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The Voice of Truth

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Everything posted by The Voice of Truth

  1. I almost started a thread on this myself. I couldn't have made the point any better on getting rid of him. I do not see much value in him, especially with T-Jack on the roster now. He would make a better wildcat once he knows the playbook. I say get rid of him.
  2. Yeah, their road woes have been quite pronounced. I can't imagine that playing on the road affects them this badly though. It just doesn't make sense to me. I could see it affecting a game by a few points on average over a season, but this much is unreasonable IMO. I think the blowouts on the road are somewhat coincidence. Are we a bad road team? Probably, but not as bad as the blowouts would indicate. The Jets seem to be a very bad matchup for us. Chan is 0-5 against them in his tenure in Buffalo and at least two of them have been blowouts, maybe more. This last game was Fitzpatrick just sucking total balls and Wannstedt's defensive gameplan being horrible. However, we have not matched up well with the Jets in the past. The surprising thing about this year's game though is they used to ground and pound us to death and then throw off the play action. I felt we were pretty strong against the run in this year's game. They beat us differently this year and I credit the blowout mainly to Fitz sucking and throwing really stupid picks. This actually gives me hope that we might matchup better with them this year. We were able to stop or at least limit their strength on offense; ground and pound. If Fitz can play adaquately like he has shown to be capable, we have a good chance against them in week 17 IMO. I am hoping for a Bills/Patriots type of reversal. Remember when we stomped the Pats 31-0 on opening day and then they stomped us 31-0 in week 17? I'm hoping the same thing happens for us with the Jets this year. And hopefully, playoffs are on the line; not very likely though.
  3. He also said that he understands that the defense can force you into a throwing offense by stacking the box. So while he prefers to run first, he will take what the defense is giving him. If the defense is playing to stop the run, then Fitz is going to have to move the chains and throw 30+ times. Considering teams try to take away the opponents biggest strength, I will expect to see teams trying to stop the run on us. In other words, Fitz will still have to come through. What's surprising to me though is, even when Freddie was running all over teams last year, they did not seem to stack the box. This left for tight windows that Fitz had to fit the ball into (not exactly his strength). However, with the explosiveness of CJ, I really think teams will have to majorly respect the run and I could see this opening up big plays for Fitz and the passing game. Let's hope his grossly inaccurate throws this week discontinue and he can capitalize on this.
  4. No, I am not. I do not think Fitz is very consitent or accurate to begin with. However, I think what David Lee is doing is making him even worse. Fitz is not the QB of the future. We should not waste games experimenting with his mechanics. We should utilize his skills to the best of our ability in the NOW, and start making serious moves this offseason to acquire a quality QB.
  5. Haha. I got a good kick out of the shock collar mid throw. I like the golf comparison. Being a golfer, that analogy actually crossed my mind as well. I hope his mechanics do end up imroving under Lee and he gets better than he was before, but I just don't see it at this point. I'll cross my fingers though that his accuracy and consistency will go up soon.
  6. What are you talking about with "troll" firstly. I made a thread that is very valid about the Bills and the coaching of Fitzpatrick. I only reponded strongly when others made offensive statements to me. Why would I be banned? Plus this thread is getting incedibly off topic. I started the post about how David Lee's work with Ryan Fitzpatrick has been very ineffective and has hurt Fitz overall. Now we're talking about journeymen QBs and if Fitz is elite, which by the way I don't think he is. Ok, so you admit that your statement about journeymen QBs NEVER becoming elite was incorrect. Thank you. Oh by the way, my point about 11 football weeks ago when Fitz seemingly was clicking on all cylinders wasn't just notcied by me. It was noticed by an NFL organization and GM in the Buffalo Bills. They gave him a 6 year $59 million dollar contract if you missed that. I don't think I was exactly delusional in thinking Fitz might, just might have the potential to be elite at that time. He was also getting quite a bit of national coverage and buzz. I never said I was confident that he would be elite or that I felt strongly he would be elite at that time. But yeah, the thought crossed my mind at that point and that was the extent of it. Now we're into all this journeymen QB stuff. And yes I did prove you wrong on that. I'm moving on from this argument. I started out saying that Fitz did not play well and put some of that blame on David Lee. If anyone wants to converse about that, then feel free. I've got to hit the hay.
