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Everything posted by yall

  1. She isn't so hideous that they should be calling these boys "victims". "Yeah we'll arrest her, right after we give him the 'luckiest boy in the world' medal." It seems like I've been using that line waaaaaaaaaay too much lately...
  2. Don't worry. I'm willing to bet at least 2 of them are incarcerated within 2 years.
  3. This part seemed a bit fishy to me: “There is simply no stomach for it in the Pentagon, and a lot of people question whether such an attack would be effective or even possible.” Effective? Maybe not. I'm not a military/political/economic strategist, so I couldn't prognosticate the long term effectiveness of a strike on any Iranian interests. But "possible"? That's a joke. I doubt there is any "source" within the Pentagon who thinks a strike on Iran isn't possible. Articles like these really make me wonder what qualifies as a source these days. Does "source inside the Pentagon" mean they spoke with the janitor? "Off the record, these guys can't even hit the urinal, so how would they bomb Iran?"
  4. I see some news outlets are running this as something akin to the war on christmas. But then again, it's just not as sexy to run something like this: http://www.breitbart.com/news/2007/02/26/D8NHI2MO2.html " Pfann is even unsure that the name "Jesus" on the caskets was read correctly. He thinks it's more likely the name "Hanun." Ancient Semitic script is notoriously difficult to decipher. " Or this: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8...00.html?cnn=yes "Archaeologists and clergymen in the Holy Land derided claims in a new documentary" How 'bout this: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,254669,00.html "In 1996, when the British Broadcasting Corp. aired a short documentary on the same subject, archaeologists challenged the claims. Amos Kloner, the first archaeologist to examine the site, said the idea fails to hold up by archaeological standards but makes for profitable television. "They just want to get money for it," Kloner said." Whether you want to believe in christianity, jesus, or religion in general, the notion of Cameron's "documentary" influencing your decision is laughable.
  5. I play rythym guitar in this band (most of the time anyway, once in a while I sneak in a solo like in "The Jack" or "Rocker" to satisfy my guitar player ego).
  6. Aside from the UNCF Liberty Scholarships (for family members of 9/11 victims) can you show me an example of a non-minority student who has received a "general" UNCF scholarship? I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but I have never heard of such an example. The only reason I question it, is that the name of the organization itself, combined with the fact that their Liberty scholarship explicitly says "regardless of race or color" makes me doubtful that any caucasian has ever received a general UNCF scholarship.
  7. Didn't want to start a new immigration thread... so I figured I'd resurrect the most recent one. From Ruben Navarrette's most recent article on CNN:(http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/02/26/navarrette.immigration/index.html) According to him, these are some of the "worst" ideas reagarding illegal immigrants: States such as Utah and Virginia are threatening to eliminate in-state tuition rates for illegal immigrant students who attend public colleges and universities. So in his opinion an out of state student should pay more than a person in the country illegally. Nice one Ruben. In Maryland, State Delegate Ronald A. George and Sen. Janet Greenip, both Republicans, have filed bills that would require anyone applying for a state driver's license to show proof that they're in the country legally. OMFG! How terrible. Just a slippery slope away from internment camps. Of course never mind the insurance implications. Last year, the Colorado Legislature approved legislation that requires that those who apply for state-funded programs must prove they are legal U.S. residents and sign an affidavit to that effect. Wait a minute, you mean I shouldn't care if people who sneak here illegally are sapping an already burdened welfare system? At least these guys aren't taking a job away from someone. Whew! I sent him a note to ask him why he thinks these idea are so bad, considering he offered no reason in his article. Feel free to do the same: ruben.navarrette@uniontrib.com
  8. For some of us it isn't... I have zero problem with that notion. To me it's all about the message. And just as an aside, you guys are aware that most historians think this is a load of hooey, right?
  9. The problem with this issue has little to do with our current situation in Iraq (well, it does in the sense that it's the country where these guys are getting injured). Army medical treatment (I can't speak for the other branches) has been sh*tty for a long time. Rather than seeing this issue politicized, I'd like to just see it addressed.
  10. If you don't know, then never mind!
  11. did you make it up? I think I met your brother there after the show. I guess the Bug Jar is no longer a surprise, huh?
  12. Hey Jack... here is an idea... When you are chillin on the front of the boat, exchanging longing glances at Juliete, why not take the time to ask her "WHAT THE EFF IS GOING ON HERE???".
  13. Plus, those are only the deaths in that particular theater of operation. There are still training deaths that occur stateside, so really we aren't comparing apples to oranges, and like you said doesn't include wounded.
  14. Probably more than you would think. Do you suppose most of these guys died in accidents learning how to color within the lines? When I was stationed at Ft. Knox (In 1993 so this will acount for at least 2 of those deaths) 2 guys were blown up because they were careless when doing a vehicle refuel and didn't properly attach the ground wire. Just prior to that (I wasn't there that day, thank god!) 7 or 8 guys were blown to bits by some lunkhead who was playing with a "dud" 40mm grenade that was leftover from a Mk19 range. Amazingly no one was killed, but most of them sustained major injuries. (As an aside, what happened was that said moron approached a group of guys lingering around the motor pool with a 'nade he found in the back of one of the hummers. As he was walking toward them he was tossing it into the air and catching it on the way back down. When got got up to them and said "look what I found guys" he muffed the catch, and BLAM!. He is still in Ft. Levenworth with all of his front teeth blown out. Probably fairly popular there. I felt bad for him because he was just some stupid hillbilly, but he also damn near killed a bunch of people I knew which was messed up).
  15. Can we make a request for BOTD? I'd like me some Leanne Tweeden!
  16. Hmmm... maybe.. I dunno. 6 months I could live with.. but 2 years just seems like too much. You have some valid points though.
  17. Once the again the justice system has failed us all. I completely understand the need for deterrence and what she did was dangerous. But the bottom line is that no one was hurt, and even if the state of Virginia feels the need to convict this woman as a felon, 2 years is just too much, considering that there was not excessive property or personal damage.
  18. It's ok... not super great and not bad. Way better to go during nicer weather though. Never been to the Left Bank so I can't offer any advice there.
  19. Pretty sure the Canadian girls are hooked on something too.. at least the ones that work the rub & tugs.
  20. "Hello, Mr. Ahma.. Mr. Amadej.... uh, Mr. A, please to be talking to you today. Why do you feel you should not pay the monies you are owing to us? Ve feel you are being a very bad man."
  21. I like ibuypower.com. Granted, it's mostly for gaming PC's (as is alienware.com but they are $$$) but you can spec out a pretty cheap machine there. Give it a try and then compare to Dell or Gateway.
  22. Right and he was being sarcastic. Too bad that weas completely lost on you. How many times do I need to explain something to you before it bores it's way into your skull? I'm gonna guess the magic number is 8, so I expect this may take some more posts... Oh, ok maybe you do get it now... No one mentioned the respone to it, Iraq, or any of that until you showed up. Now it would seem you are just arguing with no one for the sake of arguing. Heck, maybe you just really enjoy typing. Again, I don't know where this is all coming from. Once again, the OP's intention was to show that muslim extremism ins't rooted in the quest for oil. Then you came in and started blathering on about Iraq, when the OP was about muslim extremism in India. And by the way "sparky" don't think I didn't notice your convenient edit... If that's how you debate (or come in and act like a retard or whatever it is you are doing) then I'll take that as notice to not bother with you anymore.
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