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Bills of Boston

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Everything posted by Bills of Boston

  1. Agree on all of those needless to say.... Add in Jarvis Jones OLB from georgia
  2. Brian Kelly coach of my beloved Fighting Irish loves to run plays quickly, much like a jr version of Oregon.. but he doesn't have the guys in south bend that do that as their strength and he adapted. How's that working out Chan?
  3. Oh trust me, if we lose on Thursday.. I agree with you 100%
  4. Seriously, the mood here is going to be drastically different depending on what happens Thursday night Bills dolphins @colts jags Colts @ pats Bills @lions is it crazy to think we could be a game out in 2 weeks?!.. yeah probably, but with two straight wins, I think its go-time... hopefully we don't see any 3rd stringers along the way...
  5. Well right, no one is saying its THE #1 issue or pain any of us deal with, but on a Bills message board talking about the Bills causing "devastation" is in its rightful place.
  6. Living in Boston really builds character with losses like this.
  7. Funny story and its not one of those a friend of a friend of a friend of a friends sister type deals.... A good friend of mine is the bartender at the 901 ( referred to as the 9 -oh) bar in LA, its THE Usc bar and he wears his stevie J jersey every Sunday.. Barkley walks up and says, the bills are my new favorite team, I root for them every sunday, my buddy.. not missing a beat goes, do you just root for them so they can't draft you, Barkley chuckles and doesn't answer.
  8. I need to leave this site until this conversation disappears.. its too tough to deal with. The year we started 0-8 or so, and EVERYONE thought Luck was coming out... I really can't continue this. haha Oh well
  9. The best thing, as simple as it sounds is that we don't control an ounce of it on the field. With that said, when we were 0-8 or whatever it was a few years back.. you bet your a$$ I was HEAVY QUOTES "rooting" for a loss. It doesn't make me less of a fan, its whats best for the team going forward. But a slippery slope because of all the energy and emotions the great fans of this team put forward 365 days a year (give or take a few Monday temper-tantrums).
  10. If you don't go to the game.. go to The Harp (bills backers bar right across the street from the Garden). It is about 30 minutes from Foxboro, but far and away best place to watch the game.
  11. True, we do have two weeks to prepare..... so does Houston
  12. At least he produces this gem of a fantasy team name.. Skittles Taste Dwayne Bowe
  13. Also a die-hard Red-Sox fan. Born in RI and live in Boston now. There is truly nothing like it. Was in the stands game 7 vs the Yankees in 04 and I can honestly say (i'm not married yet) it was the best night of my life. That of course is take with a little grain of salt but as die-hard sports fans know.. that night was surreal in every sense of the word.
  14. Before I get crucified for mentioning the Jets/Sanchez (I DO NOT WANT SANCHEZ).. I loved the Jets model for building their team. They took care of the DL/OL etc etc and then put a rookie QB (sanchez) in and were pretty successful right away without the running game we have at the moment. In my eyes the Bills have been doing that in some sense since Nix got here and this coming draft could and hopefully should produce our QB for next year and beyond. Let's just hope that in the top 2, a team like the Rams of this year lands the pick and is willing to trade out and not two QB hungry teams. Of course #2 pick could be anywhere in top 10 but I just used it as a reference for when Qb's went this past draft.
  15. I'd ask to get this autographed... (saw at Ravens game in Baltimore 2010)
  16. Isnt it terrible that the first thing I thought when I heard he had died due to gunshot was.. I bet it was suicide and he shot himself in the chest (for further research etc) Good for Goddell, his head's in the right place.
  17. No harm in this... far better than any of our backups... this is one of those things to NOT worry about
  18. The worst part about the draft is arguing with fellow Bills fans who the pick should be... once it happens we will all be happy (most likely) that we shored up another weakness on either side of the ball and will be one step closer... Looking forward to tonight!!
  19. It is officially set to be released just before the draft right?
  20. ehhh... well I guess if thats the only negative thing of the offseason we are doing alright..
  21. http://twitter.com/#!/UniWatch/status/187205624642277376/photo/1
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