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Rivermont Mike

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Everything posted by Rivermont Mike

  1. What?!! You're looking at film and actually considering what the D is doing?! You stop that right now, Mister.
  2. What's worse is hearing "we've got to get better" over and over again. First runner-up: EJ's assertion (paraphrasing) that the more touchdowns they score, the more games they'll win. That was Losmanian in its stunning simplicity.
  3. Maybe they don't want to open the whole play book in the preseas...oh #%^!, never mind.
  4. Guys...chill. The OP was making a rhetorical point in opposition to all the whiny babies on here crying their "EJ sucks! We're doomed!" nonsense. Calling him retarded is unnecessary.
  5. Maiorana was walked to the cooling tent. Rodak was cramping after writing something positive. It's only the second day with iPads on. They'll be okay.
  6. In his statement he said he was going to be working on things "one day at a time." (Save the Schneider/Ms. Romano quips.) I wonder if part of the court-order is attending a twelve-step program? I hope he gets everything sorted out. Sounds like his physical condition is the least of his worries.
  7. I agree. He's going to get knocked around in the pocket and take some shots when he's running in traffic. I hope that his off-season program involved strengthening his knees, because they are going to take some (intentional, see also Belichick,* Pats*) shots as well. Not direct hits, but fists and forearms as a DL is going to the ground beneath Cyrus' massiveness. Edited: GO BILLS!!!!
  8. What does the conditioning test entail? How does a 300+ pound athlete demonstrate that he's fit enough to take the field?
  9. Arizona is suing a small high school in our area (Appomattox High School) because it says the HS is using its "A." D1 schools are pretty fierce about TM protection. Link: http://www.newsadvance.com/news/local/article_65d557d0-6502-11e3-8a18-0019bb30f31a.html?TNNoMobile
  10. I'll be happy if I don't see the numbers "6" and "10." (Unless the "10" comes first.)
  11. Great way to start the day! Is it time for the season to start yet? GO BILLS!!!
  12. All the drug arrests and drag racing and "searching for a leader" made me nostalgic for that 9-7 season full of yelling, fistfights, and 34 saying we needed an upgrade at QB. We lost the Divisional, and you all know what happened next. One can only hope that out of Wilson's passing, new ownership, Dareus' antics, and a chippy TC, we will see the team coalesce and return to the playoffs. I'm all for a season full of bickering and Ws.
  13. This is a pleasant and invigorating break from the "OhmygodEJisabustrunrunrun!" off-season banter. L times better, actually.
  14. When they changed the name from "Boston Patriots" to "New England Patriots*", the sun actually came up in the East the next morning. There were upset people, but they got over it and now it is a regional team. I'd take the deal, too. That buffalo logo on the helmet will be the enduring connection to Buffalo and the franchise's history. Check the merchandise--most of it either has the buffalo logo on it or "Bills." While they are in the region, whether the geographical name "makes sense" or not is irrelevant.
  15. Here's the rundown on the Lackawanna site, including what is in the ground, how some of it has been cleared, etc. It would be interesting to find out what the cost of cleaning up the rest of the 1,100 acres of former steel plant property would be. There has been more done there than I thought, but there's still some nasty stuff in the ground. Link to the Lackawanna site page.
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