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Everything posted by BuffaloBud

  1. I've been trying to contact him, but have not gotten any response. If you have, let me know.
  2. I remember seeing him on tv in Buffalo wrestling against "The Chief" on Saturday mornings. It makes you wonder what kind of player he would be in today's game.
  3. Why move to ND or anywhere else. That's how all the locals look like in South Bend.
  4. A few other interesting listings: Andy Roddick (tennis player) Mark Phillipoussis (tennis player) Southwest Airlines ( , like she stands in line with the rest of us schmucks) Ashley Olsen ( ) Even my last name shows up on this list. I had to look at it twice to make sure that I hadn't done something that I didn't remember. ( )
  5. Discovery Channel announces that Lance Armstrong will ride in the 2005 Tour de France to attempt for a 7th Tour win.
  6. I would like to see some Olympic-type round robin t'ment. Play only the teams in your conference. Then have the two conference winners play for the Cup.
  7. The Blue Jackets GM has said that their payroll started at 20M (2000/2001) and has grown to 38M last year (2003/2004). That is a 90% increase in just 4 seasons. He also did say that some of the signings that caused that increase were a mistake on his part as well. I don't blame the owners for holding strong on this cap. ** Didn't see the link posted above. 34M for 2003/2004. 70% increase. **
  8. Best show that I have seen in a long time. Like the joke on Sat that he mentioned about the small plane running on one engine. Passenger asked how far the one running would last. RW said "All the way to the crash site."
  9. My grandfather lives in Springville as well. 219, just north of the golf course. Plants a fairly good size garden too. Small world.
  10. I would like to point out the equation between unions and the state of NYS and WNY.
  11. The Searchers with J Wayne. Rear Window with J Stewart and Grace Kelly. What a beauty Kelly was. Lawrence of Arabia with Omar Sharif. For a Saturday morning, Feris Beuhler's Day Off.
  12. Vilma. The others have the experience, but what I saw of a rookie just knocked my socks off. Kid has a great future.
  13. I don't know how many of you out-of-towners read the Buffalo News on their web site. I try to read it every day just to keep up on the local "stuff" even though I do not live their anymore (currently in Columbus OH). I am having a hard time comprehending the problems that that area is having financially. The City of Buffalo is working under a financial control board. Erie county is under extreme financial pressure. In general, the entire WNY area is bleeding from an open chest wound. One of my best friends in high school mentioned this past summer that if it were not for his kids in middle / high school he would have moved out of the area. Is the problems that this area is having a result of the big fat lazy brother down south, NYC? Too much "politics" in the government? What drives companies to stay in the area, let alone try to expand. If this area doesn't turn things around pretty durn quick, I could see a major financial implosion which could result in the loss of the Bills and Sabres. Yes, there have been different things proposed to "jump start" the economy. Develop the waterfront, expand the Peace Bridge, build office space. But, in my opinion you've got to have demand to create supply. I can't see it the other way around. Heck, they can't even agree to what the Peace Bridge should look like or where is should go. And that has been going on for years. Yet, the Canadian side has all the infrastructure ready to go when "something" is built. In general, it breaks my heart to see an area that I grew up in and still have deep feelings for just die a slow and painful death. I know that this is not football related and may be moved, but I thought that I would throw this out here for comments.
  14. One other thing worth considering is that when someone on the Pat defense got hurt they worked pretty much on a "plug and chug" system. Plug someone else in and chug along. Can the Bills defense say / do this (ex. Spikes)?
  15. What do you do with or what are your going to do with your cell phone? Why not ask the same question for it? (Read) Yes, they are safe.
  16. I haven't seen your check yet. Any thoughts on its whereabouts?
  17. What do you mean that they can't play golf. It might be a little on the cool side, instead of Miami or Phoenix, but cetainly there is plenty of golf courses in the Jax area. BTW, Indy is using the potential selection of a Super Bowl as one reason to get a new domed stadium for the Colts.
  18. Game grades are not published to the public. I have a contact in the ref biz, I will make an inquiry.
  19. When I lived in Raleigh (2 yrs ago), Blinco's on Six Forks had it on tap. I can get Labatt Blue and Lite, Molson Golden and Canadian here in Columbus OH.
  20. Reality vs. Fantasy D Esmonde has an excellent op-ed in today's Buffalo News. Link is attached.
  21. People at the front desk now. There may be some "crackage" on display if this one dude doesn't pull up his pants.
  22. Columbus OH, 9 this morning (ABC - a$$ bitin cold).
  23. False alarm. Just shuffling papers.
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