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Bleeding Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleeding Bills Blue

  1. Ur arguing with no one about Tyrod right now... legit no one is defending him
  2. On to the next guy everyone will run out of town... who would sign here to coach or qb? Most thankless job in the nfl
  3. Don't care either way. But I'm gonna root for my team to win.. I don't sit here and revel in losing like it's going to somehow make the team better.
  4. Can u at least try to root for the team while he's in? Go ahead and celebrate when he gets benched, but mid game... can u pretend ur a fan of the team?
  5. We legit get no pressure. And we cant cover in man so we can't blitz. Gonna be a long day
  6. Browns will probably dangle their 2nd... so we'll have to use a bunch of ammo for them to consider our offer
  7. I think we'd have to drop Logan Thomas. I think they brought him in so they could wait and see, not to drop him 2 weeks later.
  8. He had 2 sub 35 yard punts - one was low and really returnable. I'd like something better than that.
  9. How bout the fact that he disappears in the 4th quarter just like everyone else on this team. We have regressed back to the team that had no pressure last year. We rushed 5 and 6, and carr picked us apart. We rushed 3 to try and make it harder to find a spot, and he continued to pick us apart. Until we can rush the passer consistently we're not beating anyone decent.
  10. Good defenses might get.. i dunno a single stop or big play with the game on the line... You get on Tyrod for the 3 and outs and missed plays, where's the same accountability for KW, the browns, hughes, or Gilmore for never getting pressure/turnovers/big plays on third downs in the 2nd half? The offense is all Tyrod's fault, and the defense is all Ryan's. Maybe these premier D players aren't that good.
  11. And the defense got what... 1 stop? We don't force 3 and outs... A 3 and out on offense doesn't give the other team a TD, our putrid defense does that. Failures in all 3 phases is why we are 6-6. Goodwin's fast, but i feel like you can just play off to prevent him from getting over the top. Thats why he's alwasy running sideline routes - he can get open for 10 if he just runs off the corner.
  12. Why should he? He has legit never practiced with the 1's. We aren't even mathematically eliminated. And we need to evaluate the current QB more than him. He WILL be here next year no matter what.
  13. Makes sense... focus on the last 4 games to see what you have in Tyrod. Cardale will probably get a start if Tyrod gets hurt.
  14. Cuz calling your teammates out in the media is leadership...
  15. Never gonna be a pro bowler?! WRONG! In all seriousness, he needs to work on pocket awareness. To say he can't do that isn't really true... he just needs to make it a major focus. Use the whole field. He's taller than a few guys who ar very successful, what do they do?
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