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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Nellie Bowles Spills the Beans on The New York Times DAVID STROM https://hotair.com/david-strom/2024/05/15/nellie-bowles-spills-the-beans-on-the-new-york-times-n3788402
  2. Good God you are pig-headed in your bias. Go back through the thread. I have given 4 links. (including NYT and WAPO.) Are you still spoon fed or breast fed ? .
  3. Biden Campaign Officially Turns Down Presidential Debates Commission MATT MARGOLIS The Biden campaign is officially abandoning the Presidential Debates Commission. For months, the campaign has been setting the stage for Joe Biden's potential refusal to engage in any presidential debates while simultaneously laying the groundwork to blame Donald Trump for it — even though Trump has been calling on Biden to debate the entire time. Now, the campaign says it will not participate in the three planned debates for the fall, set up by the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD). Instead, Biden is calling for direct negotiations between the campaigns and is proposing two televised presidential debates, one in June and one in September. “Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020,” Biden falsely claimed in a video statement released Wednesday, "and since then, he hasn’t shown up for a debate." Neither has Biden, for that matter; he refused to debate his primary challengers. "Now he is acting like he wants to debate me again,” Biden continued. "Well, make my day, pal. I’ll even do it twice. So let’s pick the dates, Donald. https://pjmedia.com/matt-margolis/2024/05/15/biden-wont-participate-in-traditional-presidential-debates-but-n4929048 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/15/biden-trump-presidential-debates/
  4. DIALING THE HYSTERIA UP TO 11 Leading Democrats have realized that Joe Biden is hopeless as a presidential candidate, and that Donald Trump may actually win the election. Their desperation is therefore mounting, and they are pulling out all the stops. For a long time, the New York Times has been basically a clipping service for the Democratic National Committee. But in the present crisis, the Times is taking hysteria to a level that might embarrass even the DNC. This headline, from today’s Times, is so over the top as to be unintentionally funny. But no, it is not a parody. The Democrats really are this crazed: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/05/dialing-the-hysteria-up-to-11.php
  5. Biden Aides Lament the 'Psychological Torment' the President Is Suffering FTA: On the one hand, I suppose I understand how a father would worry about his son, even if his son is a corrupt scumbag who allegedly abused women. On the other hand, no one is forcing Joe Biden to be president. If this is all too much to bear, and it seems to be, then he's welcome to retire with the multi-millions he made being a career politician to one of his multiple mansions. Am I supposed to feel empathy for the president's situation despite much of it being self-inflicted by his repeated coddling of and excuse-making for a son who needed tough love long before he committed federal crimes? This idea that there's no other option but for the president to suffer in silence underneath the weight of his office is nonsense. Joe Biden is welcome to go to Rehoboth Beach full-time if he'd like. He could even attend Hunter Biden's trial to show his support. Does this sound like a guy who is up for his current job? https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/05/15/biden-aides-want-you-to-feel-sorry-for-the-psychological-torment-the-president-may-suffer-n2174216
  6. Eye-Opening Behind-the-Scenes Details on Biden Debate 'Challenge' Reveal a Terrified Incumbent While Joe Biden tried (and failed) to put on his best scripted tough-guy act in his official debate challenge to Donald Trump Wednesday morning, the behind-the-scenes details on what Biden's team is demanding reveal a very nervous and terrified incumbent who wants everything controlled right down to the type of audience. A letter written by Biden's campaign co-chair, Jennifer O’Malley Dillon, and sent to the Commission on Presidential Debates (who they are bypassing) lays out how Biden's handlers want the media outlets who presumably will be hosting and moderating the debates to handle them. He wants no live audience, mics cut once the person's time expires and while the other person is talking, only certain news organizations hosting it, and no RFK Jr. What a "strong president". https://redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2024/05/15/new-eye-opening-behind-the-scenes-details-on-biden-debate-challenge-reveal-a-very-worried-incumbent-n2174221 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/us/politics/biden-trump-debates.html
  7. Forget The Media Spin — Here’s Who GOP Voters Really Favor As Trump’s V.P.: I&I/TIPP Poll https://issuesinsights.com/2024/05/15/forget-the-media-spin-heres-who-gop-voters-really-favor-as-trumps-v-p-ii-tipp-poll/ .
