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Everything posted by Cynical

  1. That's the latest rumor - https://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/ole-miss-football/reports-ole-miss-nearing-deal-with-lane-kiffin/
  2. I prefer the college rule for overtime. I prefer the 2 feet in for pro, 1 foot for college. Just one of the those instances that differentiates between amateur and pro. Same goes for pass interference: spot of foul for the pros, 15 yard cap for college. I like the college concept when a player goes down, he's down, regardless if he was downed by contact. Get rid of the playoffs at the college level, at least at the FBS level. Go back to the BCS, or just just play the bowl games at the end of the year. The disparity of talent and resources from the big schools to the small schools, and from the P5 conferences to the G5 conferences makes any attempt to "fix the problem" a waste of time. I suppose you can prove this? Or is this just the usual BS fan speculation/fantasy?
  3. The SEC office schedules all in conference games a few years in advance. "...they're almost always beyond awful teams." If only scheduling OOC games were as simple as you think it is.
  4. I'm fine with blowouts. I rather enjoyed watching Bama stomping ND back in 2013. But it was those NC blowouts, along with the Boise States not getting a fair shot, that the cries for a CFB playoff became intensified. Because we needed a playoff to "fix the problem". I am fine with going back to the BCS or to the bowl games and polls. Either one works for me.
  5. Probably longer than it would have under the NCAA.
  6. Take it further. Create a new NCAA football division with just the P5 conferences and teams. Cap the number of teams allowed per conference (14 for instance). All out of conference games must be played against another P5 team. No dipping down to the G5 level, or worse, FCS level, for OOC games. No independents. They can play with the G5 teams. The only way for a program to move from the G5 to P5 level is via a conference invite. This NCAA rule already exists for programs looking to move from division 2 to the FCS.
  7. The NCAA has no control over the post season for FBS football.
  8. Depends on when you are talking about. The original whining about expanding from 4 to 8 team playoffs was due to the semi final games being blowouts. However, nobody could justify how adding even weaker teams to the mix would make the semi final games more competitive. So the whining has now shifted for an 8 team playoff because it would be more "fair". Face the reality. There is no way to make the system "Fair". Every attempt to "fix the problem" has failed, and only increased the whining and crying.
  9. Not the first time 2 teams that met in the regular season faced each other in a championship game. In 2017, UGA lost to Auburn in the regular season, and UGA curb stomped Auburn in the SEC championship game. The Big 12 has a championship game. That's why Baylor is playing OU again.
  10. A well deserved fluke. But don't shed a tear for Auburn. An Auburn grad did create the People's National Championship after that season, and shockingly, awarded the very first People's National Championship to Auburn. Tubby had the university order up National Championships rings.
  11. With the Arky opening, does this revive the "Malzahn to Arkansas" talk?
  12. In hindsight, the more I think about it, Arky may have been just a bit knee jerk reactionary. It was only 14 games in row. That may have been just a down "blip". I think they should have given him the rest of this year, and maybe another 2-3 years, juuuuuuuuuuuuust to be sure.
  13. And another one bites the dust before the season has ended. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/28049475/arkansas-fires-coach-chad-morris-4-18-start "(The Hogs) have lost 17 straight SEC games dating back to the end of the 2017 season. " Chad Morris was responsible for 14 of those. Ouch.
  14. To my knowledge, no school has ever pulled out of contract because they got their azz kicked in the first game. If a reason is given, it is usually something generic: i.e. scheduling conflicts, better offer, etc ...
  15. IMO, it's a joke for schools to schedule anything beyond 4-5 years in the future to begin with. Way to much can happen between now and then. Let's just take the OU/UGA scheduled games, and put it in some kind of context. That contract was signed before this season even started. The first game is not slated until 2023, 4 years from this season. The second game is slated 8 years later. 12 years from this season. 12 years. It's a safe bet that one or both coaching staffs have changed. It's a safe bet one or both AD have changed. Obviously, none of the players will be the same. The rationale for even agreeing to this series probably no longer exists, or at the very least, no longer a priority. Twelve years from now, it would not shock me to learn both schools want out from playing the game. So, other than to make you/us happy, what would be the purpose of playing the second game? Duly noted. I filed that in my round file catcher for future reference.
  16. It's called a joke. There is an 8 year time frame for UGA and OU to complete both games. In that extended time frame, the second game doesn't always get played.
  17. What are you talking about?
  18. I wouldn't hold my breath on seeing this series come to fruition. Eleven years in the future? Minds and/or circumstances will change by then. As noted in the article, UGA already has home and home series with Oklahoma (2023, 2031) and Clemson (2029, 2030) during the same time period. I do like that 8 year span for OU, though. If the first game is a blowout, it makes it easy for the losing team to pull the plug on the second game.
  19. Buckeyes and Bulldogs doing Home and Home series https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/28028023/ohio-state-georgia-schedule-second-third-meetings-ever
  20. It will take a lot more than just the right guy to turn around FSU. From what I have read, the FSU facilities are bad, and it was one of the reasons Jimbo Fisher jumped ship. Apparently, FSU is not in a big hurry to perform any needed upgrades. That will make recruiting difficult when you have nearby schools like Alabama, Auburn, UGA, and even Clemson more than willing to upgrade their stadiums and facilities.
  21. I found this article from last year: https://www.skysports.com/nfl/news/12118/11522572/london-nfl-franchise-ready-to-go-says-executive-vice-president-mark-waller Another article talking about some of the challenges with a London franchise: https://www.americanfootballinternational.com/could-a-uk-nfl-franchise-become-a-reality/ This article also mentions the CBA ending in 2020, and the NFL media deal ending in 2022. It does sound like there could be a small, but realistic chance for a London franchise in the very near future.
  22. https://www.jaguars.com/news/khan-talks-business-lot-j-london-more Some choice comments in that article. But it's like nobody saw this coming.
  23. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/ncaafb/report-florida-state-considering-firing-willie-taggart-pursuing-urban-meyer/ar-AAJ7JsH?li=BBnba9I.. I have serious doubts about this, but if by some wild chance it did, it would just prove Meyer's "health" concerns always seem to pop up when the poop starts hitting the fan.
  24. In the video Gimmie Chocolate, the lead singer was 16, and her 2 sidekicks were 14. All 3 were removed from the groups they were in because they were "too old". The video is from 2014, so I don't think the sidekicks have hit 20 yet. The group came under some criticism when they started doing live shows for that first album. The music was piped in, and the "muscians" faked it. Metalheads are not like poptarts. Air guitar won't cut it.
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