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Bills of Boston

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Everything posted by Bills of Boston

  1. almost here.. http://espn.go.com/espn/page2/index?id=7769089
  2. For arguments sake If Blackmon is a talent like AJ Green, you wouldn't trade the 2nd rounder to move up?
  3. There isnt one word in this I would change. And IMO everyone should be on board with this.
  4. Listening to Pats fans is beyond annoying in these parts. If they lose a player, he's overpaid and whomever they sign.. "In Bill we Trust." Their football analysis ends at "GRONKKKKK"
  5. Can anyone else ever remember feeling this excited every time they get an official Bills text... every time I used to get them all I could do was cringe and think.. ughh what now
  6. Even the little things matter... he left Baltimore yesterday to meet with us and signed within 24 hours.
  7. Also used to be teammates with Mario.. that cant hurt
  8. Lot of rumors around here the Pats might be in play and use him in varying roles (i.e. not QB)
  9. There are no words... congrats to everyone on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I just had to interview someone.. cut it pretty short to hop back on... come on boys... (kid had no shot anyway)
  11. As far as john dennis goes.. Id be more than happy to call him tomorrow am if this happens.. he's on 6-10am if anyone feels so inclined (would be amusing)
  12. Productivity in Boston is pretty low on my end as well... had wgr on the phone at lunch, looked like a real d-bag #BillsMafia
  13. If this happens... everyone on here treat themselves to a 6 pack tonight
  14. I appreciate the tidbits from La Canfora but in all honesty, we are going to get any and all updates on this board before he does with WGR etc on 24/7 watch
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