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Everything posted by BuffaloBud

  1. Don't forget to account for the booze transported into the stadium "undercover". Went to the NC State game 2 yrs ago and saw 2 pints of Jack brought in and emptied by halftime.
  2. Charlotte, Indy, Cincy good - no problems. Just a little bantering. You ignore them - they will forget you.
  3. "Don't let the bastards get you down.......... " Hear, hear.
  4. Nick, thanks for the update. I had given that up. Glad to hear that you have things in order. Now it's my turn on hard times - unemployed. Play hard - have fun!
  5. The USGA and the course is watering the greens during the evening and periodically during the day as conditions dictate. D Fey of the USGA even came out and said so. Classic course - must hit the proper shot to the proper spot - good test of the entire golf game. I get tired of what I call "bomb and drop" golf.
  6. There is another option. My wife bad seasonal allergies and OTC drugs were not making it. A few years ago she did the shots 3X per week and had pretty good success. This year she investigated a holistic approach to her allergies. This was a "yeast diet" (yeast elimination). It can be done 15 days with supplements or 30 without. Real good success. She gets a little stuffy only if the humidity is high. Might be something to explore.
  7. Mine sucks becuase I am currently out of work. "Reduction in force", more like re-allocate responsibility to Asia. I liked what I did, liked the people, liked the challenges. Now, I'm searching for an employer that wants a mid-40 year old with 20 years experience.
  8. Ever think about what other areas (other than sales) that could use your people skills. Corporate trainer is one that comes to mind quickly. Expand the focus and look beyond the logical. Unfortunately, I am having to do such (recently unemployed).
  9. 1) Why did you move out of Buffalo? Left Buffalo after graduating from RIT in 1984. Lack of tech jobs in the area. 2) Where did you go? Went to work for Texas Instruments in Texas. 3) How does your new home compare to Buffalo? Currently live in Columbus OH. Couldn't find anything comparable unless I was in E Auroura or OP. Nuf said. 4) If the econonmy and job market were stable would you move back? Doubt it. Weather in Columbus has its cold spells, but for not as long. 5) What suggestions to you have to improve the quality of life here? Reduce the financial burden (taxes) the rest of the state has to take on to support big brother down state. Nuf said.
  10. If you can, catch the story about C Dobler on ESPN. Emphasis on story is about his wife, who broke her neck and damaged her spinal cord. Paralyzed from the neck down. This has taken a lot out of Conrad financially, emotionally, etc. Daughter got accepted to USC, but CD can't afford to have her go there (will go to Miami of OH in fall). Med bills are approx $750K to date.
  11. Out of work (unemployed) - as I currently am.
  12. Caught the tail end of the Dan Patrick show today. He was running through a list of names to J Thiesman asking him if they should be in the HOF. Thiesman said NO to A Reed.
  13. Freakin cloudy here in Columbus OH. Otherwise, I'd bundle up and look for it.
  14. Different times and different situations between the two teams. The Bills did not have to contend with free agency like now. The players were pretty consistent from year to year. Many of the Bills players "moved up the ladder" together. Teams today are pieced together and hope that they can make a run and stay away from injury. When the Bills had an injury there was a really good player behind him to backfill. In general, I look back at those teams with fondness and admiration knowing that that kind of run will not happen again.
  15. IMO, this may be the best show on tv. Shows what we should be doing as a society. However, I do think that some of the bells and whistles are over the top. Just get the family back on its feet, not make it look like The Beverly Hillbillies.
  16. "I believe that women who want to wear thongs should have to fill out an application." I was witness to that tonight. YIKES.
  17. I don't post too often, but read the messages quite a bit. Currently unemployed.
  18. I do my own yardwork. Not only is it physical exercize, but a mental release from the daily grind.
  19. First trip out west (probably 20 years ago) was to Steamboat Springs. All by itself, nice little town. Good for a long weekend, but I would not make a whole week there. Plenty of good skiing. Have been to UT and CO since then. Have to put UT at the top. Have WY, MT, and ID on the "to do" list
  20. Couple of thoughts. There are bike tours of DC. You get to pack quite a bit in a very short time and see some things that you would not normally see. Plus, you get some exercise. One other thought is the Marine Corps drill team "show". This is done at night (Fridays, I think) at the Naval barracks, near the river. Tickets are very hard to come by.
  21. If you have any ibuprofen (sp?), take about 4. Should help.
  22. How is it that it is TD's decision to make? IMO, the on field personnel decisions fall squarely on MM shoulders.
  23. Jags put the franchise tag on DD. Miami would have to pony up a chunk of change to get him.
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