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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. I hate to bring this up again, but it comes up again and again. The 061900 time is GMT. That is 2pm EST. All TAF times are GMT. The latest TAF valid at 07000, (7pm EST this evening) is: Winds from the W (260 degrees) at 23 MPH (20 knots; 10.3 m/s) gusting to 40 MPH (35 knots; 18.0 m/s). Not a great difference in velocity, but when reading TAF's, you must subtract five hours from the valid time during EST, or four hours during Daylight Savings Time.
  2. I would be really disappointed if I thought the Bills players cared about the weekly national media that spits out NFL nonsense.
  3. No worries. The Bills under Sean McDermott have a totally accurate 3d model of the stadium. Before the game, they will enter the exact winds into the wind tunnel with the model. There will be no surprises. Josh will be droppin' them in like a Steve Carlton slider.
  4. I think all are "strange." The prevailing winds in the area are from the southwest. The stadium is oriented NW-SE, with the tunnel at the SE side, putting it crosswind to the prevailing wind, and minimizing the effect. The tunnel is ultimately enclosed, so not that big of an aerodynamic deal. I have no idea if it was placed with this orientation in order to minimize the effect of having one direction enjoy tailwind, while the other battles a headwind, but it sure looks that way. Either way, weather systems produce winds from different directions based on the location of the highs and lows, but it looks like the place was oriented with knowledge of these facts.
  5. The 20mph forecast is for a basic open, windsock location. At field level, it should be less, unless they knock down the walls. Less velocity, but less directional consistency.
  6. Our judgement had nothing to do with "choice." It had to do with judging what my wife was carrying was a life, and we treated them that way.
  7. I really get a kick out of these weather posts. I hope the rank and file understand that the original post that included a surface weather depiction chart was for 0000Z, 6 Dec. A simple understanding reveals that the time of that forecast is for 7pm Sunday in Buffalo. Can we wait until at least Saturday night to panic?
  8. It doesn't have anywhere to go because it is obstructed by the structure, same as any other mostly closed in stadium. Having the field below grade makes no difference.
  9. I would like to see an explanation showing how being built sub grade makes it more windy. Nearly 100% of the time, wind is stronger with an increase in elevation from grade. The wind whips around because it is very often windy at that location, and the architecture of the structure, including the tunnel. There are things that could be done to mitigate it.
  10. Nothing is confusing. I stand by what I said, as always.
  11. You quoted two posts, and then referred to the first three sentences "in that post." Since you quoted two I'm not sure which one you were referring two. It seems like the first. If so, those three sentences are accurate.
  12. I'm not interested in whether "any salesman will call." Not in the least. To the point, is it "critical of him" to bring up questions regarding the claims in your first post? There was a bit of misinformation in that, and it caused me to look at the situation, because it made no sense. A statement of fact is, in no way, any critique on his active duty. Great for the guy. No issue from me. Couldn't be happier for him. The narrative then became, as it often does, some false perception. The point is that nobody serves only two years after an academy graduate commission wherein a guy's four years are paid for along with room and board and a modest monthly stipend for other expenses, and I was wondering if he had fulfilled some kind of reserve commitment. I am quite aware of how these waivers are granted, and it would never happen in the other two services, if that's all there is to the story. No problem at all with our receivers coach.
  13. Not sure where you got the idea I was in the Marine Corps. Oh well. The only point I was trying to make was that service academy grads, or any other commissioned officers, incur active duty obligations far beyond two years, including athletic scholarship folks, and second lieutenants don't "command" squadrons. The Air Force uses the term "squadron" on a much broader basis than the other services, but that's not important. The rules used to be strictly enforced, but in the recent past they have allowed those people to apply for waivers. This was done to remain competitive at the D1 level, but not guaranteed. I have never heard of any individual being released after just two year, unless there was a medical condition, so I thought there must be more to the story, ie., a reserve commitment that wasn't mentioned in either the link or the Wiki info. I'm happy for him and pleased that he is successful. That's it.
  14. I am not interested in taking it up with anybody. The link you provided informs that academy graduates can serve in the reserves to fulfill their service obligation. Nowhere does it state that he did so, or is doing so, and he clearly was not a highly recruited high schooler, as it states in the original that he was only offered by service academies. It used to be that the requirement was enforced. Later, as it became obvious that in order to recruit top talent and stay in D1, the service academies would consider waivers. Many are in consideration now. I have served with many, and have never heard of anyone released after a single two year tour. Great for him. No issue here. It's just something I have never heard of, and if the facts are simply those that are presented in this thread, it is a very bad financial idea for our services.
  15. Not really that great of a job. It poses more questions. How does a guy get four years of elite college education at taxpayer's expense, and serve only two years of active duty? In the old days, before a change which allowed Service Secretaries to rule on this kind of thing, Roger Staubach fulfilled his commitment. David Robinson, NBA for all non basketball fans, got a sketchy waiver as he grew too much during his Naval Academy days to permit him to serve in various capacities. The service academies have been allowed various advantages to permit them to recruit in order to compete at D1 level, like not having to abide by the scholarship totals. Still, I have never heard of a service academy grad getting out after only two years without some other issue. The usual commitment is five years active duty and three years reserve, for eight years total.
  16. He served two years as a Second Lt. on active duty in a maintenance organization. That is the most junior commissioned officer rank in the AF. Great guy and seemingly great coach, but he didn't "lead a squadron." It always amazes me how these guys get off active duty so fast.
  17. Super talent aside, I think Josh owes a good deal of his success in the the past two plus years to having Beasley's instinctive play impact tough second and third down situations. He makes the sum of the individual parts of our receiving core better that the individual parts.
  18. I don't want to speculate about what happens in the post season. When Beasley is targeted often, he is an incredibly reliable chain mover who keeps performing on difficult third down plays. I think he is extremely valuable to us if we are to be successful this post season. More so than Knox, who is still growing, Beasley is an incredible positive, impactful component to this offense. Worry about the rest of the stuff in Feb.
  19. Depending on income, Social Security is taxed at the federal level, regardless of state of residence. I would never base my retirement location on the ability to avoid relatively minor state income tax.
  20. And the reunions are great. Spent last Thurs-Sunday at my Navy Aviation Officer Candidate School reunion. Our 45th class anniversary. Did it on Pensacola Beach at the Blue Angels end of season homecoming airshow. Saw the F-35 and F-22 demos as well as the Blues. Had many conversations with guys who were involved in those projects after getting off active duty. Tremendous comradery and great food/stories. Also allowed me to miss the debacle in Jacksonville.
  21. Was my pleasure. Naval Aviator. Two cruises on USS Kitty Hawk. 305 traps (carrier landings). TopGun. Pacific Fleet Adversaries. (The bad guys teaching air combat). A fun way to spend my '20's.
  22. Ya. Right after Clinton moved David Gergen in and First Lady Hillary was slowly pushed out of the policy business. I do live in Virginia and Virginia will be just fine.
  23. I served as an election official in Virginia for six years, and I did the "provisional ballot" thing in our precinct. You are not "required" to have ID. If you don't provide one, you are required to sign a form that states that you are who you claim to be. That ballot goes into the provisional basket, and those are judged and counted if necessary to determine the outcome.
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