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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. WE ARE BEING INVADED. Bill Melugin SHOCKINGLY Reports Border Crossers Are Mostly Young Healthy Men and Not From Mexico https://twitchy.com/justmindy/2024/05/22/bill-melugin-border-men-from-iran-not-mexico-n2396490
  2. This is a non-story. There is no need to lower ourselves to the Leftists level of fake outrage, like the "Reich" lie Yes, the Mar-a-Lago Raid Was Extraordinary, but the 'Deadly Force' Language in the Ops Order Wasn't By Susie Moore https://redstate.com/smoosieq/2024/05/21/yes-the-mar-a-lago-raid-was-extraordinary-the-deadly-force-language-in-the-operations-order-wasnt-n2174491 .
  3. Huh, imagine that. New Jersey Gym Owners Who Defied COVID Lockdowns Cleared of All Charges On Tuesday, both of the New Jersey gym owners who had been fighting a legal battle over their defiance of the Garden State's COVID-19 lockdown orders were finally cleared of all charges. https://nypost.com/2024/05/21/us-news/nj-gym-owner-who-defied-covid-shutdowns-cleared-of-charges/ https://redstate.com/wardclark/2024/05/21/new-jersey-gym-owners-who-defied-covid-lockdowns-cleared-of-all-charges-n2174490 .
  4. Biden May Already Be Plotting to Back Out of Debating Trump MATT MARGOLIS Last week, after months of uncertainty and conjecture, the Biden campaign finally broke its silence on the issue of participating in presidential debates. However, rather than going through the Presidential Debates Commission, Biden's team proposed direct negotiations with the Trump campaign for two debates: one slated for June and another for September, under terms that were transparently designed to benefit Joe Biden. The funniest thing about the debate challenge was that Biden tried to flip the script by accusing Trump of ducking debates and acting all macho about it. Despite the challenge, I was skeptical. Think about it: Why would the Biden campaign, after months of indecision, now push for debates and act like it was their idea in the first place? Biden’s public appearances have been disastrous. Even with a teleprompter, he struggles to deliver a speech without embarrassing himself. When he strays from the script, it’s a spectacle of blunders. His video challenge to Trump was a debacle as well, requiring a jump cut roughly every two seconds for a video that was just 13 seconds long. It's certainly possible it was a bluff because the conditions the Biden campaign proposed were ridiculously absurd. Unfortunately for the Biden campaign, Trump called their bluff and agreed to the debates. {snip} My skepticism appears to have been well founded because, according to Cindy Adams of the New York Post, Joe Biden is already trying to avoid debating Trump. Adams says that sources at CNN say both campaigns are having "second thoughts" about the rules agreed to and want out of the debate. If the Biden campaign is truly having second, third, and fourth thoughts about the agreed-upon rules, which his campaign proposed, that tells me the debate challenge was a bluff they never expected Trump to agree to, and now they're fishing for reasons Biden can back out and potentially save face. https://pjmedia.com/matt-margolis/2024/05/21/biden-may-already-be-plotting-to-back-out-of-debating-trump-n4929200
  5. Why that's 'unseemly' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oh well. Hunter Biden's exes to testify in gun trial: The list of lovers prosecution is set to call, including his brother's widow Hunter Biden's gun trial will feature some scintillating testimony from his ex-lovers that could reveal the personal details of his drug use when he purchased a firearm. The president's son's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle, his ex-girlfriend Zoe Kestan and his deceased brother Beau's widow Hallie Biden - whom Hunter had a romantic relationship with - all could be called to testify, according to court papers filed Monday. Hunter Biden is charged in Delaware with three charges related to illegal possession of a gun. If convicted, he faces up to 25 years in prison. He has pleaded not guilty. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13445043/hunter-biden-exes-testify-gun-trial.html .
  6. Former President Donald Trump’s allies are reportedly working to make inroads with Arab American activists and donors as polling shows he is crushing President Joe Biden with Arab American and Muslim voters in crucial swing states. Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin reported Monday that “Arab-American donors and activists from around the country plan to convene in Oakland Hills, Mich., for a private dinner initiated by” Trump’s former Acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell. Among those in attendance will be Michael Boulos, who is married to Tiffany Trump, and his father, Dr. Massad Boulos. Insider notes that the elder Boulos is the CEO of SCOA Nigeria PLC. The New York Times previously reported he also leads a vehicle assembly and distribution company in Nigeria called Boulos Enterprises. Michael was born in Lebanon and grew up in Nigeria. Rogan points out that the dinner comes on the heels of a Times poll showing that Muslim and Arab Americans have fled Biden for Trump in critical swing states. The polling average between six battleground states—Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin–found Trump at a whopping 57 percent with Muslim and Arab American voters, while Biden scored less than half of that at 25 percent. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/05/20/trump-muslims-arabs-michigan-election/ https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/donald-trumps-billionaire-son-law-215845504.html? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/13/upshot/polling-biden-battlegrounds-senate.html#:~:text=Arab and Muslim voters,Muslim voters in the poll.
  7. The Democrats Are Everything They Say They Fear About Trump. “There has been a steady media diet of ‘Trump is Hitler’ from the people who are actually fomenting and excusing Nazi sentiments on college campuses. It’s a bit surreal even for those of us who are used to the Democrats and all of their projection.” https://pjmedia.com/stephen-kruiser/2024/05/21/the-morning-briefing-the-democrats-are-everything-they-say-they-fear-about-trump-n4929212
  8. Has B.S. done his “ look, Trump only got 85% of the votes in tonight’s primary “ he’s done. That bit of wishful fantasy is always hilarious. 😂
  9. This isn’t like it used to be, no more lies spreading without being fact checked
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