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Everything posted by richNjoisy

  1. Yes, my "expertise" comes from cop/law shows but , having said that (ha!), "premeditated" is subjective but only to a point. My example of this would be when one puts a gun to someone's head close enough to leave powder burns (I have no evidence that this is the case except a report that it was "execution style"), then a prosecutor could then say the act was premeditated (I mean, what does the gunman expect will happen when he pulls the trigger on a gun at that range (aka zero inches))? Still - I believe you are correct that murder 1 is premeditated.
  2. Also, the authorities may simply have been reporting the "kill" shot. First off, if a person has two wounds and one is to the head, the head shot probably was the cause of death. Next, the authorities always limit what they inform the public prior to trial.
  3. If Aaron pulled the trigger and it was a close range head shot as is being reported, how could this not be 1st degree? "But, Mr. Judge sir, I didn't mean to kill him when I pushed the gun up against his head and pulled the trigger!" "It was an accident"
  4. Latest report is that no arrest warrant issued (at least yet) I can't post the link - go to CNN, and then slide over to Sports and then report on Hernandez probe
  5. Update - could be he won't be available for the Bills-Cheatriot Home Opener. http://bostonherald.com/sports/patriots_nfl/new_england_patriots/2013/05/rob_gronkowski_faces_4th_surgery
  6. Congrats Tom! Rich n the Rev got their donation in under the wire!
  7. I am sure Stevie can provide him the mature leadership ummmmmmm well, let's start again: I am sure Stevie can show him how to have "fun" without using drugs to have it, There, that works. I think
  8. QB Geno Smith - Eagles WR Cordarelle Patterson - Rams TE Tyler Eifert - San Francisco (Trade up to get) OT Luke Joeckel - Chiefs Dion Jordan - Jaguars
  9. you heard right.....originally it was reported to be today (not officially by the NFL but it was scheduled on the NFL Channel). Yesterday, the NFL said "oops" and hinted it might take another 1-2 weeks. Then suddenly, something burped and ta-daa! Thursday.
  10. NFL schedule to be released on April 18th http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000160204/article/nfl-to-release-regularseason-schedule-thursday
  11. If he can pass a physical, he did have a pretty good 2011 season (94 tackles)
  12. I am just glad it is the other foot. Fix up foot number 2 and "presto" a healthy Kyle. So one can hope.....
  13. From profootballtalk link: Cold water being dashed on reports of NFL-NFLRA agreement Posted by Darin Gantt on September 26, 2012, 1:24 PM EDT AP As if on cue, the brake-pumping has begun. With the first wave of reports that a deal between the NFL and locked-out officials was close, next comes the wave of reports saying “Not so fast.” Sports Illustrated’s Peter King just tweeted: “NFLRA negotiator Scott Green has notified officials that a deal is not imminent.” That dovetails with the NFL Network’s Albert Breer’s report this morning, which acknowledged progress but noted substantial differences on the pension issue. Perhaps the truest words of the last hour were uttered by NFLPA executive director DeMaurice Smith, who also took to Twitter. “Having done this before, everyone needs to wait until the ink is dry.” Again, all signs point toward this thing being finished, and perhaps soon. Our long, national nightmare is almost over. But as we approach the finish line, the urge to mark territory runs strong in the media, and sometimes needs to be curbed.
  14. A few numbers from last year: Moorman was 18th in total punts, 21st in net yardage, 5th in gross, 24th in inside the 20, 30th in fair catches, and had the most touchbacks. He was tied with a lot for having 1 punt blocked. pretty poor numbers I'm afraid.....
  15. Peter King just picked the Browns to win and raved about their run defense especially D'Qwell Jackson. Of course, the Bills may lose - I have not problem with that part of his prediction but his raving about the run part is inconsistent with the Review here (#2 Defense Summary) which does not rave and, in fact, says we will likely get 3 yards plus per run. Anyone else have a feel for the Browns run defense?
  16. I noticed a ton of "moving picks" (offensive pass interference) not being called. I did not notice any ref bias which is WAY more of a worry to me - in my opinion, as long as the refs are consistent in their non calls (or vice versa), then at least that is fair. If, picks are not going to be called by the way - that helps those teams with spread formations and the like......like, umm....m the Bills!
  17. Thanks RTB - interesting - Again, you and BillsFanMD DID answer my questions - "uncertainty" (or as you put it, RTB, "there is a risk of reinjury" and "he will be likely dealing with this...") is better than, "he is definitely at high risk of reinjury" etc etc. Wait and see and hope. Go Bills!
  18. From your post, Captain, I assume that means you did not have surgery. One would THINK the point of having surgery is to accelerate healing rather...in other words, the doctors chose to perform surgery on him which MAY have meant his injury was worse than yours was Captain H but still they must have done it to make him better. That said, thanks BillsFanMD for your professional opinion. My own experience and observation is the same as the Captain's but I have never had surgery nor known anyone who has had it. I also didn't have a zillion personal trainers nor was my LIFE playing sports. So, one would figure the recovery process would be different for many reasons for a first class athlete. You clearly read what my question was: Can one GET BETTER and still be extremely active? My take on what you said is that one CAN get better....was I correct in that assessment? Us weekend athletes who have had groin issues learned that only non activity for like forever heals the damn thing. -RnJ
  19. We usually have a few physicians on this board. Steve Johnson had offseason surgery on his groin and stated recently he is "at 90%". This obviously means he is feeling something still (pain?Tightness?) when he makes certain football maneuvers. My questions are: 1.) How confident can we be it won't get worse? Is worsening LIKELY, more likely, or simply "possible"? 2.) Would the Bills be wise to not use him much or at all until he is 100%? What is your unseen diagnosis doctors? Thanks and Go Bills! -RichNJoisy CNJBBB
  20. I agree with Captain Hindsight - More specifically, close game but then Jets implode in 2nd half...... Bills 30 - Jets 10
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