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Everything posted by D521646

  1. I say no, no no. I say we wait and see if Brock Owsweiler is available in the third round. Out of the class of QB's in this draft, I think this kids with the right coaching can be great, but not good enough to spend your first two picks on. Tim-
  2. What I think it means is that (and I apologize if this has been stated already) Revis is expendable in the eyes of the pencil pushers for the Jets. He will command a sick contract and frankly, no corner is that good. Although you might lose some freedom on defensive schemes, you gain a lot by way of the salary cap, and if Revis isn't too stupid he'd realise that a CB, shutdown or not is not worth the money he will demand, PERIOD! I bet that the Jets try and trade him, and if I'm accurate I bet the jets draft a CB with their first pick in this years draft to send a message to ole Revis that he's NOT worht what he thinks he is. Tim-
  3. Michael Jasper will be our rotational tackle this year.. Tim-
  4. I honestly don't even know how to grade a BPA scenario? Best player at what position? This years draft doesn't seem to have a MUST have pick at any position lest maybe QB. Even Kalil isn't a sure fire bet at LT. I think it depends on your team dynamic more than anything. This year I see us having some options in trade scenarios, as well as filling needs with the best player we think is available. Even then you have issues as some can't even agree on what our biggest needs are? Is it OT, WR, CB, OLB? Once you figure that out I suppose you could say that we draft the best OT, OLB, CB, or WR available at 10.. And IMO that would be Ingram, or Mercillus, or Hightower. To me there are WR's available later in the rounds, same with OT. I don't see a CB worth taking at 10, so in my logical conclusion we MUST take a LB, and I don't think you can go wrong with any of these guys, and oh yeah throw in Keukly for giggled. Tim-
  5. LOL.. Wow that looks like a rugby jersey.. Gawd awful! Tim-
  6. I think if we can't find a way to trade back in the draft we pick Ingram at 10, or Mecillus. Tim-
  7. Ok so here's how I see it playing out in this ridiculously early prediction scenario.. This assumes we stay healthy. Buffalo Bills Sept. 9 at New York Jets 1 p.m. - In NY which is tough, but Chan learned from last year and we were one Stevie drop from splitting with them. This is a Win Sept. 16 Kansas City Chiefs 1 p.m. - They're going to be pissed about last years game, expect a tough game from KC, but again I see a win here. Sept. 23 at Cleveland Browns 1 p.m. - The Browns will be much improved from last year, but no reason we can't win this one either. Sept. 30 New England Patriots 1 p.m. - Home against the Pats Our D is much better on paper and if we split with the Pats this year it will be this game we win. Oct. 7 at San Francisco 49ers 4:15 p.m. - Tough going to SF after playing the Pats even though this is a winnable game I'll call this one a loss. Oct. 14 at Arizona Cardinals 4:05 p.m. - They've got two legitimate weapons on offense but we can win this one as well. Oct. 21 Tennessee Titans 1 p.m. - Hoping for some payback for last year. Win! Oct. 28 BYE Nov. 4 at Houston Texans 1 p.m. - The game (other than Div games) I really can't wait to see. Coming off a bye week, we win this one in Houston. Nov. 11 at New England Patriots 1 p.m. - Loss Nov. 15 Miami Dolphins (Thurs.) 8:20 p.m. - Prime-time baby, we squish the Fish, win. Nov. 25 at Indianapolis Colts 1 p.m. - Win (nuff said) Dec. 2 Jacksonville Jaguars 1 p.m. - Jags always play us tough, and Poz, Evans this is a trap game and we could very well loose this one, let's call it a loss. Dec. 9 St. Louis Rams 1 p.m. - This team scares me this year, but I think we win at home. Dec. 16 Seattle Seahawks (Toronto) 4:05 p.m. - Win, Lynch and Co not enough against a healthy Bills. Dec. 23 at Miami Dolphins 1 p.m. - Win, yes we take two from them but then again I always say that. Dec. 30 New York Jets 1 p.m. - This depends on the Jets more than anything. If by the end of the season they are completely dysfunctional we win this game. So there ya have it 13 - 3 and we compete for the AFC East division with the Pats. I base this one two things, one, SF did it last year with an improved defense and mediocre QB, so why not us, and two, this schedule is about as good as it gets. We absolutely MUST make the playoffs this year! Tim-
  8. That would be the dumbest pick ever. However, it does present some trade back scenarios for us. Tim-
  9. I've seen Coples now (Used to want him at 10 myself) on a few interviews and is it me or does the kid look high all the time? I would stay away from Coples, far away! I like Hightower in the second but I don't think he makes it out of the 1st to be honest. All others are project crap shoots! Tim-
  10. Ya know, it is entirely possible that Richardson might be there at 10, and it is entirely possible BB offers the Bills both first rounders this year and two of their 3 2nd rounders this year to grab him? Wouldn't that be sweet! Anyway, my realistic picks are: Ingram/Hightower Hill And any OT that is best on the board in the third round. Tim-
  11. I don't mind Bob's radio show and I listen on Wednesdays only so I can hear what Fred will say next about Obama.. LOL Haven't subscribed to the D&C for over a decade so I don't read his column, but when I did I always thought he seemed to read a few other sports writers opinions and then form one of his own based on others research. Always seemed lazy to me. Anyway, he, I believe, is a nice enough guy personally, and his radio show still has a large listening audience. I love John the Optamist, one of his regulars.. I think he wants to Bills to do well, but some many years of losing has tainted his soul. I wish him well! Tim-
