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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. Actually, I am to a point. I may not be bust out side splitting funny (and I never claimed I was), but I have been called funny, humorous and easy going. I have also been told I have a great sense of humor.
  2. Yep. Including you. I have listened to this one, more than once. This is supposed to be one of his best (if not the best) jokes. I have never laughed at it. Maybe it's just me. I have seen "Out of Order" signs on escalators before. And I have watched people crowd the stairs next to the escalator so they would not have to use the 'broken' escalator. To me, the absurdity was not someone bothered to put an out of order sign on the escalator, but the fact people would not use the escalator because the sign was on it. Maybe if he had focused on that aspect .... Another stupid joke. One has to assume Mitch was funny to be begin with, which he was not. So the joke just dies. That seems to be the 'problem' I have with Mitch. All of his material had this 'out of synch' feel to it. The focus of the joke was off, the delivery was wrong, etc.. Maybe I need to be wasted on Heroin to get it.
  3. Talk about overrated: Mitch Hedberg. I do not get this guy at all. His material is not funny, his delivery is not funny, ... I would rather listen to Steven Wright. At least his deadpan delivery was humorous and tolerable for a period of time.
  4. Jauron apologists are great at that. 7-9 win /loss record? Average/good A team that finished near the bottom in nearly every offense and defense statistical category? One or two players away from dominating. It is only a matter of time before they start latching onto this 'below average' defense is actually 'above average'.
  5. Finishing 30th in yards and 18th in points is NOT above average, no matter how you spin it. I do not know what defense you saw, but the one I saw played opportunistic ball. As long as the competition was willing to make mistakes, the Bills D generally took advantage of them. However, when the opportunities did NOT present themselves, the D got pushed around like a rag doll. Hopefully, the addition of Stroud and Mitchell will stop that, but until we see the defense in action, that's all we have: we hope it will work.
  6. A turnover is a turnover. The end result is the same thing: zero points scored by the offense. Moulds had 1 turnover, Flutie had 3. In terms of negative impact, "If Moulds did not fumble ..." is surpassed by "If Flutie stopped giving the damn ball away ..." Can I then assume you think a 1 touchdown / 3 turnover playoff performance is "amazing"?
  7. Those two statements describe Flutie's playing ability, and his entire Bills career. He had a kind of Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde persona. In one drive, Flutie could scamper 15 yards on an amazing run to keep the chains moving, and then three plays later throw a pick into triple coverage while Reed (or another WR) was standing along the left side of the field WIDE OPEN.
  8. What about non-players? IIRC, Modrak lives in NJ, and it was one of the reasons why he was not interested in the Bills GM job.
  9. I have no idea of when you left, because I distinctly remember there being Taco Bells in the WNY area back in the mid 90's (and they are still there).
  10. Contention will not cut it. The Bills were contending for the playoffs last season, two seasons ago, and 4 seasons ago. Jauron has drawn the line in the sand: Playoffs or bust. It will be interesting to see the Jauron apologists reactions if the Bills underachieve again in 2008, and do nothing more than "contend" for a playoff spot.
  11. Interesting. That's one of things I do NOT miss about Buffalo. That crap was nasty. I would rather have Taco Bell, and Taco Bell is something I can only eat once in a while.
  12. Bills turned the ball over, what ..5 times? Moulds is responsible for one, Flutie is responsible for three, but it was Moulds fault? Moulds commits his 'mistake' on the very first Bills offensive play (clue: games are 60 minutes long), and Flutie commits his most serious 'mistake' as the Bills last offensive play, yet it was Moulds fault? 5 turnovers, and only 2 touchdowns. I would venture to say turnovers had a real big impact on that game. Not just the amount of picks, but the timing of them as well. The reason people still talk about Flutie is because people like you are continually looking back at 'those days', and coming to the conclusion Flutie's didn't stink. I hate to break it to you, but Flutie and his both STUNK!!
  13. Yeah, that was it. After that play, why did the Bills even bother to play out the game? It's not like Flutie's 1 Touchdown / 3 Turnover performance had anything to do with it, right?
  14. Comparing Thurman's injury to Peterson's injuries is a bit of a stretch. TT blew out his knee in his Junior year. At that time, knee reconstruction was not as advanced as now. Teams were tentative about how well TT's knee would hold up, even after TT ran for 1600+ yards during his Senior season on said "bad knee". AP' problems stem from the fact he has missed significant playing time because of different injuries at the college level. In the pro's, on average, defensive players are bigger, faster, and hit harder.
  15. This is a horrible article, but he is pandering to the Charger fan base. First, as we saw in another thread, Charger fans seem to think a first round pick is not only fair, but is required. Sorry, the market says NO. Second, all Charger fans seem to think they will get awarded a compensatory pick if they lose Turner next year as a UFA. Sorry, no guarantee that will happen. Third, Trotter is working on the premise the Bills HAVE to have a great RB. Sorry, the RBBC approach does need a "great" back to succeed. It needs "productive" backs to work. Personally, I hope the Bills just say no to Peterson and "Marsha", and look for a real RB next year.
  16. Drew was mentioned in the thread. The only negative comments about Drew: They have a bad o-line. So, if the O-line was good, Drew would be desirable. Works for me. Maybe they can talk Mularkey in becoming the OC again.
  17. I did not bother to read all 6 pages of that thread to see all the updates, but I know for a fact the Fish Heads have more than 1 message board. They list Finheaven, but there is also Phinatics.com and Phins.com. And the last time i checked, the Miami Herald had a board set up for the Phins. nflfans.com seems to have a forum for every team in the league, so how does this list include the one for the Bills and the Jets, but skip the ones for the Pats and the Phins? And while I am on my soapbox, how could they NOT list the Bills board on the Bills official site?
  18. I know. I already had ideas of what I could talk her into. Heck, if we are just talking about sex with no commitment, I would tap every girl in that picture if given the right opportunity. Now, if commitment comes into the picture, stupid need not apply, no matter how nice she is to look at.
  19. Number #80 on the left is not looking too shabby.
  20. Apparently, this is a rare one (so says the seller): Link 1 This one is cheap: Link 2
  21. *spoiler* Click and drag area below to see walkthrough L= Left D= Down R= Right U= Up From the start: L, D, L , U, L U, R, D (blocks close), R, D (blocks close), U, R, D, L, U, R, U, L, D (blocks close), U, R, U, L, D, R, D, L, D, R, D, L, U, L
  22. Jesus. With convoluted thinking like that, no wonder you are depressed. Let's see. You have been on this site for about three years, posting under a different name. YET, you never had the need to post until recently. How did you pull that off? (I'm just looking for an "honest" answer here) Here's my advice to you. Stay away from this board, and any other board that talks about the Bills. Go see a shrink. Those people can help you with your problems, and they can prescribe some really good drugs. Stop discussing football in general. Stick with a sport that you can handle, like Golf.
  23. Property taxes are not the only determining factor of affordable housing. A $175K house in the Buffalo area is about double the areas median house price of $88,000. http://www.nhc.org/pdf/chp_paycheck_housing2007.pdf Where I live, you're not buying a 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, w/ 2 car garage for $175K. If you did, either the lot sucks, or there is something wrong with the house. Here's another link about housing affordablility: http://www.demographia.com/dhi-ix2005q3.pdf That study lists Buffalo as tied for fourth for most affordable housing.
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