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Everything posted by slothrop

  1. absolutly. Despite your particular ideological leanings the picture can be viewed on its own merit. The picture was compelling. One of the more powerful moments that I have ever expereinced in a movie theater was Moore's choice to let the picture go completely black and only play the audio of the towers being hit and coming down. That haunted me in a similar way that the actual day of the attacks did. He captured the emotions people felt at the moment of the attack in a way that the video does not anymore (maybe because it has been played billions of times). That type of artistic choice is contained throughout the film. Moore also did a great job capturing the fear, anger, paranoia, humor, politics, and the ubsurdidies resulting from 9/11. It was great film making, notwithstanding his politics.
  2. I am a unitarian universalist - not that there is anything wrong with that!
  3. explain why it's not music? seriously. Is not music defined by a collection of sounds assembled in a way to produce a product that was not previously existing? You can say, "that is bad music," or "I don't prefer rap," but it is music. Also, I do not know the racial and age make-up of this board, but I wonder how much of this debate would be informed by your generation and/or cultural background? I do not like current commercial rap, but I am a great fan of Chuck D and some of the other political/social conscious artists.
  4. Don't insult the Onion by placing the Beast in the same sentence. It's terrible. Thier style of writing is to see how many times they can use the word f*ck, t*its, and call women by various insulting names. I guess its funny if you are thirteen.
  5. ACtually, I backpacked across Europe and Russia and telling people I was Canadian saved my ass many a time. When you have no money and are hithiking it is a great survival skill.
  6. Are you saying capitalism is not efficient! Communist! Communist! Burn him at the Cross! Witch hunts are fun!
  7. Dear Moderator: Please do not delete this thread or move it to PPP. It's political content is nothing but short of F_ _ king stupid, so it does not warrent PPP removal (those who visit that forum can insert laugh here). You should not remove the thread because it has supplied a glimmer of happiness to my crappy day. I like pencils - Communism Rocks!
  8. We have to snuff the USSR! - those commy scumbags! - oh wait, we did that already.
  9. does any know if it is it scheduled to be replayed?
  10. Tyrone Slothrop is a character in Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
  11. Yep, here we go - Howard has always been a kiss-ass. Now more Buffalonians will realize that he is not the God-like creature that this board has made him out to be. Put him in any other radio market and he would not make it above intern!
  12. I am from hamburg and yes it is "hillbillyish" in its attitudes (as is the greater Buffal area). In my opinion: I have never lived in a more racist area north of the Mason Dixon line. Buffalo is in the top five "most segregated" cities every year. I just had to fire my barber because of "hillybillyish" attitudes. If you ever start a sentence "I am not a racist but . . ." you may want to check yourself.
  13. LOL! Wrong - I said I hate religous BASED POLITICAL IDEOLOGY. History shows us OVER AND OVER that when religon becomes politics rarely do good things happen. (See, Inquisition; See also, witch trials; KKK; Bin Laden; election of George Bush).
  14. LOL! I hate the religous based political ideology of the south and "square states" so, yeah I am a bigot. This is funny.
  15. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: the "moral majority." All of this moral pandering is downright scary. Just look at what has happened with the FCC, people voting against thier economc interest because they are afraid a judge will change a poem kids say before school, or voting because they are afraid of what Jon Stewart called "hot man on man monigamy." OUr country is becoming like the puritans where out neghbors and government are running around, pointing, yeling "sinner!" "sinner!" :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: We need a "Hester Pryne" revolt!
  16. open letter to the south General Sherman should have been allowed to complete his work and reconstruction was the worst idea EVER! The South should have been kept in third-world nation status. ARGH! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: just realized that the bad-word filter won't allow the web page to be posted. The adress is: www.f*ckthesouth.com
  17. I am suppossed to meet a friend at the game. Our meeting point is the parking lot of a church on Abbott Rd. DOes anyone know what it is called? It is north of the stadium. thank you
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