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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. The REC is the Illuminati. The Illuminati is just a cover. How else can we take over the world with the sole purpose of making sure Bama football is the best in the world.
  2. You've been talking to Barners I see. That's a favorite talking point among them. That, and the Illuminati control/pay everybody off. Barners used to argue that Malzahn is a better coach than Saban, because Malzahn can make in game adjustments. Funny how that noise slowly dissipated, and went dead quiet after the onside kick in the first Clemson NC game.
  3. I quite agree. It's vastly different. I think the only thing in common between then and now is Nick Saban. And we know how much of difference maker he is.
  4. Couple of other tidbits: Baker Mayfield set an NCAA record last year for the highest QB rating. Tua is 40 points higher after 8 weeks. Tua's TD to Pass attempt ratio is approx 1 TD for every 6 pass attempts. He may or may not be watching, but it's obvious he is just trolling at this point.
  5. I do not see anybody proclaiming Tua as a sure fire NFL HOF QB. But he does possess skills that make NFL scouts take notice. He has the arm, the accuracy, the anticipation, the field vision, the leadership, the internal drive to get better, ... He's not just a great college QB, he is the best college QB playing right now. If he continues playing at this level next year, or improves, there every reason to believe he has the potential to be the #1 overall pick in the NFL draft.
  6. So would I. But the last time Bama played Michigan, I kept hearing about how Bama was going to struggle handling Michigan's offense with their superstar Dennard Robinson. Bama hung 31 points on them including a pick 6 on Dennard before Michigan even scored a point. Game was essentially over by that time, and the game was still in the 2nd quarter.
  7. Did I hear that right? Purdue fans chanting "We Want Bama"? Well, bless their hearts ....
  8. Good God, the kid is ridiculous. And that's an understatement. He plays football like he's out in the backyard playing catch.
  9. Seriously doubt that. Ever year is different. Watching Tua play QB this year is right up there with watching the Bama D in 2011.
  10. Here, I'll help you out. OP's original post: Show me where OP states anything about the officiating against another team other than the Bills in that post. Show me where OP has stated that this "disrespect" goes beyond the Bills, and impacts other non-"big league teams" in ANY post up to this point. And in your very next sentence: "the refs don't dare call garbage or miss blatant calls on the "big league" teams." So, they are inept, but not so much for the "big league" teams. We have the lowly Bills (and can I assume other non-Big league teams?), who don't get the benefit of the doubt, on one hand, and "big league" teams on the other, who "the refs don't dare call garbage or miss blatant calls on". Sounds like a conspiracy to me, when one group is treated differently than the other group with consistency and intent. Fans of all teams have been bitching about the officiating screwing their team over for decades. How has that worked out? The whining part comes into play when fans seem to think the crappy officiating only happens to their team and/or a limited number of teams.
  11. Funnymaine - Week 7 His best work to date. "There's little puppies and koolaid everywhere. I think the people on the bus were drinking it."
  12. What?! You mean to tell me that there is some crappy officiating in the NFL? Who would have guessed. I have no doubt the Bills organization will notify, or already have notified, the NFL offices regarding said late hit. It is not uncommon for teams to submit items and situations, like the the late hit, to the NFL for review. When they do, they just do not announce it publicly. I did not miss the OP's point. A late hit that was not flagged is not proof of disrespect of the officials against the Bills. It's proof of a missed call/crappy officiating. Nothing more. Don't believe me? Go put on your tin foil beanie, watch more football games than just the Bills, and you will see there is questionable/crappy officiating in every game. There is no conspiracy by the NFL, or it's officials, against the Buffalo Bills. Now, stop the whining.
  13. Auburn is a dumpster fire. There are rumors and rumblings out of the Barner locker room, and it's not pretty:. https://www.secrant.com/rant/auburn-sports/insider-notes-from-bm-247/79323287/ And that was before the loss to UTenn. Malzahn is on the precipice of the locker room imploding, and losing the team. It doesn't help that Malzan's buy out is approximately $33M+, meaning Auburn is stuck with Gus for the next couple of years.
  14. Practicing on how to get a penalty.
  15. You are beginning to sound like a bunch of whiny b**chy Auburn fans. You do not want to become that. Auburn fans cry and complain about the officiating. A lot. And I mean a lot. Constantly. Even their radio announcers whine about the officiating during the game broadcast. Tip: Never go full Auburn. They are a miserable irrational bunch.
  16. Even as you point out, Syracuse could have overcome the bad spot, but they did not. Besides, Cuse threw the pick in OT, not the officials.
  17. I have to admit, this is pretty funny. https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2018/10/4/17936974/lane-kiffin-coach-career-start-david-carr-fresno-state
  18. SEC Shorts: Looking for Auburn's missing O Line In related news: as of game 5, back up Alabama QB Jalen Hurts STILL has thrown more TDs this year, than Auburn's starting QB, Jarret Stidham. Called the number in the video. It actually works, and goes to a voicemail requesting the caller to leave any information regarding Auburns missing OLine.
  19. You really have no idea just how much influence and control the REC has, do you? Ever hear of the Illuminati? Just remember, you did not hear that from me. Saban pissed in your Cheerios again, didn't he?
  20. If it makes you feel better, after last weeks win over aTm, Saban was begging the media to write something negative about the team. And the response was brutal: https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/the-monday-after-no-1-alabama-is-actually-trash-and-the-tide-apparently-need-to-know-it/ You might enjoy that article, but I could barely finish it. It was way to depressing for me. And now Bama was outscored in the 4th quarter 14-0? By Louisiana-Lafayette? I had to go digitally silent. I can't take the negative onslaught that's happening. I suspended all my accounts including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, MySpace, Tinder, email, AIM, Twitch, You Tube, Usenet, Patreon, and IRC. This was my safe space. Now, you have ruined that for me.
  21. Looking like Dabo is finally on the Trevor band wagon: https://www.tigernet.com/update/Swinney-announces-change-at-quarterback-30897
  22. Yes it was. Tua finally faced a stiffer challenge, and came away still looking good. And he still has yet to play in the 4th quarter. He came so close this week, but not yet. Going into the aTm game, Tua was throwing a TD pass for very 7.5 passes. After this game, it's now 1 for 6.7 (80 pass attempts, 12 TDs).
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