  12. I can't for the life of me see why in the world the Vikings would trade the 3rd pick for anything when it is a LT that is their biggest need? Kalil is a day one starter and perhaps a top ten LT in the NFL in his first year? It doesn't get much better than that? This story is just weird unless the Vikings are looking to rake in a ton of picks like the RAMS and fill more holes and hope for a decent enough LT in the later rounds? Not a bad strategy, but still suspect, IMO. Tim-
  13. Baloney^^^^^^^^^^ Williams deserves all that he got! Football isn't about pre-meditated injury, and to try and paint this as a "play hard" "play tough" thing is disingenuious. Tim-
  14. If the Bills moved to Batavia, or even Rochester they'd pick up all those Syracuse fans.. Ok, ok, I know, but Batavia wouldn't be a bad idea. Tim-
  15. Morris will still be the first corner off the board, and it's happenin before the 10th pick.. Good thing CB isn't our biggest need.. Tim-
  16. Ok, so last year I don't think we had a single player on that list from 2010, so who is on it this year and where? Me, I have Freddie there top 20 even though he went down in week 10. I also have Stevie Johnson there top 50, other than that, even though I think Levitre, and Wood should make the list they will probably be snubbed. Thoughts? Tim-
  17. My biggest concer is Injuries, nuff said. Last year if we stay healthy I think we win 9 games, this year if we stay healthy with our core players we win at least 11. Tim-
  18. Well that's just it. How do you measure talent other than jumping, running and catching and throwing at a combine or pro day? How do you know how these guys are going to be when put into the NFL in a system that is for the most part completely foreign to them? They're all the same at this point. Sure you can try your best to form metrics that YOU as the GM and HC might think will work well in the scheme's you want to run, but let's be honest. Of all the athletes at the combine were they reallty separated by that much? The answer is no, not really, and for any separation that matters can all be made up with the right coaching. So, what else is there? Does Luck have a better shot playing for Indy or Washington? I say that on paper he's got a better chance of producing with the Skins next year than Indy, so what will that one terrible year do to the kid? How many promising careers have been wasted by young kids going to very bad teams? Can you really say Blackmon is a better receiver than Hill? What makes you think so? Is it because Hill only caught 28 passes in 2011? What else do you go one when these guys all measure out the same athletically? Tim-
  19. LOL, I see what you mean about "Tools", but that's part of his charm for the local Rochester folks. He's the Bob Lonnsberry of sports radio here in Rochester. That said, he's not that bad. He does seem to be living in his twenties a lot though with his slang.. "That's good stuff right there", and "Can't get enough of that" LOL. Penn State, all the time, and he relives his college years on his show.. Anyway, he's not as bad as you make it out to be, and can make you laugh out loud sometimes. He does a lot of basketball which to me is the most useless sport on the planet, so I tune out whenever he starts talking about basketball, but I do that with anyone.. Tim-
  20. Ok, so I've been reading a lot about who we take as our first pick, and I got to thinking. BPA seems to be the wisdom here, but more than anything I think that intangibles are going to be more important to the Bills than any other metric. Take Andrew Luck and RGIII as comparisons for a moment. If I were picking first I'd pick RGIII over Luck, why you ask. Well, I've watched all the interview's, and as a sales guy my whole life you pick up a few things along the way. I read people very well, and I have to say that RGIII's body language speaks volumes over Luck. Luck seems to be caught in his own hype. Sure he tries to say all the right things, and be as modest as he can, but it seems to me to be forced on his part. Whereas, with RGIII there is that playfulness about him; he doesn't seem to be outside of his skin when talking to the press. I like this more in a person than the vibe I get from Luck. There's no "Diva" in RGIII, and he's very humble, IMO. This is the guy I want on my team if I'm Indy. So, taking all that into consideration, when I look at our needs, LT, WR, LB, CB, I see Kalil is out, and no other in the field that jumps out at me. WR, I like Hill if we took anyone. Hard worker, and hungry. LB, I like a few guys here. I like Hightower first, Ingram, and then Upshaw, and CB, I like only Claiborne, but I don't like taking a CB at our first pick in this years draft. Now with all that, I think it's very important that we define our identity as the Buffalo Bills, and we draft guys that fit that definition. So what is it going to be? Who are the 2012 Bills? Team-first, Hard working, humble, hungry, and fun to be around. So, we grab our draft picks based on this. We grab guys that will fit into the locker room more than any athletic metric. Not that athleticism isn't important, but let's face it, most of these guys are separated by very small measures, and if it were me, I'd be looking past a guy that can jump 2 inches higher, or run the 40 by 2 - 10th's of second faster if the other intangibles are very present. Coachability means a lot, fun loving and love of the game, team first attitude is what I'm looking for. What say you? Tim-
  21. The game has left Parcels behind IMO. It would be a bad move, plus Parcels would never agree to something so beneath him. Also, since when does the head coach hire his own replacement? Isn't that the GM's job, or in this case, the owner? Tim-
  22. Williams was going to make close to what we gave him anyway, so why not sign him? If Anderson can be a two or three down player (Probably two in Chix system)aqnd contribute with 10+ sacks each year, he is NOT overpaid, and I would say probably underpaid compared to other DE's in this league that average 10 or more sacks a year. Tim-
  23. And since they really have no counter to Williams, the only other thing they could do is run more.. I know it came from Incar Bob, but Partriot fans seem confident. Tim-
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