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Everything posted by clayboy54

  1. The more I contemplate the possibilities, given what Buddy did to get Mario Williams, it would not surprise me at all to see us make a move to get Kalil. The real question becomes at what point will he become available. At #3, if the Vikes really want him, we can't afford to offer a deal they can't refuse. If, by chance he drops past #3, which could happen, then I could see the Bills furiously calling to make a deal. Cleveland may be looking at Tannehill, or maybe not. They should be looking hard at Richardson. There is Claiborne and Blackmon in there someplace. Would Tampa Bay trade down to #10 and still have a shot at their guy? Very possibly, because it seems that St Louis wants Blackmon, Miami need Tannehill if he's not a Brown, and the Titans are probably going DL/LB. That would be a very real and doable scenario, IMO. We can afford to trade up to #5 or #7 if Kalil is highly rated by our staff. I know everyone can't see Nix trading picks to move up, but who honestly thought he would do what he did to land Super Mario? Certainly not me!
  2. I'd really wish the Bills would consider Early Ducet. He can be just the #2 we are in need of, with tons of upside. Won't break the bank, either.
  3. Oh, yes he is! While I totally agree with those who think he will retire as a Colt, if for some reason that doesn't work out Peyton will play hardball to get everything he wants and more. Remember what happened when Eli was drafted? The same "advisor" is calling this one. His name is Archie. Mark my words, if Peyton plays he'll end up looking like a prick just like his brother did at the draft.
  4. In all seriousness, it is more likely that the Broncos will have offensive success against the Pats than it should have been against the Steelers. The difference in defensive strengths are night and day. With Tebow's new found downfield passing game, and added confidence after the 1st round win, will help their already strong running game. In short, I expect to see Denver move the ball effectively vs the Patriots. If Von Miller and Elvis Dumerville can get consistent pressure on Brady, through a combination of effective blitz packages, and if Denver doesn't choose to plan around a scheme of rushing only 3 or 4 DLs, then I really feel the Broncos have a legitimate chance to win this game. In my mind, it will all come down to Denver's defensive game plan.
  5. I came in from Indiana and was thrilled to have the chance to go to the game with my wife. (thanks to NyQuil) I thoroughly enjoyed the game in the Rockpile and met quite a few really good folks there. How about this weather for late December! Standing was the least of my worries, as it kept us warmer than sitting on the cold metal seats. Merry Christmas to all!
  6. Within all of the Fitz dialog, nowhere have I seen written that his rib injury might be contributing to his poor play. If you look at the Miami tape from last week, on several occasions Fitz could be seen clutching his ribs after a hit. This is a painful injury that has not been given any time off to heal. Fitz is not such a great QB with arm strength that can overcome the limitation of the lack of upper body movement caused by a painful rib injury. Since the injury, his accuracy has been poor and he routinely misses open receivers by quite a bit. This would be typical of somebody without their full range of throwing motion. My feeling is that there is way more to this rib injury than we are led to believe. Just a thought...
  7. That's too bad as I had hopes for the guy since his training camp performances. I really thought they made a mistake letting him go early on. Unfortunately, once thay gave him the 2nd chance and he still didn't make it, we can be pretty sure he's not any good.
  8. Why is it that most of the time our D spots the opponent 14-21 points before stopping them and then fades at the end?
  9. October 28, 1959... Ralph Wilson established the Buffalo Bills. Downhill from there!
  10. From the Miami post-game interviews: http://www.palmbeachpost.com/sports/dolphins/miami-dolphins-yeremiah-bell-buffalo-bills-took-a-1983958.html "In the first half, when we jumped on them, the way the game was going and the way they were playing, they laid down," Bell said Sunday after Miami's 35-8 victory. "We were putting a hat to them and flying all over the place. "When we don't make mistakes, we execute, and everybody's in the right spot, we're a pretty good defense. We did that today, and I feel they laid down." This might be good bulletin board material, but it is so very sad that it has come to this. In the tight-knit NFL players' world, when other players disrespect you AFTER the game, it is usually the truth. No trash-talk or posturing, but real honest-to-goodness truth. Funny that the Bills-Dolphins rivalry is no longer what it once was, so it rings even louder when it comes from players that don't have any axe to grind. This, in my opinion, is the single most damning evidence of this franchise. Opposing players know what is really going on on the field. This is way more information than any fans can pull from the game. This is more than any commentator or analyst can come up with. This is a clear statement from brothers in the NFL fraternity that the Buffalo Bills LAID DOWN. QUIT. STOPPED TRYING. Since my first game in 1963, I have never felt as hopeless about this franchise than I do today. What a crying shame!