  7. Ok, so my point is valid. And just because the other players didn't take EXACTLY the same journey as Fitz does not make the point invalid. He made a statement that journeymen QBs NEVER become elite in the NFL. I listed a number of QBs who initially were seen as starter material and were rejected by the NFL because they lacked potential. They had to take a different road to prove themselves and it took them years to finally shine. Hell, coming from the arena league means that NFL teams wouldn't even take you as a backup, like Fitz. They are all journeyman and you said it yourself, Gannon fits the bill exactly. That makes my point valid in itself.
  8. Haha. I guess I should have taken a bit more time with my grammar and exact fact checking when making such a strong post. I do not think Pickspatrick will ever be elite at this point. You clearly did not read the whole thread. My point still stands that there have been journeyman QBs that become elite. Also, I never said he rode the pine for the Texans. What's your point? Haha again. Yeah I should have exactly checked my facts here but my point still stands and is valid.
  9. I just checked out some of the wisdom you drop on this forum. I am blown away by some of the brilliance you bring to this forum in your 2,500 posts. Wait, you had zero insights on any of the posts I read. I have heard a lot of analytical football conversation in this thread. If you're IQ is low, stick to the more dumbed down topics Neither do 28 year olds out of arena league who were bagging groceries the year before. Wait Kurt Warner did. Neither do 7th round draft picks who didn't even start in college. Wait Tom Brady did. Rich Gannon made 4 out of 6 pro bowls late in his career after being cut and traded by multiple teams early in his career. Certainly a journeyman. Joe Theisman had to go through the Canadian league and then when he made it into the NFL it took him 4 seasons to become the starter of the Redskins. Another elite journeyman. Matt Schaub. Rode the pine for 3 years. Get your facts straight partner. I just owned you.
  10. Going into week 8 last year he had a 98.4 QB rating. This was good enough for top 5 in the league and the Bills offense was lighting it up. Keep in mind this is only 11 games ago genius. It was his first full offseason where he was treated as a starter coming in and the offense was built around him. He lead multiple fourth quarter combacks and torched some secondaries in that time. So yeah, the thought that maybe he could be elite crossed my mind. If it didn't cross your mind that maybe, just maybe he could be elite in that stretch then I don't know what you were watching. Now if you disagree with some of my post feel free to make an argument and back it up. But dont just make some smart *ss remark.
  11. Great observation that he was being undervalued. He certainly is deserving of a thread. Dude is a beast!
  12. Spiller is insanely fast! If he has space, he's taking it to the hizzy!
  13. While his performance did not pop out on the stat sheet, I think they really did gameplan for him. He definitely was doubled quite a bit and we saw what Marcell and Kyle did when they were singled. I'll take it but I was hoping for a 1st home game sack so the crowd could roar for him.
  14. Yeah his performance wa svery encouraging. I don't know what he does, but he seriously gets off the ball like nobody I have ever seen. there a re a couple lays per game where it seems like he is in the backfield before the O-line has even moved lmao. It's awesome!
  15. Thank you. We have some rational people who saw his performance for what it was. Just out of curiosity, who do you think I should be blaming?
  16. I'm not in favor of sacrificing a year to a 30 year old quarterback so MAYBE he will improve a little bit. I hope it does iumprove him soon but even before any changes to his mechanics he lit it up for like 7 weeks in a row when we went 5-2 ealry last year. No, I just didn't want to come to twobillsdrive and see a bunch of bipolar fans throwing their arms up like everything is solved, like you seemingly are. Fitz did not play well and if he plays like he has this year it is a significant problem. Am I thrilled about the win? Yes. But this is a problem. And just to balance out the other fans having a manic episode (just like there was a depressive episode last week) because of one win, I wanted to point out that there is still significant problems with this team. He made some nice plays with his feet and I am happy about that. He made a few nice throws. I don't care what his rating is. I watched the game and he had some really really horrible throws that were inexcusable. There were a few like the first Chandler one where guys were open and he missed them badly. You can't throw away 15-20 yard gains like that against good teams and win. Overall his passing was pretty poor.
  17. I think he should be fired for this reason. If he is kept on board then they will continue to be on top of Fitz and how he has to change his mechanics. They need to fire Lee or Chan at least has to go to the QBs and David Lee and say, "Stop working on his damn mechanics!" If Lee is on board, to me it is stating that what he is teaching Fitz is still valid and Fitz should still be working on fixing his mechanics while in-game. This is what needs to go. Tell Fitz to throw comfortably and naturally so he can focus on all the other things a QB needs to focus on.
