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Everything posted by MarkyMannn

  1. Flutie had 2 TD's yesterday. If he was here, we'd be playing the Colts next weekend. Just kidding!!!!
  2. I went to the Amerks game last week at HSBC. $125 for 8 tickets and parking. The tickets included a hot dog, popcorn, and pop. It was an OK game, although offensive talent is lacking. Still, not a bad deal when considering $125 would get me only 2 Sabre tickets. 6 weeks until Nascar too
  3. I'm sure when they bought those tickets 2-6 months ago it wasn't a meaningless game. Here is what I would like to know. Don't home teams send a number of tickets to the visiting team for them to sell to their fans willing to travel? I know at one time they did, but I'm not sure that practice is current. My point is if we sent 10-20,000 tickets to Pittsburgh, well we shouldn't have done that Felt like I was at a Sabres-Leafs game, outnumbered............
  4. How many tickets did they send to Pittsburgh? Had to be 20,000 Steeler fans at the game. In 204 I was really outnumbered. Felt like a Sabre fan at a Leafs game. The Bills shouldn't sell that many tickets to the opponent, keep the "home field" addvantage intact. God, I would have loved to hit the Steeler fan behind me too. Cocky SOB.....
  5. Hell yeah! I believe Lindell's miss was one of the major turning points of the game. Was it the only clutch kick he was asked to make all year? This was one game where you needed Drew to show up and win it. "D" gets a TD, and Willis does the first TD all by himself. Drew does nothing until Pitt goes prevent. Bledsoe won't get it done next year, and with basically a rookie in JP, we will struggle next year to again make playoffs. That's a shame with almost the whole roster returning
  6. Buff News said this morning Steelers had no sacks the last 3 games. No doubt we WILL be tested though
  7. Weather.com say 47 with 20mph winds, rain thoughout the game. Wind chill about 35. I'm leaving West Seneca for the game in a little bit
  8. You know the Bills are in good shape, with just Pat W and Jennings the only key players that are UFA's. I think Pat W can be signed reasonably and I would think he wants to stay here with his auto detailing business. Jennings is a tough one. In my mind, he is like a slightly better than average LT who fights injury problems. So I would not want to spend a lot of money on him. Still, to upgrade the position to a Pace or Jones would cost a fortune in cap space. This is where Tom D gets to show his football smarts
  9. I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion.........exploitation of salaried people was my point
  10. I like your view, Spidey. When my company was sold, we had to conduct a physical inventory. Of course it was to start after first shift Friday, and go thru the weekend until it was done. Of course, being salary, I got "drafted" for this pleasure. So we have a handful of warehouse people, mostly to run fork-lifts, and a lot of salary people counting. Some of the salary people, it was the first time they ever got close to our product. They were no help. Management wanted salaried people for this as they got their inventory done for free. Didn't have to pay any one. 30 hours later we were done. The CFO called from home every hour for like the last 12 hours, "are you done yet?" You know what I remember most? I'm in a warehouse aisle with a hourly guy. I'm counting like crazy because I want to get out of there. The other guy pulls out a box of like 5,000 one cent parts. The whole box is worth $50. He sits down in the aisle, dumps the box on the floor, and starts counting one at a time. I tell him to weigh measure them, it will be done instantly. He says he doesn't care, he's getting a ton of OT $$$. 30 minutes later he is still counting, I call over to him "what time is it? He says 10:15, and resumes counting 1016, 1017, 1018, 1019............I thought to myself, OMG, I'm never getting out of here
  11. Gee, I thought the election thing WAS the WORSE
  12. Amen, SDFan. Here's my whole problem with the corporate attitude, and I experienced it first hand working for a Tyco subsidiary, the epitome of greed. Corporate America wants you to suffer in the bad times, which most of us can understand. But Corp Am won't share with you in the good times either, and still tries to keep you down. So when a company like USAir says help me, that's why workers say "screw off". Still, the kicker is that it can come back at you if the airline folds and you loose everything. Corporate-Labor high stakes poker
  13. You're 1/2 right. The Galleria did in the Thruway mall. But the Galleria does have the "element". A lot of kids with "attitudes" there
  14. Is that was was the Savage up until last year? Are you a first time rider?
  15. OK, that's fair. I would say a 3rd rounder tops. He hasn't played in a year basically, has some injury history & smaller backs careers go quicker. With free agency, why trade much of anything when you can sign for free whoever you want
  16. How many TD catchs would Moulds have if he played on the Colts?
  17. I don't understand the whole purpose of this thread. The Bills are playing great one game from the playoffs, and you bring up TH? How many games did the Bills go without a running TD before Willis came in? What was it, 10, or 14 or some number like that. If TH can get a lot more yards with NE, Willis could get 1,000 more than him, if you want to speculate. And the fact is, TH DOESN'T play with NE, and had his chance to do it here. He didn't. Willis steps in with the same cast, and racks up the yards. If Willis started the whole season, he may have more yards than Dillon. Maybe then people in Boston papers would say, "if Dillon played for Buffalo, how many yards would he have?". What were you looking to accomplish with this thread?
  18. Rams at home against the Jets without their best pass rusher, Abraham. StL could do it for this game. It won't be easy for either team though. Does Indy have anything to play for against Denver? I suppose if they win, they go play a lower seeded team Don't overlook this Steeler team, I don't see Cowher as the type to roll over. Bills are REALLY going to be tested Sunday
  19. This thread made me realize the same thing. How can we remember this stuff, and I have to re-play Bills games Sunday night so I can recall what happened in the afternoon? I'd like to think I'm still a little young for being senile
  20. I was at the first game ever @ Rich Stadium, against the 'Skins, the 'Skins return the opening kick-off for a TD. Hoped that wasn't an omen.
  21. Bona's Bob Lanier would come to our house to visit the tenant upstairs, his good friend. He was so tall he could look right into our kitchen window and he would yell to my Mom "cooking smells good tonight". Myself and a friend would go upstairs and hang with him for a little while each time. Damn that guy had some shoes on him! My Dad used to panic about what the neighbors would think with this 7' black guy coming to our Cheektowaga house. I think his first contract Bob L could buy out the whole block. It's funny to think back about that now
  22. Talking about the old Rockpile War Memorial...........you'd park your car and the neighborhood kids would come up and say "watch your car for a quarter". You'd give them the money and they'd walk away! Cheap insurance I guess as otherwise you're probably looking at 4 flat tires after the game. By the time the baseball Bisons were playing their last games there the price was up to $5. Talk about inflation!!!!!!!!
  23. To this day, nobody was better than Curt Gowdy. Just liked his style
  24. Sorry I'm on a roll here. Not any particular game, but when OJ was here. At the game or at home, any time he was loose in broken field situations, everyone would stand up all excited because there was always the chance he was going to break it all the way. If there was one guy left in front of him, that was as good as 7 points because that defender had no chance. The other thing about OJ, NO ONE ever caught him from behind Buffalo fans should recall in the 70's Buffalo had arguably the greatest athletes in 3 of the 4 major sports. OJ, Gil Perrault, and Bob McAdoo. That was a great time
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