  11. I have a piece of the goalpost torn down after that game, myself. Just a small piece, mind you, but its mounted on a little plaque on my wall. Maybe some others of you have one of these too. They were made available by WBEN Radio. Anyhow, it helps me remember another one of the great moments in Buffalo Bills history.
  12. His knees (both of them) were down with the ball in his arms. It did scare me, but Gannon made way more of it than was called for on the b'dcast. It worked out so who cares anymore.
  13. I seriously disagree with the notion that the Bills are looking at signing ANY veteran players. Contrary to the idea put out there by Mr. Negativity at The News, it has nothing to do with bean-counters. Whether you like it or not, this team is committed to Buddy's philosophy. Buddy is going to "stay the course" as he has said many times, and the entire football operation will either succeed or go down with the ship based on that sole philosophy. Wake-up and smell the coffee, guys. Stop being disappointed that the Bills aren't signing [insert name here.]
  14. Open tryouts Tuesday in Wegman's parking lot. Agents will be on hand for instant contract negotiations! Be there!!!
  15. How about Chris Degeare (Vikings)? He may be the best available interior lineman that the Bills could go after right now.
  16. I just took several hours to review the tape and based on this concept, we do have some glaring issues. That said, it is not at all like what many of these posts represent. While none of us have any idea what any given player's assignment was, we do know when obvious mistakes occur. Here are my thoughts on individual player performances based on only the obvious. Bell clearly did not have any chance in the passing game. If they keep him on the field, they need to give him help on every passing down. Wrotto did not appear to even understand his assignments. On multiple occasions he was looking around and blocking no one. The rest of the OL were not over-matched one-on-one, but looked bad trying to make-up for the above two. Florence and McKelvin were not going full speed. For whatever reason, they were waltzing around in slow motion with the 1st unit. They don't suck. Fitz has no timing established with the receivers. Perhaps it's because of the lockout. Perhaps it's because there are too many receivers. The only balls consistently way off the mark were due to pressures. (mainly under-throws) Defensive play calling was bad. Was this because it's preseason without a game plan or was Edwards out-matched? Spiller was fine. When there was somewhere to run, he took it. It looked mostly like he was seeing a brick wall in front of him, however. Easley needs a lot of work to get better. He seems to be thinking too much or pressing. He obviously can run a good route and has great potential. He needs to learn the position better. Wang isn't there yet by any means but he is improving. Troupe looked pretty good considering he had one arm tied behind his back, almost literally. The linebacking is much better than last year and way better than you guys led me to believe. The Bills are doing a lot of work on various screen plays. How long have we waited for that? While we probably aren't going to win many games, it looks like an improving team in my opinion.
  17. This whole debate has me intrigued. Have any of you seriously considered the risk of drafting a player with a brain tumor at #3? I know that he's been cleared and the tumor is benign, thank goodness. But really folks, take a look at guys like Percy Harvin who miss games because of migraines. Not to mention the thread here that talks about the reality of head injuries in the NFL. Yes, Robert Quinn is the real deal, IMO. However for the bills, it may be a risk that is not in the best interest of the teams chances of success in this draft. When you're down as low as the Bills are right now, it is absolutely imperative that we hit on our top picks, as most of you unquestionably realize. I am like many others that question our drafting history, but in this case I can hardly question if the Bills pass on Quinn. He may turn out to be the next Bruce Smith, but if I were Buddy Nix it wouldn't be for the Buffalo Bills.
  18. Don't worry about it... The world is gonna end on Dec 21st 2012 anyway.
  19. If the football game was played first, there'd be no hockey game. The Sabres would all be dead or in wheelchairs.
  20. In a nutshell, this is exactly what happened to the ATC back in 1981. Like the PATCO situation, the NFLPA is also subject to federal law pertaining to their anti-trust status. Federal workers are not subject to the same anti-trust scrutiny as mainstream union employees and neither is the NFLPA. Therefore, your perceived threat of anti-trust action against the NFL is not realistic. Decertification and subsequent work-stoppage could perhaps open a can of worms with regard to the federal law protecting the NFL from anti-trust obligations, however it most surely would not be popular among the voting public. Our legislators would certainly cave into public demand and attempt to have any anti-trust action dismissed on the grounds it is not applicable under the law. I would guess it would take a Supreme Court ruling to overturn this. That would be very unlikely to happen. And, if it did it would be years down the line. In summary, I would believe that decertification and a work-stoppage would open the door for immediate hiring of ANY players wishing to be gainfully employed in the NFL. This would not only be "substitute" players like in the past, but also any and all current players who would no longer be covered by a non-existent NFLPA. Like the PATCO situation of 1981, life would go on without but a small hiccup and any leverage, however small that the players have now would be lost forever.
  21. It would've been a lot more $$$ except the NFL reads the Wall and figured "ah, Fitz is only a career backup at best." LOL
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