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Everything posted by BuffaloBud

  1. I've used this product for a couple of home wood projects. Works great! www.gorillaglue.com
  2. You will probably be drier than a popcorn fart for the rest of the year.
  3. If I was Matt Birk and the other players I would take the other approach. Leave the Vikes and Moss out to dry by sitting out plays or games or demanding a trade from Minn. Let Minn and Moss be there all by themselves until this facsimile of a human learns that he needs the rest of the team.
  4. I don't have any Bills fans in the Columbus OH area. No one else in my family expressed an interest in reading the book.
  5. I received two of Marv's book as gifts. I am willing to part with the second at cost - $24.95. Any interest?
  6. I'll be out of touch for a while during the holiday. I hope that everyone has a great holiday.
  7. Man, that is cool!! I wish I had the time and knew how to do that kind of stuff.
  8. Women of Brazil stay in your homes and lock the doors.
  9. This company had a nice article about it in today's Buffalo News online site. Never new it existed. Wish they had a puzzle of Buffalo. Buffalo puzzle manufacturer
  10. Pardon me if I stepped on your toes and repeated a previous post. Not like it's never been done before.
  11. Permanently drinking with a straw
  12. Thank you Nick for the invite. In my business travels to Europe I never experienced any difficulties. If you really want to blend in - wear black in France. Everyone does.
  13. After living in NY, TX, and NC before moving to OH, I have to take exception to some of your comments concerning the comparison on WNY to OH. #1. Ohio Drivers. When I was in WNY twice this past summer, I saw much more reckless driving in WNY than OH. In fact, I compared it to the NCIR (North Carolina International Raceway - I40/I85). In the Columbus area, the roads are cleared fairly well. I agree WNY does a better job, but hey, they are better equipped. #2. Ohio Inferiority Complex. In the public's eye, yes, Detroit is the CBJ's rival. Why? Because OH hates anything related to MI. Ask any player and Nashville is the rival. And I have asked quite a few to know this. #3. Ohio climate. I beg to differ here big time. You mean to say that WNY's weather is much better than Ohio. They are pretty much the same thing. If the summer's are like they were this past one, I'm a happy camper. And when you are through with school, let me know so that I don't accept your resume. And good luck finding anything of value back in WNY. CYA.
  14. Someone on this board has these for sale. Unfortunately, I can't remember who. I would like to purchase a copy of the Comeback Game. Please contact me. Thanks.
  15. Don't know how many of us actually played football in WNY, but Mr. Constantino was a figure in HS football at Depew HS. I actually played in 3 Lancaster - Depew games against Mr. Constantino. He was always very gracious in victory and defeat. God speed Coach. Frank Constantino passes
  16. I found this. Good luck. Will the car wash remove egg? If you get to the car wash before the egg dries, it might be removed in the wash. Dried egg is highly corrosive, and damage to your finish starts almost immediately. Contact your local detail professional if the egg has already hardened. Source: http://kaady.com/faq.htm
  17. P King of SI has the Bills at 13 in his Top 15. or
  18. Last week the Buffalo News web site had an article about this. Basically, it is a power move by Giambra to make the budget as small as possible so that the constituents will yell their heads off at their representatives (local and state) to restore services. By voicing their opinion to restore services, the residents of Erie county will have essentially "voted" themselves a tax increase and Giambra can walk away without getting burned.
  19. Jason Whitlock Book written by Jason Whitlock. Check the cover. My two cents. What he is saying is that because the majority of the "in-house" audience is white and corporate America paying them hugh sums for sponsorship is white, then the black player who protrays this type of sportsmanship is biting the hands that feed them.
  20. Pooj, you are going to have some real temptations this time of the year and losing weight could be tough. Try this alternative. Group of us at my former employer created a contest starting this time of the year called "Project Zero". Goal was to not gain any weight from Thanksgiving through New Years. How you did this was on your own, but you had a support team in case you needed it. The 15 pound loss thing I would start up after the holidays. I just try to stick to a couple of basics; eat right (like everyone else has stated) and exercise. Good luck.
  21. I hope I get this right. The chairman of K-Mart ran/owned the investment company that owned 15% of Sears. That investment company was Sears' largest shareholder.
  22. What gets me, over and beyond ANS, is the reaction of the crowd. I bet that they don't have a full brain amoung all of them, combined.
  23. Let's not forget that Ralph is loyal to the bitter end.
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