  8. There won't be any Biden / Trump debates. .
  9. More Than 100 Lawmakers Slam Biden For Withholding Weapons From Israel by Nick Pope Dozens of legislators wrote to President Joe Biden on Monday to criticize the Biden administration’s decision to withhold certain weapons from Israel. More than 100 lawmakers, including Democratic Rep. Jared Golden of Maine, signed the letter slamming the administration’s decision to hold back certain weapons from Israel, which President Joe Biden addressed during an interview last week with CNN. Pro-Palestinian demonstrators have engaged in highly-visible protests imploring Biden to back away from Israel for months before the administration ultimately opted to impose restrictions on military aid to Israeli forces. https://dailycaller.com/2024/05/13/lawmakers-slam-biden-withhold-weapons-israel/ Biden issues veto threat over ‘misguided’ GOP bill on weapons to Israel The Hill [DC], by Brett Samuels The White House on Tuesday said President Biden would veto a House GOP bill intended to pressure him to send weapons to Israel, calling it a “misguided reaction to a deliberate distortion of the Administration’s approach to Israel.” The push back comes ahead of an expected vote this week on the Israel Security Assistance Support Act. GOP lawmakers introduced the bill after Biden warned he would withhold certain offensive weapons for Israel if their forces invaded Rafah in Gaza. But the White House cautioned that the legislation “would undermine the President’s ability to execute an effective foreign policy. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4663954-biden-issues-veto-threat-over-misguided-gop-bill-on-weapons-to-israel/ .
  10. Reminder, this false thread has been exposed. "I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis & the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.” .
  11. Again the irony of his statement goes right over his head. Anytime he is faced with a contrary view here, by an author way more educated about a subject than him, he is reduced to ridicule. ( I should have wrote "every time", not anytime)
  12. Is Joe Biden's Campaign Beginning to Panic? It Sure Looks Like It. By Ward Clark As we begin our journey into the summer of the 2024 presidential election, one thing is becoming apparent: Whoever is advising Joe Biden's re-election campaign has all the political savvy of a Chia pet. I could point out the latest polling to show how badly they are slipping, including in battlegrounds where one would think that the Democrat candidate should be able to at least narrow the gap, but every time we look, Team Trump seems to be pulling farther ahead. Now Joe Biden is choosing to be the "See No Evil" monkey on the polls. We can hardly blame him for that; the polls of late have brought him no good news at all. But I will grant that polls, even the RealClearPolitics averages, have been wrong before. So, instead, what conclusions can we draw from the Biden administration's actions? In one of the most shameful political dithers of the 21st century, a time span which has seen more than its share of shameful political dithers, the Biden administration has tried to divide the baby on Israel; his tap-dancing around the issue to try to appease places in battleground Michigan's Dearbornistan has cost him support on both sides. What one finds in the middle of the road are yellow stripes and dead skunks, and the Biden administration appears to include plenty of both. And on illegal immigration, the Biden administration is just plain underwater. (I'm going to run out of metaphors for disaster before this story is complete.) After insisting that the border is under control and gushing about how wonderful the flood of illegal immigrants is - which influx is apparently so wonderful that the illegal aliens must be flown all around the nation to "spread the wealth around" - the Biden administration is now planning a tepid change of course, probably because the American people are sick and tired of the daily images of people flooding across the border, knowing we have little or no idea who most of these young, military-age men are, where they come from, where they intend to go, and what they intend to do when they get there. https://redstate.com/wardclark/2024/05/14/is-joe-bidens-campaign-beginning-to-panic-n2174176 .
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