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Everything posted by richNjoisy

  1. I know this has been argued a lot but I still can't get it into my head where the "line" is between a player who can play Guard and a player who can play tackle. Is it arm length? Strength? Body size? Balance? Plus - I take it even the most staunch advocate for drafting a tackle way before a guard - HAS to have a point where an extremely gifted guard is better than a mediocre tackle. So, to the guard advocates - how good is DeCastro and is there some point where even HE is a better option at tackle than some other player that is more natural at the tackle position? The argument here from the "tackle" people (such as Kaenon I assume) is that Reiff and Martin are much better tackles than DeCastro at tackle AND are much better tackles than Levitre at tackle too (right, Kaenon? I don't want to put words in your mouth). My own position is to draft the best player available if within reason (such as, no kickers in the 1st round). If Decastro is head and shoulders better than anyone else...I am all for drafting him even if it is a position of strength. I am sure this is where my opinion is quite different from the "tackle" people but I would prefer to draft the best players and fill in with best available at position of need (draft or FA) rather than let that great player slip to another team. So, I am fine with drafting DeCastro at 10. My 2 cents
  2. Bills awarded seventh-rounder (No. 251 overall) I have seen this as well
  3. well, "kelly", this thread is definitely one reason you have to ask yourself, "why did I even bother"? sigh In any event, Enjoy the draft. I will!
  4. I totally agree but I would use the word "exasperated" rather than "interesting". This is a multi billion dollar industry (I'd ask myself) so why can't they figure this out? Dozens of times every year I can within seconds tell if a play needs reviewed but the refs/coaches don't know? All each needed was one idiot (like myself) sitting and watching the game with a beer in his hand to make the "quick decision" simply by watching REGULAR TV coverage. Here's hoping the league wakes up and smells the coffee on this one. -RnJ
  5. You can't rule out a WR in the 1st - depends on how things fall..... Plus there are still a few decent OT's left in free agency.
  6. Marvelous, Frank - thanks for the read! You touched on a number of my own thoughts and feelings throughout the process last week.
  7. They are covering it on WGR go to wgr.com and click on listen Live
  8. How 'bout working out the minute details of a huge contract?
  9. Been there, done that a few times this morning. And 22 kids dead in Belgium this morning in a bus accident. (Just to put things in perspective.....but STILL I can't help it. Oh please oh please)
  10. What do you think? Egad, I am distracted this morning.......... Oh please dear God..... (!)
  11. PTR - several posters are claiming SD offered more $$ - do we actually know what the Bills offer was? Thnx! Mario is BY FAR the most important issue. We sign him - the rest really is just icing...
  12. You Da Man Metzy!!!! Now,,,,,,can you make him sign a contract...pretty please?
  13. Not to mention it being pretty cool that Buddy CLEARLY thinks the Bills are 1-2 players away from being contenders. Bring in Mario and our defense becomes solid - especially with a the decent DE depth in this year's draft. I love Kelsay being permanently back to having his hand on the ground in the 4-3. 1st round pick - especially if the Bills sign Winston, can be a top 10 WR. hoping hoping....
  14. If the Bills sign Mario - the CNJBBB Pres is cooking wings tonight!! (and downing a few brewskis)
  15. Listening in from 'joisy - I agree - it's been a great listen. I agree with Tim that Buddy gives you straight talk . But this will be a competition and even the FO's best offer might not be good enough even if it is the highest. Mario's (if he is the target and I think he is) - in a great position to choose not only how much but where. I believe our main $$ competition will be the Bears. Playing opposite Peppers has got to be an incentive. If the Cheatriots get involved, then it will be taking less money to play there. The Bills , I think, need to outbid the Bears and convince Mario to take it. As to Vincent Jackson - is he worth $13-$14 million? Maybe. -RnJ
  16. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2012/3/8/2854556/buffalo-bills-scott-chandler-resigned love it!
