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Everything posted by miserable_fan

  1. I wouldn't even put the Bills in the top 5. They're probably between 7-9th in my opinion
  2. It's difficult for a city to embrace a team that doesn't belong to them. Toronto does have some serious Bills fans. Just check out the border after every Bills home game.
  3. Jesus, will you guys ever stop complaining about these CAN games. It is what it is. We don't need threads every 5 minutes to point it out. We ALL think it sucks. And Chandler was stupid for jumping into a VIP section which only a man and his young son were sitting anyway (if I recall correctly).
  4. If you think the atmosphere was bad at the Bills game, you should see how pathetic it is at an Argos game. Like it's been said before, Toronto sport fans bleed blue and white for the leafs only. All other sports are secondary.
  5. Ya, cause the Buffalo media never writes anything negative about the Bills. Ignorant topic.
  6. Manning has the ability to turn ANY football team into a superbowl contender. I don't know why people are surprised that they are winless thusfar.
  7. During the game, I was pissed off at the refs. Claiming the bills always get screwed etc etc but when I think about it in a far less emotional state, I think they reffing was fair. Not good reffing, but fair for both teams.
  8. 1) Toronto is highly populated. 2) Alot of people in Toronto are wealthy. 3) Only one NFL game per year. Might at well charge a premium. Toronto is a gorgeous city, but the football atmosphere is terrible. I live close to Toronto, and I know alot more Pats/Steelers/etc. fans than I do Bills fans, so there are alot of bandwagon fans living in the area. With that being said, there are some intense Bills fans in Canada (myself included) but I think we all prefer traveling to the Ralph. The Rogers centre is a joke.
  9. Such a typical way to lose for the Bills. The refs were a joke, but we choked it away.
  10. 3 points in the 2nd half doesn't help either. Gailey called a terrible game IMO
  11. I don't get how the refs can initially call that an incompletion. That is total bull ****
  12. I don't think Fitz has it today. Our d is looking great. Give Freddy the ball more in the second half
  13. Kickoff. It's worked so far. Plus, I love knowing that we get the ball at halftime, regardless of the scenario
  14. I can't relate, but I just can't comprehend how you could possibly like the Patriots if you're a Bills fan.
  15. I think I will be understanding if we beat Cinci but lose to Philly. If we lose to Cinci, all hell will break loose imo
  16. I get too excited. Standing is just a natural instinct for me at Bills games
  17. I think the Bills are legit, but we're not the 2nd best team in the league right now.
  18. I cant believe I'm saying this, but Fitz outplayed Brady
  19. I thought we would get killed today. Never been so happy to admit I was wrong.
  20. I'll be at home with the family. We're all anxiously awaiting the game.
  21. I enjoy fantasy football as much as the next guy, but I'll gladly take a beating in FF if the Bills can somehow squeek a win on Sunday against the Pats. Even if it's a 2-0 victory.
  22. Well, they have 5 trillion "fans" so I'm sure some of them are bound to have football knowledge. All the Pats fans are complaining about their injuries. I guess they forget that we're missing Easley, Roscoe and McGee. All starters as well. Herndandez is their only big loss really. The O-line will be fine -- Brady will have all day as usual. I really really hope the Bills can pull off a huge upset, but I just can't see it happening.
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