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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. Not exercised at all. I really don't care. Not very bright? Thirty-two years in that industry. Twenty seven as a captain, ten of those as a check airman, certifying other captains and first officers on the 757, 767 and 777 around the world for our company. Ya. I really care how a guy on a message board who proposed sending " two US squadrons of fighters/interceptors," to the Ukraine is judging my "brightness."
  2. I am not interested, let alone "exercised." Delta did this. It's not "the airlines," per your claim. Frankly, it is idiotic to restrict people from ever flying because of some mask issue, and would tie up countless, non productive hours and expense of litigation. It's simply crazy. No fly lists exist for serious issues. No problem there. Honestly, based on what you post here, and the the evidence of your depth of understanding of things, I would restrict you from sitting in an emergency exit isle.
  3. Why do you continue to suggest what people are saying without reading what they said? I said what I said and nothing more. I am not familiar with each airline, but I know that the one I worked for has a revenue protection list that prohibits reservations from proven offenders. I doubt that it is shared, nor should it be. If some offense rises to the level of criminal complaint, each airline can determine how it wants to deal with it.
  4. Not saying that at all. Recent passenger behavior resulting in schedule interruptions is an issue, but most of it is covid related. The issue is handled by processes already in place, ie., removal and in more egregious instances, prosecution. We don't need a national policy to have some centralized list of folks who do stupid things, probably only once. Each airline can decide for itself, as they already do.
  5. Yes. Tired of looking for the flag indication on every decent play. Tired of having the sport so determined by injuries. Tired of having player demonstrations at the end of normal plays. Getting tired of players basically saying "I won't play here anymore."
  6. Bad idea. Here's a little inside information. Airlines have their own internal "no fly" lists. They are called revenue protection lists and are populated by known bad actors and certified frauds. No need to go beyond that.
  7. Getting stronger in the offensive line is not going to come cheap this year, not that it ever does. Cincinnati and Miami have the exact same priority, and will be in the bidding. I doubt average talents are going to take pay cuts.
  8. An entirely false premise. We had a choice, and I didn't think it was a good idea, but for reasons that you don't know. Nonetheless, the claim that it was not a unanimous decision by both the Senate, (Joe Biden included), the House and the Executive, having been presented conclusions by the career, professional intel services our country, and others by the way, provided is an escape maneuver designed to hindsight a decision made by all to gain political advantage. Of course the undisclosed reality at the time was that the then present state of affairs was not sustainable, a fact not apparently in your quiver.
  9. I am quite aware of what wasn't found. Cheney "leaning on analysts" does not remove their obligation to provide their best intel analysis, which they did, and which resulted in US and coalition intel services providing the same assessment. Your question about who pulled the inspectors out is meaningless. Saddam didn't have the authority to do it. Of course the many, many violations of the ceasefire agreement, as pointed out in countless UN statements and was the reason for their withdrawal, is evidently not important enough for you to acknowledge. Read UNSCR 1134 - October 23, 1997, submitted years before Bush. As well, turning on anti air defenses against coalition air assets patrolling the no fly zones is evidently OK? And none of that gets to the point of being impossible to simple babysit the lunatic for an infinite period of time.
  10. Absolute nonsense. The intel reports were uniform in conclusion and presented to both House and Senate Committees, as well as the White House. The vote is a historical record. The White House, while probably more leaning to using force, did not generate its own intel, nor the UK's nor anyone else's. I have no animosity towards you, but you seem to be so politically oriented that you are either ignorant of, or deny, reality.
  11. Mr. Sullivan's statement represents a gross disregard for what happened prior to 2003. The US, the UN and coalition governments tried for years to get the ceasefire agreement signed in 1991. Compliance never happened, thus we got to 2003, as babysitting a rogue regime was not going to last.
  12. Webb's first ever images are accessible. As most know, it is using a specific star in Ursa Major, 240 light years away to align each of the 18 mirrors. When directed where to look, each mirror got the star pretty much centered up. The Near Infrared Camera processed them without a problem. Now its a three month task to align them individually so all 18 work as a single unit and they produce one clear and focused image of target bodies.
  13. When that happened to me I called in an airstrike. Some collateral damage, but it solved the problem. The perps never made it trial, so that was good.
  14. I would be in if the Bills played in Munich, unless it was during Oktoberfest, which is a mess I've been there quite a few times, and took the Mrs. there a couple times as part of vacations that included other spots.. I imagine the Germans are smart enough to not schedule an NFL game in Munich during Oktoberfest. I cannot imagine the synergy of Oktoberfest with Bills fans. No survivors
  15. This troop relocation is just a stupid, wasteful exercise. Not enough to mean anything other than get headlines. I would hope we can stop this crap.
  16. I doubt there is anything different in the NFL now than in the last 50 years, other than money. The difference is social media gossip and nonsense. All of these things likely occurred throughout the history of the league, and I never believe a word of this speculative gossip. It's certainly taken on a sleazier vector.
  17. And you think there aren't tens of millions others who don't think the same? Technical analysis, no matter the market, is not some secret calculus. Been tried for decades. If you think that doing it for a "year" somehow makes you "not new," I suggest you are mistaken. I've traded options as a hedge for over 25 years. Your confidence is interesting, but anyone who thinks they are some savant in this is likely to be surprised. Either way.....Good luck.
  18. Goodness. Someone thinks they can retire because they are new to and learning the options/futures/technical analysis world.
  19. A college professor gave me advice when I asked him about which career path, of two available, to choose after graduation, knowing one would be more difficult than the other, but perhaps more rewarding. He advised to choose the more difficult one, which I did. It worked, and provided the greatest professional enjoyment of my life.
  20. If your 401k/403b is invested in equities, the strategy is simple. "Borrow" from it on the eve of a correction, and repay it on the eve of a rally. Couldn't be more simple.
  21. Of course he was against the decision to get Bin Laden. Not that anyone paid attention, then or now.
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