  17. Wow, Dallas' Laurent Robinson ended up with 54 catches for 858 yard and 11 td's last year plus, he's 6' 2" hmmmmmm It is great to see the Bills "close enough" to see if they can make a strategic strike in Free Agency and then - based on their success/failure - to fill the remaining holes and need for depth in the draft. If the reports that Vincent Jackson is going to garner $11 mil+......I'd rather go for Mario at 6 years $100 (trying to limit as much as possible the guaranteed money). Then try to sign Laurent Robinson FA Dallas at WR. He should be obtainable in the 4 year $16 - $20 mil range. Then in the draft, go OT (Martin at pick 10) an then trade up to get DE Whitney Mercilus (or hope he fall to us ). The key Free Agent is Mario in my opinion as he makes EVERYONE behind him better and with Dareus/Williams/Kelsay....egad we'd have a GREAT defensive line.
  18. Of course they have but it has been a while. Takeo Spikes, Sam Adams, Ted Washington, a huge trade for Cornelius Bentley (not a FA pickup, of course) plus smaller signings but significant such as James Lofton, Nick Barnett, the trade for Drew Bledsoe (not a FA pickup, of course) busts but still expensive signings like Langston Walker, Derrick Dockery (oh, Marv) and Geoff Hangartner Buddy Nix has YET to lie - he first made it clear the Bills were on a path to win but it would take time. He said right form the start he would build through the draft and supplement the team with smart additions when the opportunity arose stating specifically that they would not get into bidding wars until they felt the player they were fighting for would be a key addition. Last year the Bills fought hard for Tyson Clabo and , in fact, Clabo turned down less money to stay with the Falcons. Now Nix has SPECIFICALLY stated the Bills would be "aggressive" in fre agency. Based on the choice of the word and the past statements to his position on free agency it is reasonable to assume Buddy WILL go after a marquee player (or two) AND that he thinks the Bills are ready to take the next step - to build the team further by the addition of an expensive free agent. Perhaps Vincent Jackson is that player. I think Mario Williams might be that player. He's the best DE (age, talent) to make it to free agency in years. my 2 cents
  19. We are talking past each other - so o.k., you want him to "ski". I tried to explain why one might not want to test the waters. You don't see that there are risks to doing that. In your mind, all free agents should test free agency. Since that doesn't always happen, do you consider such people foolish for not doing so? I don't for the reasons I have listed. -RnJ
  20. Again, this depends on whether or not you think he is being disingenuous about wanting to stay in Buffalo. If money trumps all, then you are correct. I grant you, it usually does, especially for the young. But if it were ME - I'd be thinking about getting the best deal I can BEFORE going to free agency since it would not be all about the money. I'd want to play for Buffalo and, as long as I felt the offer made was "reasonable" (VERY SUBJECTIVE), then I would agree to the deal and get back to work. Testing the market will probably mean a higher offer but not necessarily. Either way then you (the player) have a hard decision to make (again if you really want to stay) - take the more money or take the Buffalo offer. You also open yourself up to feeling "unwanted" or "not respected" by the Bills since they won't pay as much. Yada yada yada - this gets back to my "How Many Yacht's" question - How much does it truly matter if you are making $7.5 million a year versus $8? (for example). I guess I am up to 4 cents now....
  21. We will never know for sure simply because it is in none of the party's concerned interest to share such knowledge publicly. It is pretty safe to say there is no Gentleman's Agreement - each side has a set of motives - Johnson's - to get the most guaranteed money possible. Bills FO - to pay the least. In between, is the desire for the player to be signed in Buffalo. Prior to the start of Free Agency, they can only talk to each other (or not at all). Waiting until after the 12th has risks for both sides so the Bills MIGHT threaten to pull an offer after the 12th. That is THEIR lone "Ace-in-the-hole". Johnson can threaten to wait until free agency to "test the market". It usually comes down to how many yachts the player wants to ski behind versus how much a team wants to threaten (lowball?) a player with a pulled offer. Waiting until the 12th simply means that's the deadline for the threats to come due. This has sounded cordial so my take on this is the delay is simply understood to be that there is no deadline until the 12th. period. My expectation - FWIW - is that Stevie will agree to a deal before going to free agency - if he truly wants to stay here and the Bills made an offer he considers reasonable. my 2 cents
  22. http://nfl.si.com/2012/02/29/who-might-be-mystery-team-in-robert-griffin-iii-sweepstakes/?sct=hp_t2_a2&eref=sihp Unless there are truly cap implications I do not see, it seems to me the Bills could keep Fitzy around as a placeholder. One HIGHLY doubts the Bills would pull the trigger but it is fun to discuss during the offseason.....
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