at how lackluster Mario Williams is under this staff. Since Chan got here, our pass rush has sucked. We do not know how to develop or utilize pass rushers. Our safeties are good IMO and our corners are proving to be pretty decent young up and comers. Our linebackers are questionable. Overall, I think Buddy has done pretty well with the roster, other than how he has handled the QB situation. We have to bring in an elite prospect there. Chan's biggest offensive mistake is he continues to think Fitz is better than he is. I am getting really pissed off at how many times we run an empty backfield. We're one of the best running teams in the league. Even on passing plays, you have to have a running back in the backfield so the defense has to respect it. It's ridiculous and he does it because he thinks he can win with Fitz at the helm of the passing game. I'm really tired of that formation. Wanny sucks, period. Buddy tried to land Jim Harbaugh (before we got Chan), but he didn't want to come to Buffalo which really adds to the challenge as GM here (getting good coaches). He also tried to get Mike Nolan after firing our defensive coordinator. No good coaches want to come. Hence, we end up with Wanny. This is a big part of the reason Buffalo sucks! I wish we landed Harbaugh. I wish we landed Nolan. Our coaching sucks. Buddy has done a good job with the roster IMO, but we have to get a QB and a better coaching staff. I'm so freaking sick of this team right now. Get your **** together! I'm seriously getting to the point where I might need to work hard to unfan myself.
  11. No I'm not going anywhere Kevin. I can't. It's a freaking addiction. it does nothing but cause me pain but I can't let it out of my life. I'm so sick of it. The only solution is move the team so I don't care about them. This club is pathetic.
  12. I hope they move the team at this point. I'm so sick of ruining an average of 10 Sundays a year for this horrible franchise. Go ahead some of you and say "oh really true fan blah blah blah." I don't care. I don't want to root for this pathetic organization anymore. I'm so sick of it!
  13. I'll always love Moorman and I hope people blow up his Twitter with fan love if he is on there. You'll always be a big part Bills history. That being said, I wanted to take a look at the new guy. The guy has a huge body for a punter; 6'4" and 248 pounds. He also held for the FG kicker in college (I know some people were concerned about that). It sounds as though he is a very good directional punter so hopefully he can pin guys inside the 10 a lot. He won the FBS award for best punter in 2011 averaging over 44 yards per punt. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeCrlgh0BiA
  14. Wow, if true, God Bless him. I have nothing but positive things to say either way about Moorman. He's been a steady and good player for the Bills through these long and lean years.
  15. This is what occurred to me after processing this move. I am quite concerned with this aspect (holding) of it as Lindell and Moorman seem to have good comradery and chemistry. Plus, Moorman was killing it with his punts in the preseason big time so it's not like his ability has tanked. My impression at this point is that it's a stupid move. Clearly Moorman has the respect of the locker room too if Freddie is sticking up for him. Powell better be something special or this move doesn't make any sense. I just looked Powell up a little more. He's 6'4" and 248 pounds according to his profile. This dude could be the next Shane Lechler (a beast punter who is clearly the best in the league).
  16. No I hadn't seen it somehow. Yeah I figured its because New Era is in Buffalo. I like that they're showing their local team some national love. I might have to pick up a hat as a result.
  17. A Bill getting some national publicity. Anybody else see it? I thought it was funny.
  18. Yeah Wanny better have a solid gameplan. The coverage needs to be tight. This will be a serious test for our young secondary. I'm a bit nervous about it but they have fared much better in week 2 and 3 than in week 1, so hopefully they can hold their own. We need Brooks back. Him and Rogers on the Pats little annoying quick receivers is necessary. We'll see how it goes. Tight coverage and keep Brady uncomfortable are the two keys. C'mon Bills!
  19. The everlasting gobstopper was stolen from him! hahaha (hope you've seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
  20. LMAO. I cracked up at this line because it's so true haha.
  21. Yeah, I'm pretty excited about him. Clearly Buddy thought highly of him trading up to get him so they saw something in him that others didn't. He looked good in the preseason. He's already contributing as a rookie in the regular season. This kid could be a good one!
  22. Freddie better be ready next week and it better be somewhat minor!
  23. I like her personality and she's cute but you can really tell she is green behind the ears as a reporter.
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