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Everything posted by 34-78-83

  1. You got it. The teachers were just unbelievable and used many techniques that I have not seen done elsewhere. They really got me off on the right foot and gave me an edge over my peers at the time on the learning curve. Not only did they convey technique well, they greatly increased my confidence level at the time.
  2. Yeah I agree with you in principal and I still love the sport ( my ski's went from 205's to 190's with shape skis), but 1) around here kids do not ski free and 2) I do not make enough $ to justify going because the increase has far surpassed inflation, plus I am not willing to give up my Bills games
  3. I've been skiing since I was ten and learned from some of the best teachers in the world at Gray Rocks, Quebec on two separate week long lesson sessions. Unfortunately, what used to cost 12-16 dollars for a 4 hour pass here now costs 44 . I went from going like 30 times per year to @ 2
  4. here Barry: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;EN-US;325478
  5. Me too... I haven't had a good feeling about this game for a few weeks now but hopefully the Bills will overcome
  6. While Fezmid is dead on accurate with eveything he states here, it is not realistic to think that in a business environment all users are going to avoid clicking links and paste them into their browser. There are usually other security measures in place at most corporations to avoid most of the garbage out there, and on top of that, most of today's viruses that we find are nothing more than nuisances. Unfortunately, I do not have a direct solution to the error you are receiving. I have seen some other issues with clicking on links that are easily fixable but I haven't seen that particular error.
  7. Wow! I knew Dave Jr. too (from Penfield) but I never knew anything about his Dad.
  8. My stamina has left me since I entered the IT field , so I can't run around nearly as long as I used to and I don't work out anymore but I'm still a real good QB in football (Can still throw hard and accuratelly, long of @ 54 yards) and still a good outside shooter in basketball. My WR/LB days are certainly behind me though...
  9. Maybe Steve's town has been sucked into a time warp which put him back to the year 2000 ?
  10. Funny I just got the same system although it's an Athlon XP 2600+
  11. If you're still doing them, I'd like to get the AZ game and the Cleveland game
  12. Especially nice since he is my #2 FF Receiver
  13. I was so happy when he stayed with us and didn't ask to continue on with GW. In camp, during each and every D-Line drill he gets down into position and snaps the ball. Doesn't sound like much but doing it over and over again takes effort and is just an example of the hard work he puts in...
  14. Being at the game yesterday I'll submit with confidence that there is no QB who would have looked good in that weather. The ball was coming out real "heavy" for all QB's involved. Every snap throw and catch was an adventure due to the wet snow ( or Snowy rain if you like). I'm not sure how well this translated to the tv broadcast so I thought I'd mention it....
  15. Again the leads allow those players to show their true colors. I agree on Kelsay, I forgot to mention him...
  16. Yes Denney reported each time. He was in on @ 10-12 plays as I recall it.
  17. Same defense last year other than 2 things and 2 things only: -A large increase in playmaking ability in the secondary. -As stated, having an actual offense getting the lead in games.
  18. I believe we'll need 28 to 30 points to beat Cinci next week.
  19. Funny you mentioned this. My Dad and I watched him every time down as of course he stood out pretty easily. Guys pretty much shyed away from him as he ran down his lane and I don't blame them. Did you see him on Punt Coverage teams? He Pancaked his man I believe on each Brown's punt. He just didn't have the quicks to get to the punter in time. Me thinks this guy is going to be a valuable role player for a few years to come
  20. I like the "Steve not watching" too It seems to be working!
  21. I signed up for a scrimmage pitting the Bills against the local high school team wearing Cleveland Brown Unis. Am I missing something here?
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