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Everything posted by 34-78-83

  1. Well if that is so, then he is still "our" scumbag! And I'm a douchebag anyway so what's a scumbag in comparison?
  2. Hey Now!!! I just gave you props! Now settle down both of you, and FM maybe you should keep your wagers with AKC on the "PM" level instead of publicly trashing a Bills fan on his own board.
  3. AKC, This feels alomost like rooting for the Fish but to FM's credit he has seen the changes in some of said Bills players and admitted it here. I understand the rivalry you 2 have developed and I don't want to get in the way but I just thought I'd point it out. I'd add that personally, I can take FM's posts alot more than the tunnel vision of Thurm's Helmet. Not trying to curb your opinion, just a thought...
  4. That's a good thought. If you come up with any email addy's , PM me and I will gladly write them....
  5. I'll take Sulli over Weiler any day. Atleast he is confident enough in himself to change his opinion from time to time , although he's still a jerk most of the time.
  6. Who's afraid? I want to see them at full strength as much as you do. Maybe a couple have said they'd rather play a weakened Steeler team, but nowhere in this thread have I said this but you keep refering to it as if I did. Comprehension is an important asset in life...
  7. Internet Macho man! That's cool that you're coming to the game though....
  8. Looks like me vs. Scrubbs and Stiffs in the Super Bowl for "R. Rich's Buffalo Bills League" , Woohoo!
  9. As long as there is just enough run threat to allow for play-action at times, I think we'll be ok considering how well the O-line has been pass blocking of late.
  10. Honestly, I felt bad for the old orange and Aqua , and while the Dolphins will always be our main rival we are in a period where the Pats are the most annoying opponent in the division and it's fun to see their QB fail, especially when John Madden has his pants down in the booth while talking about him
  11. Sooo..... still not ONE other poster agrees with this sage wisdom from an esteemed coach in VA ???
  12. OMFG we want the Steelers to put the Kill shot on the Ravens and we want the Pats to be grumpy heading into the Jets game. Did any but one or two people even mention the Steelers at Buff game when explaining why the NE loss helps us?
  13. I believe he is caught up in that moment we've all experienced atlleast once here where he really understands what EVERYONE else is saying here but now feels he "has to" stand by his point as some sort of challenge to his Fanship or manhood or something. Just a guess though...
  14. Dude, I'm going with another diehard Bills fan and 2 Diehard Steeler fans. Believe me we want to see both teams at full potential...
  15. I believe also as others have stated that Pitt will not sit their starters. I don't think we'll see Maddox unless we are getting blown out.
  16. So you don't think that blowing a game on national television to a weak team adds any incentive for a (made up of humans) football team the following week? Ok Lol...
  17. Do you understand, ICE, that Pittsburgh and Baltimore are caught up in a little something called a division rivalry? Did you know that the Ravens beat the steelers this year already?
  18. I'll be there at the Ralph live and rabbid! ..... With my other Chickenshit Bills bretheren!
  19. Ok last time. For some of us atleast it has nothing to do with the state of the steelers on Jan 2. It has to do with 2 created opportunities from tonights Pats loss that would help our chances of even making the playoffs...
  20. News flash: We will need to "back our way in" anyway because it is already a fact that other teams need to lose for us to have a chance by winning out. Now the Steelers can put down the throttle on the Ravens to ensure HF and the Pats can get their angry revenge from tonight's emabarassment against the Jets. If Jax doesn't lose we NEED those two things to happen. If you don't understand this I can help no further.
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