  18. We've got a whole year to figure that out. If you get an potentially elite QB, good QB coaches will want to join your team to develop him. One of David Lee's biggest claimed successes is Chad Pennington late in his career. I may be mistaken but I do not recall him making any big strides late. Can him! After that Chandler pass, I thought we were in for a long long day. Thank God for Spiller and the D. Fitz did make a couple nice throws here and there. But had some really horrible ones that were unexplainable. O wait, I just figured out how to explain them. David Lee messing with his mechanics haha.
  19. David Lee was brought in and touted as a QB mechanics guru who would help Fitz's accuracy and consistency. Well, we've seen the result of his tutelage. Fitz has been more inaccurate and inconsistent than we have ever seen. He seems to lack confidence completely sometimes when he is throwing. It is clear to me at this point that Fitz is never going to be an elite quarterback. I don't even think there is potential to get into the 2nd tier of guys like Flacco or Ryan. He is in his thirties. It is not the time to be messing with his throwing motion and mechanics. If he has to go out there and mentally focus on mechanics, then we have ourselves a problem. Am I saying he should stop developing? No. However, stick with the throwing motion that he is comfortable with and get the most out of him as you can. This offseason, be certain to exhaust all options to pick up a young potentially elite QB. As a matter of fact make sure you do it! Even if it means giving things up. Begin developing him under Fitz for one year (barring Fitz is good enough to even stick around). In the mean time, fire David Lee! He really isn't helping anything. I want to see some heads roll for this quarterback play. Depending on how good the defense actually is, I think the Bills might have a shot at being decent even with Fitz as more of a game manager. We cannot depend on Fitz throwing 3 TDs and 300 yards for wins. Play to our strengths for now and get a freaking elite QB no matter what this offseason!
  20. Spiller freaking lights out. O-Line run blocking Lights out. D looks solid. Fitz sucking for the most part. Dareus and Wilson both have some form of injuries. 21-0. Definitely thrilled with this! I think it's nearly official. Fitz is a game manager who at times can be better than that. I still want to see more from the D-line too. A lot of the time they are being picked up quite well even when there are blitzers.
  21. All this Fewell talk is nonsense. Don't get me wrong I like the guy and he did a good job for us as D-Co and has some good qualities, but c'mon. Do you really think he would have been the man to turn the franchise around? This could be blasphemy on here but I want Wade Phillips back. Everybody probably hated him in the late 90's because they were spoiled with Jim Kelly and the super bowl runs, but that boy had us competing every week. We moved the ball very well on offense and stopped teams from moving the ball on defense; exactly what you want to see as a fan. Also, we were a respected team that was making the playoffs. I'd take Wade back in a heartbeat. I'm not going to throw in the towel on Gailey yet, but I'm getting close. If this year goes poorly, I want him out. I don't think I am on board with overhauling the front office though. I'm so tired of huge rebuilding projects. Also, I think the coaching job now would be more attractive to coaches than it was when Gailey took the job. I think the roster has improved under Nix.
  22. While the past couple of years have me pessimistic about McKelvin, I'm not going to write him off completely. It seems since Chan and company took over, the play of our secondary has been a big issue. While Jauron was inept in a lot of ways, he, himself was an NFL cornerback. I believe he also got going in the NFL coaching tree as a secondary coach. Under Jauron, our secondary was, at worst, mediocre. During his tenure, I do not remember McKelvin being as bad as he is under Gailey, who is much more offensive minded. What is even odder about that is, Gailey actually kept the defensive backs coach on board (George Catavalos) when Jauron left. However, he has not done nearly as good of a job as when he was under Jauron. This makes me think that Jauron's scheme and his own coaching was more responsible for the secondary play than Catavalos. I do not think McKelvin will turn into an elite corner ever. However, can he be serviceable or better under the right system and coaching? I think so. Also, I know he has been moved to the nickel corner this year which never made much sense to me. McKelvin is more of a top speed guy than a short area quickness guy. I don't think this was a good move. Hahaha. Got a good kick out of that.
  23. Definitely has major explosiveness and home run potential. I hope he has or can develop vision etc. If so, this dude is going to explode.
  24. OK fellas, it was one game. And yes, he was arm tackled in situations Freddie would have ran through barely noticing an arm grab him. Also, did you watch any of the preseason? A lot of the same problems that showed up last year (arm tackles, poor vision, bad decisions) were all on display. I don't think those things magically went away come week 1. Also, did you guys forget about his fumble!??! He turned a Bills momentum play into a Jets momentum play. That was huge. He does not protect the ball well enough. A lot of the times he runs, I am cringing and yelling at the TV "protect the ball!" He has had issues with all these things. Did I see a lot of positive things out of him and am I hoping that happens a lot more? Yes. But we'll see.
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