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Everything posted by K-9

  1. It’s quite possible that EVERY personality is a douchebag.
  2. Yeah, that really raised my antennae. There’s a reason the scale is kept minimal.
  3. Tangibles and intangibles? On the draft board? Really? I’m not sure what you saw, but it wasn’t a draft board. Those intangible profile aspects of a player won’t be weighed until several other boxes have been checked. Things like interviews with the players themselves, discussions with their coaches, background checks, etc. Heck, I’ve known high school teachers that were asked for character references about players in the past. It is just too early in the process at this time for any of this data to be compiled, let alone judged in assisting the construction of a draft board.
  4. Believe what you wish, that’s cool. I’m offering the insight based on intimate knowledge of several facets of the scouting process, the sheer amount of data to be compiled, and the availability of those who need to make decisions based on that data. They don’t waste time constructing boards until the principals involved have the time to devote to that particular facet. It’s a ways off at the moment. But given I’m an anonymous poster in a forum on the internet, I fully understand your reluctance to believe that. And that is totally cool with me.
  5. This is simply not true. Preliminary reports won’t be compiled and brought in house until after the Senior Bowl. First boards won’t be constructed until after the combine.
  6. No where. There is no board at this time and there won’t be for a while.
  7. Got that right. It’s one step above intern. For a “source” so deep within, I’m amazed at the level of ignorance about certain things football related.
  8. ‘Nuff said from my POV. Feel free to embellish to your heart’s content. Nobody, least of all me, can speak for how anyone suffered through those years. I feel your pain.
  9. Need to have four teams in each division for best symmetry. But if we were to move, the league should just have Buffalo and Baltimore swap divisions. Makes sense logistically, but I would miss our traditional AFL rivalries.
  10. Not sure how anyone can feel that two all time division rivals don’t matter.
  11. You raise a good point here. Given that it’s been a 16 year race for 2nd place, I wonder if Phins and Jest fans wonder the same about whether or not rivalries with teams not named the Patriots still matter.
  12. Coughlan was never one to let the Giants take the final Sunday off in these types of games, so who knows.
  13. It’s not false stoking of anything. I was asked whether or not the Miami rivalry still matters. I said “yes” and explained why. End of story. Your views are your own and more power to you for holding those views. As to the larger meaning, it’s just a fricken football game. There has never been nor will there ever be something to “get over” when it comes to a football game. It’s just not that important in the scheme of things.
  14. Karmic justice being carried out? Don’t we have to wait until next Sunday evening to determine that? Will Evan Silva (who ever that is) have the courage to eat crow if the Bills make it?
  15. I'm a life long Yankees fan, but it's amazing how many Orioles fans were generated in WNY over the years due to the 40+ year Rochester Red Wing affiliation with the Os. When the Yankees were bad when I was a kid, it was easy to root for the Orioles in playoff and World Series action. They had some great players and teams over the years.
  16. That's how I read it, too. But what is that really saying? Other than he's the best QB we have at the moment? When I answer that question honestly, I have to wonder why people are arguing about Tyrod Taylor at all.
  17. Jeff Saturday is full of crap. The Bills didn’t let that play dictate their mentality as they came out of halftime and put together an impressive drive to go up 16-13. They seemed to shrug it off quite nicely, actually.
  18. Come to think of it, yeah, that’s his pattern. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he is Hogboy.
  19. Total luck is difficult to contend with. I think Lattimore is hands down already one of the best in the league, but that play is not illustrative of that at all.
  20. Is it your assertion that Romo doesn’t have the bona fides to accurately comment on QB play during the course of a game because he didn’t have ultimate success as a player in his 13 seasons? Really?
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