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Everything posted by BuffaloBud

  1. I think this is what I didn't like about week 4: i. J.P. Losman. There's a fine line between developing a kid and sending your season down the tubes, Bills. MMQB
  2. From the NFL web site www.nfl.com/fans/rules/fumble I have an copy of the 2005 rules at home. I will check them tonight.
  3. Bump. Nick, I wish you would respond to my PM.
  4. Manufacturing footballs Only one place in the world makes footballs - Ada, Ohio. I bet the ones with the White House logos are a tough catch.
  5. I have to agree about all the graphics at the top of the screen during Fox broadcasts. There is the current score and time on one banner, scores of games in progress in a separate window, a scrolling banner giving information about the current drive or some piece of trivia. Plus, the da#* sound effects. Just show me the game!
  6. Ronald Curry, wr for the Raiders, ruptured is achilles last year against us, I think. He re-habbed and was in the starting line up this season. Only to have the other tendon rupture in the first or second game this year. Could a change in the defensive scheme (3-4 to 4-3) be in store?
  7. #1 ailing badly and the #2 injured. Heard on Mike and Mike this morning that the Jets now stands for "just end the season".
  8. Spielman on sports (daily am talk show) 12:00 every day
  9. Isn't this why cities still insist on having the extra large buses for public transportation, rather than more efficient mini-buses? For use in mass quanitities of public evacuation?
  10. It amy come to that as they have suspended evac ops due to security concerns. From the rescuers viewpoint that is.
  11. This is exactly what my neighborhood did in Raleigh after Fran. We literally cooked everything that we had in the fridge and freezer. One large bbq.
  12. What about asking the hotel if your reservation could be transferred to another site rather than booting someone out?
  13. Sorry that I do not have the link, but Palm Beach (FL) Post story in today's Columbus (OH) Dispatch describes how hotels rooms are being taken from refugees for football fans. Hampton Inn in Tallehassee (doesn't say which one) has thrown out refugees for the fans coming for the Miami-FSU game. Hoteliers said there was little they could do to help those who fled homes because they had to honor long-standing reservations for the football weekend. Front desk manager for the Quality Inn, who had several dozen of its 90 rooms occupied by storm refugees, said people who have planned trips for months would not take it well if they were told just days before the game that the hotel could not provide rooms. "We're not going to have a whole bunch of angry people," said the Quality Inn manager. I guess you were right, money talks - compassion walks. Personally, I would have tried to make other accomodations (stay in Jax - drive over?).
  14. 5:00 Eastern time is when the president is to speak to the nation.
  15. It wouldn't suprise me in the least. Houston is not that far away either. Just rotate the games between the two teams.
  16. I would hope that these entities would take this in mind. It was pointed out on the Today Show that this event is being taken into consideration with air, car, and hotel. Can't say about game tickets.
  17. That is why I am suggesting that the schools think about postponing the game to a later date. And, if they don't, that the people coming in from out of town have some civility and re-look at accomodations. Or, going at all. Think about if it was you in that hotel room with no house.
  18. I don't know if there is room in the schedule, but I would look at postponing, not cancelling.
  19. ** Mods - feel free to move if you think it is best. ** I just thought that I would post my view on current opinions concerning NO, AL, MS post-Katrina with respect to my experiences with Fran and Floyd when I lived in NC. I want to share what I went through as a first responder volunteer (search and rescue / rebuilding) during this time. Fran and Floyd occurred on consecutive years in NC. Just as eastern NC was putting some pieces together from Fran, Floyd came around. This double whammy broke many backs in NC. Now granted, that area (NC) does not have the port commerce like NO and area does, but it does have an equal amount of agriculture and tourism as LA, AL, and MS, as well as I feel the same level of "income". It took the eastern side (east of 95) of NC many years to recover in all aspects. Infrastructure was the hardest hit. From a public and business point of view. Many farmers lost everything. Small businesses were down for years. People lived in temporary housing (trailers and mobile homes) for years. Electricity took months to get back on-line. These two events are one reason why NC is having such a financial problem now. LA, MS, and AL are only seeing the very tip of the iceberg. From an environmental aspect, think about what is floating in that water right now. Chemicals, fuel, trash, dead animals, building materials, sewage, etc. Plus, it will be in the 90's with high humidity. Look at the pictures of the water in the NO area. It is right up to the eaves. Most likely these homes will have to be torn down completely. To the ground and re-built. Think about that. The football team can just about think that they will not play in the Superdome this year. With the roof torn apart and the use of the stadium as a temporary "home" and the situation with the surrounding neighborhoods, there is just no way that this should be considered. Think about what would/should happen if another storm comes this way. I have no problem with the mayor and gov declaring martial law and imposing a curfew to prevent issues. The problem is getting around. The effects of this storm, positive and negative, will be felt for a very long time (years). When someone said that this is our tsunami, believe it.
  20. OK, let's put the displaced people into "camps". Where in the world do you think you can find the location, supplies, manpower, and have utilities installed before Monday? And today is Tuesday. Brilliant!! I would certainly hope that the out of town football fans would have a bit of civility and try to find other accomodations.
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