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Everything posted by DefenseWins

  1. Nobody is asking for a Dan Snyder, or a "Dream Team" approach but a couple of NFL capable OT's is not asking too much IMO. All Nix has done is pick up a few waiver wire pieces of garbage. And then there was last year's trade for Cornell Green... We all remember how well that turned out...
  2. Actually, it goes back to Spiller vs Bulaga...
  3. Why does it have to wait? FA ain't over yet. Granted "the best and the brightest" may be gone but there are still better players available than we currently have. I'd like to be at least "marginally entertained" this season... And we have loads of cap space...
  4. San Diego ended up with a nice consolation prize though in Rivers...
  5. Just remember John Elway... He didn't like being drafted by the Colts and forced a trade to Denver...
  6. It doesn't matter what Gailey wanted... The Bills never had a chance to get him.... If it made sense for us / to the Bills, to draft him, it certainly would make sense that Carolina was gonna draft him... I mean Carolina had an arguably worse situation at QB than the Bills... Besides, I think Dareus will workout just fine here... Now if we could just get us an offensive line...
  7. And how many of Buddy's picks from last year are currently starting?
  8. Wrong. There is no cap "floor" this year or next....
  9. Yes, but alot of those other 30 GMs have at least one NFL caliber OT on their squad... We have none... Actually, I am not a big fan of Gaither... But look at all the other OTs that we apparently didn't even attempt to sign... Free from Dallas and Yanda from Baltimore just to name a couple... Nothing says that you have to wait on Clabo like we did while he took our offer back to Atlanta to match... We would have had to overpay ANYONE to come here but when you are sitting on over 30 million in cap space you can afford to overspend abit - especially at a critical position... Clabo was hardly the only up and coming young player out there....
  11. Yeah, in fact, since Fitz and Freddie won't be around to see them get good, Let's just cut or trade them too. They're only mid level not high end players....
  12. Hey, we've been building for what - 11 years now. What else is there????
  13. Does anyone know how much money the Bills receive currently from the network tv deals and any revenue sharing that may currently be in place? We know the cap is 120 million with no minimum this year or next meaning Ralph can spend as little as he likes...
  14. I may just sit back for a while and let you try to convince these idiots of how bad our OT's are. I am starting to get tired of the same idiot arguments I read on the various threads here... Looks like another -Long season- ahead... And afterwards we'll hear about "if we only didn't have all these injuries..." 6-10 that is where this team is headed...
  15. The trouble with that argument is that if Nix knows RT is a weakness why didn't he make offers SIMULTANEOUSLY to the top 4 OT's available (I liked Yanda who can play G/T supposedly, as well as Doug Free from Dallas - Pick your 4th best Willie Colon?) The 1st one that signed would automatically cancel our offers to the other three... Buddy instead allowed himself to be played... The Four offers wouldn't necessarily be for the same amount of money or years but only the 1st guy who agrees gets the money...)one of them would've taken the money...
  16. Start facing reality. This team hasn't made the playoffs in over a decade and it ain't happenong this year either! What you call "negativity" I call OBJECTIVITY... Maybe you need to "Get A Life"...
  17. Here's the link - http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/columns/jerry-sullivan/article509147.ece and here is the Quote: The Bills don't spread out signing bonuses over the length of the contract on their own books. They count the entire bonus in the year it was paid out. Yet they've been at least $10 million under the salary cap the last three years (there was no cap last season; they were $11 million under the '09 cap).
  18. Clabo is/was generally regarded as the best, Free 2nd best, Yanda is another young up and coming player... And if Nix is such a smart football guy How did we end up with Cornell Green last year?? Everyone knew he sucked at the time... I like Gailey and would like him to have a chance with a real team not this bunch of has beens and never will be's... But Nix hasn't shown me much at all. Building through the draft is fine but Good Teams supplement the draft with free agency. Simple math tells you that assuming you could draft 3 starters every single year (and how many times have the Bills actually done so?) but assuming that you could consistently do so, if would take you 7 years to replace your entire starting lineup. What is the avg career of an NFL player? But some people tell themselves that if they complain too much the Bills will just leave, so they keep their silence. And they delude themselves into believing that the trash they are seeing is somehow better than nothing so they go along.... I say enough already...
  19. Not to continue the "Cold Shower" as you put it, but if you just stuck the money paid for those lottery tickets in a jar, you'd be amazed at how soon you would have enough money to take a really nice vacation, or buy that big screen tv that we all lust after... I fully realize that we could lose this team after Ralph's death. But we can't be so afraid to let OBD know that "WE KNOW" that they really aren't trying to win... As Jerry Sullivan said in his article the other day, The Bills haven't been spending up to the cap for three years now... And unlike other teams that amortize the bonuses paid into the future, The Bills apply it to the cap all at once... Also, it is estimated that NFL revenues are expected to nearly double in the next decade. And they couldn't have afforded to make Clabo an offer that he couldn't refuse? Like 7.5 million or even 8 if that's what it would have taken??? Or they could have made offers to three or four OT's like Doug Free for example... Offer all 4 of em big contracts, but only the first one that signs on the dotted line gets the big payday... then all the other offers are rescinded... There were other NFL caliber OT's out there but by seemingly putting all their effort into Clabo (as far as we know), I'd argue that Nix blew it and let himself get played...
  20. You idiots have to stop drinking the KOOLAID. Urbik, Pears, and Wrotto were all waiver wire acquisitions. Rinehart was signed from Washington's practice squad. To expect anything out of ANY of these stiffs is simply --DELUSIONAL--. Do you seriously believe that Pittsburgh waived Urbik for no good reason???? Get your head outa your azzz.... As long as you KOOLAID drinkers accept this trash that the Bills front office gives you, all you will get is more of the same.... Bell is already 27 yrs old -- How much more time are you gonna give this guy to prove that he can play COMPETENTLY??? Pears is 29... Quite simply these guys ALL S*CK...
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